VLS Roulette Forum

Resources => Other Software for Roulette => Topic started by: Kon-Fu-Sed on September 12, 2008, 05:00:00 AM

Title: A tracker (html)
Post by: Kon-Fu-Sed on September 12, 2008, 05:00:00 AM
Hello All,

I read somewhere about someone wishing things in a tracker...

Well, I've written one in JavaScript - run it in your browser.
Here's the download:
nolinks://vlsroulette.com/downloads/?sa=view;id=175 (nolinks://vlsroulette.com/downloads/?sa=view;id=175)
Un-zip (three files) and open "tracker.html" in your browser.

It tracks any or all of the even bets, the columns and dozens.

Here's the instructions:

Select the bets you want to follow by checking the boxes.
May be checked or un-checked at any time. Without loss of data.

Set the number of spins that will be tracked (2 to 111) - this is your "span" of spins.
Enter values or use the up- and down-buttons.
The "span" is always the LAST spins.
Values may be set individually for all bets at any time. Without loss of data.

Click the hitting number on the layout.
Max 300 spins! Then you need to reset.
Use the Cancel-button to cancel the last spin (also repeat).
The output will be re-calculated if there are still at least two spins, otherwise it will be erased.
Use the RESET-button to reset all spins - but NOT your "span"-values.

After TWO spins, this page will be replaced by the output.

The output shows hits and misses in order in a bar (horisontal).
A pair of "even" bets show that bar on top of each-other (for comparison).
The number of hits and misses w/i the "span" are shown in figures.
The % hits and misses w/i the "span" are shown in bars and figures. (how hot or cold is the bet).
The red dots at the top show every 12.5%.
The spins before a complete "span" are %-calculated as if that number of spins is a complete "span".

Please let me know if you find errors. TIA.

Have Fun!
Title: Re: A tracker (html)
Post by: easytiger on June 22, 2009, 08:26:22 PM
Whay cant i view the link??
Title: Re: A tracker (html)
Post by: melanosporuns on June 22, 2009, 08:37:21 PM
Neither do I.