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Why do the "Zoneiphied" systems morph so rapidly?

Started by gizmotron, May 15, 2010, 03:15:49 PM

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Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 01:18:20 PM
ATLANTIS I LIKE IT I LIKE IT I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You have really nailed this thing. You have taken the best of the Zone and Balance of 5 and come up with something that may be even better, UH, DOES IT HAVE A NAME????? How bout NEGATORY BLASTER. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :haha: :lol: :haha:

I was able to build a far better system without much waiting at all required between bets. Fender came up with the notion of having a very rare pattern being the only thing that kills it. Yet they keep thinking that betting right directly at what can kill it is the very best approach. I can see it easily. Now we have an inverted zone that plays single dozens or columns. Next we will get an inversion of that. Eventually the need to wait for triggers will be replaced by an inversion of the triggers. That's was my approach. I use a progression with inverted triggers and limited waiting. It still takes the fairly rare pattern to kill it though. And it does happen, at least once or twice for every 600 spins.  But lately I 've noticed that the opposite of the killing nature is the dominate nature. So I'm morphing into a casual, more relaxed, stepped progression that still has an Achilles heel but is far less destructive. It allows for my goal to be reached while avoiding almost all of the pitfalls.

So how is it that Fender1000 has not morphed in 11 years? Or, for the last three years regarding contraption #5 from beyond Mars. The guy is all over the place with glee. That reaction wreaks of a lack of knowledge of his own beliefs and principles. This whole thing is fresh speculation. It's fun to play with it but I doubt that many people will take these progressions into the real casinos and risk their own money in blind rule based gambling. This excitement from Fender1000 is fishy.


Hi Gizmotron,

It's fun to play with it but I doubt that many people will take these progressions into the real casinos and risk their own money in blind rule based gambling.

Sure, take your point. I can honestly say that I have not played any of the ZONE systems at any online or real casino as of yet; even I hasten to add any of my own variations of it. I certainly would not feel it right at this juncture to risk any real monies until I have done a more thorough testing, and am entirely happy to wait and see for the time being whether it all comes to anything or not before laying down any $$$. I don't mind revealing to you that I am still a little sceptical and cautious about it and still remain to be totally convinced that this is the consistent and long term winning approach it is being presented as. I am trying to validate it, when and as best as I can, as a possible moneyspinner but on the whole despite my feelings and any misgivings I may harbour, I can state that I have not entirely made up my mind as to it's true worth and value in beating the game of roulette.
I'm on the fence on this one. I am sure when the required PROOF, EVIDENCE and TRUTH is laid bare I will be able to make a more balanced judgement and decision and will then be in a position to accept or reject these ZONE postulations once and for all. For now, I am having a little fun "playing around with it" as you commented. I even secretly would like to think that fender HAS actually found a real "roulette beater" to share with us... So I listen and learn and investigate. Time will tell if I am simply wasting my time or not.  :scratch_ones_head:



Quote from: atlantis on May 15, 2010, 03:44:29 PM
Hi Gizmotron,

Sure, take your point. I can honestly say that I have not played any of the ZONE systems at any online or real casino as of yet; even I hasten to add any of my own variations of it. I certainly would not feel it right at this juncture to risk any real monies until I have done a more thorough testing, and am entirely happy to wait and see for the time being whether it all comes to anything or not before laying down any $$$. I don't mind revealing to you that I am still a little sceptical and cautious about it and still remain to be totally convinced that this is the consistent and long term winning approach it is being presented as. I am trying to validate it, when and as best as I can, as a possible moneyspinner but on the whole despite my feelings and any misgivings I may harbour, I can state that I have not entirely made up my mind as to it's true worth and value in beating the game of roulette.
I'm on the fence on this one. I am sure when the required PROOF, EVIDENCE and TRUTH is laid bare I will be able to make a more balanced judgement and decision and will then be in a position to accept or reject these ZONE postulations once and for all. For now, I am having a little fun "playing around with it" as you commented. I even secretly would like to think that fender HAS actually found a real "roulette beater" to share with us... So I listen and learn and investigate. Time will tell if I am simply wasting my time or not.  :scratch_ones_head:


I have a version that I'm convinced works. It just requires a large risk bankroll. I'm searching for a balance between risk and reward that works without waiting for long waited triggers. Fender has found the idea of betting against the very rare pattern. That is his contribution. But in the hands of experts it can become a really good method perhaps.


