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Herb's (Snowman) Testing of my computer

Started by Steve, July 28, 2010, 11:33:52 PM

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Nathan Detroit

I  I were  an AP player I would  see no reason to blabber AP information  about the internet  for the  competition  ( casinos) to see :diablo: just to satisfy the  curiousity of a few people  who  would  not have the balls  and  bankroll  to  begin with .  :ok:




Exactly.  In most cases there is not much harm done in circulating a roulette system since they are not changing your profits anyway. In this case though, there is some info that not even the casinos is aware of. If they were, they would act on them and they don`t.  So basicly it stay in flames.


QuoteSo basicly it stay in flames.

No argument here. It beats me why Snowman would ever consider publishing such information, although I'm grateful that he did. Systems don't work, this does.

By the way kelly, I like your blog. You seem to be pretty relaxed about posting this kind of stuff online (no criticism intended).

Mr J

"You all hate hime because he keeps coming at you with the house edge" >>> I dont hate the guy. I think he's nuts but I hate nobody.

"most of you guys only knows snow from these message boards and not as someone who has been in advantage play for several decades" >>> As I stated earlier, why do some of you AP guys keep looking for validation from others?  ;D I find it funny that you guys act covertly in terms of posting *BUT* want to be recognized at the same time, it makes little sense.

Nobody is stopping you guys. Go do your studying, charting and whatever else you do. Have a blast with it, I dont care. I say good luck to ALL people playing roulette, regardless of how you play. I know, I know....people that use AP dont rely on luck blah blah blah. I heard it 100 times before.  Ken


Mike if you look at my log im not revealing anything specific on locations, except like Bayswater in London for example because its a waste of time there.  Its another thing posting where you CAN play, I wouldn`t in my wildest dreams do that.  

J, what I wrote about snow is something he wouldn`t post by himself and we haven`t been in contact for several months so there are no plans as you suggest on GG.  You seem somehow intimidated by AP, it has been some kind of crusade for you,  You even put it in your profile.  I just find it somehow funny that you all doubt his existence in AP when I know that he has possibly been in that game somehow 20 years longer than I have.  Like I wrote, you don`t know simply because you haven`t been in that game so long and not been in those circles, some on these boards haven`t even seen the inside of a casino yet, so yeah you are excused, you can`t possibly know snow,  when all you do is be on these boards.  

Its not meant in a negative manner but you rule him out of AP without knowing what you talk about and you won`t see snow start to give you a lecture in 3 decades of casino life even though he could.  You don`t know that, but I do and I know it, NOT, because snow told me but because I have a big puzzle of real life names where snow happens to know people I have never even mentioned.  
All im saying is basicly that you don`t know what you are talking about when you talk about snow and AP, but you are a net freak so you are excused.


cheers kelly!  :thumbsup:


I don't know why you feel the need to antagonise Snowman, you should be kissing the guy's arse, he knows more about how to win at roulette than probably anyone else in the world, he's made a good living from the game his whole life and has never done anything else (so I've been told). He obviously doesn't care very much about posting on internet forums because he's too busy finding those wheels and milking them. I don't know about you but I'm interested in winning, not indulging in some kind of pissing contest. If you can win with systems then good luck to you, it doesn't make any sense to me but I'm not going to convince anyone anymore that it's a waste of time. People learn in their own good time, or maybe never.

Mr J

"I don't know why you feel the need to antagonise Snowman" >>> Nice try.


For the record my problems with snowman are:

1. avoidance of providing shipping address for my computer - anyone can see he avoided it. If he didnt want to test it, he should have just said so instead of telling others "yeah yeah I'll test it I'm waiting for stefano". But instead he just kept stringing along. why? who knows, but it's not right. In the end he gave me an ultimatum to remove ken as mod or he wont do any testing. That was pathetic and I wasnt interested in continuing his games. Clearly he wanted to avoid it all while claiming he wasnt.

2. Denial of receiving my account name - I know I sent it, more than once. For sure he would have received it. Then he denied it, and when I sent it again and again, he refused to acknowledge it. Everyone here saw it. It seems the guy loves to play games.

3. Repeated breaking of forum rules

The others dont like him because of his arrogance and condescending tone. While that quality isnt admirable, that's not what concerned me.

Kelly, he may be a great bias player, but bias is far from the best method to beat roulette - quicker, more practical, more effective. Very few of my players bother with it - comparatively a waste of time. I'm not debating he has solid knowledge of it, just that in my experience players that bother with bias just dont know what else is possible.


Quote from: Mike on October 31, 2010, 03:46:08 PM
cheers kelly!  :thumbsup:


you should be kissing the guy's arse, he knows more about how to win at roulette than probably anyone else in the world

LOL!  According to Herb he's good looking and has a 12" Johnson too, you forgot to mention that.


Im not saying bias is gives the highest edge but there are goods and bads. Bias play is hard to disguise, but it can be camouflaged so its not so ovious, usually it costs edge. VB/Computer play can easyli be shut down with early NMB, which won`t affect bias play.

I only wrote what i did, because i know that he is the real deal and NOT because he said so and because ken simply don`t know what he talks about on that subject.

Knowing how secretly he operates  i was also amazed that he went along with your projects, knowing that it would require some personal details from him that  he would never give out. But i don`t think he thought about that when he said yes. Never mind, none of my business.

Mr J

"Knowing how secretly he operates" >>>  :suicide:


Bombus that wasnt very nice..

Regarding the online casino challenge, just confirming it is still on. After constantly asking him a million times, Herb finally stated he had the account name. What concerns me is:

Herb was banned from vls before I was admin, and now he is banned again. He would have been banned earlier, except we had unfinished business which bought him temporary tolerance to his poor behavior, but includes unprovoked attacks against ken, frivolous threads, and modification of honest polls