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 04:14:07 PM
Giz quit the specualtion, have you ever heard the saying. IF IT AINT BROKE, DON'T TRY TO FIX IT...

I've tested just about every system that I could think up. That includes programming them so I had to truly understand how they worked. So I see things very fast and in multiple dimensions of depth within them. That's why I'm the person acknowledging that you have discovered something unique. That's something that WAS unique. This thing is rapidly passing out of your fingers. Your "Zone" is an unworthy form of your own concept. It takes too long and it's pay off is minuscule compared to more advanced versions of the concept.

I gave you your chance to step up and show us your understanding. It's limited. I'm convinced that you just thought this up in the past few months or weeks. You can't conceive of a really practical version. I can, and have several now. It's always been my principle to leave the advanced concepts in the hands of the professionals, who deserve to capitalize first on things like this. So you now know the real reason for keeping it to myself. No excuses or speculations, OK?

QuoteThe Zone in its original carnation is a winner make no mistake about that. A 4loss is its nemesis. And I have met 3 of them in 10 years. I am over the moon because Atlantis is pushing things into areas I never thought of before. He is feeding off what I have presented on here. And may of in fact come up with a better model than I was able to. It just has to survive the next 11 years now lol! No seriously there is something really powerful here.

You don't have to sell me. I know more than you can comprehend.

QuoteI have taken the basic concept of using dozens and columns in conjunction with eachother and bested an RNG casino for 11 sessions now. I AM WINNING REAL MONEY. Okay its only 25p points but I have already made 82 pounds even at that rate. I never thought I would see the day when I could do that. I am still sceptical about raising to serious money. But even at that level I am surprised I am winning so thats a good thing YES! :rtfm: :good: :rtfm:

This disturbs me. After 11 years you are now making chump change with it? Great, have a thrill...


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 04:53:33 PM
Giz for a know it all you don't read too well. I am testing a new idea on an RNG. NOW normally I wouldn't touch them with a bargpole. If you had read the zone thread you would know that. MY NORMAL BETTING ON live wheels IS A MORE SERIOUS AFFAIR WHERE I PLAY 20 POUND POINTS AND WIN OVER A GRAND a week on most weeks.
PROFESSIONALS??? Who are they? Do they exist. I will hazzard a guess that I have more REALTIME experience and true winning than the vast majority of gamblers on the planet. Your assumptions about me being a newbie are as lost as the fully fledged negatives. And when I fly to Vegas in 2012. You can come with me if you like. I will put you up in the best hotel pay for everything. And you know what will be paying for it. Thats right THE ZONE.

If you think you have a better strategy good luck to you giz. When you turn it into real money over several years thats when you separate the wannabees from the real deal. I can and will silence every neg once and for all. In the ultimate fashion when I am ready. I don't do things by halves. When I hit vegas in 2012 I will have a 200,000 powerbase. Thats why I am waiting till I build to that level. And that is the level that will get things going. Where every sceptic on the face of the earth. will sit up and take notice.

Even herb 6 will acknowledge, trust me on that. When I do it its going to make some serious waves. And with the new changes it may be even more effective. Time will tell if Atlantis has indeed strengthenned a strategy. That is close to this so-called grail everyone dreams of. :dance1:

So your conclusions about RNG's has changed now. Great,. Now you want me to like you so much that you will roll out the red carpet for me. That's very cool. Sure, let's get together on the last day of the world in December, 2012.

Sorry about this butt I can't resist, if every septic sits up then things are going to stink. I swear, talking with you is almost as much fun as bona-fiding zoneifiding.


To see is I am very much for real,>>>

But that changes every other day. What you say this week won't be what you're saying next week. You change your rules and your mind so often its impossible to keep up.


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 05:28:54 PM
I don't need you to like me or anything Giz. What I want you and everyother ***SCEPTIC***(OH so sorry for the typos never spell check me post ya know). To see is I am very much for real, and what I say is what I do. It will be july 19th 2012 Giz my 48th birthday. I am not sure about anything regarding RNGS YET Giz. I just know if I went to 10 pound point it will kick into cheat mode. But if I can slip by at 25p points I will still make a tidy sum with the DUAL ZONE idea. :dance1: :agree: :dance1:

That's all fine and dandy. One problem though, I'm not a skeptic. Your grand plan will long since pass into the archives of oblivion by then anyway. It's because we are going to clean out the casinos long before then.  Are you getting any of the clues yet? Someone else is going to take your idea to the bank and I doubt that even crumbs will be left for you. I know it's a crummy deal but that's just how things work. So pat yourself on the back. You came up with it. That's what you get for publishing the idea in public. You get a few thank you acknowledgments.

Oh, by the way, thanks.


>>for every 1000 people that come to know of this strategy. You will be lucky if even 1 ever uses it PROPERLY!>>

How come you aren't one of the hundred? You seem as confused or more confused about it than most people here are.


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 05:53:58 PM
Giz you think you know it all but, you know LITTLE OF HUMAN NATURE. Remember the 1 in a 100 I spoke of? Don't you know how true to life that is. You go ahead and tell as many people as you like about the zone ANY STRATEGY. And see how many of them will even paper test it. Most people want something for nothing. They want you to hand it to them on a plate, BUT EVEN WHEN YOU DO, uh! They have to actually take it and make it work for them. Haven't you heard Giz. ITS TOO MUCH LIKE HARD WORK.
You see you don't know it all really. PEOPLE want something FOR NOTHING. But, What they don't realize is even with GAMBLING you have to work damn hard (at least innitially) TO MAKE IT WORK. And thats why I KNOW FOR SURE, for every 1000 people that come to know of this strategy. You will be lucky if even 1 ever uses it PROPERLY!

You shouldn't need reminding of this Giz, if you are half as well informed as you claim... :rtfm:

Don't get upset, you should at least rate a statute next to Bugsy Seigal. I can teach my version of it to every idiot on planet earth, in one simple set of instructions. I could be your publicist. I can get you on Oprah. After I tell everyone how to beat Roulette they will want to know the whole story. That's where you get to come in. It's all good.

You must be kidding about human nature, right? Have you ever heard about a gold rush?


. I have handed him the closest thing he is ever likely to see to the so-called grail. Yet he is too lazy, jaded whatever to even test it properly. >>>

Yawn. I'm waiting for the short version to come out in Readers Digest, after Gizmo has closed all the casinos with it and and sent you your 1% finders fee.

The Spiders Kiss

Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 06:17:15 PM
ISome are inhabitted by open intelligent people. :

Which ones are those then mate??? Would be kind of fun to join one!!!


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 06:17:15 PM
I don't want recognition Giz you have that all wrong. I want the truth out there about how BEATABLE this wheel with 37 numbers actually is. For too long math nerds have been lying to and mis-leading people about this game. Uh, nope don't go there bud nobody beats roulette longterm. WRONG!

Oh, this is a crusade. It's all about "Roulette justice." Yes, I'm claiming that one. I just coined a phrase. A very meaningful phrase too.

Mr J

*AGAIN*......why care what others think?? You press it (Zone) like you are in sales. People can rip apart my 'ideas', big deal, I dont get offended.  Ken


Quote from: fender1000 on May 15, 2010, 06:38:41 PM
Now you are on the right wavelength. Its about time the TRUTH was known about this game. IT EASY TO BEAT WHEN YOU KNOW HOW. Again only a small minority will get that. But thats my aim to increase awareness of this. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Well you got me. I just want to testify!  8)

Mr J

@Fender >> Can you answer my above question.  Ken

Mr J
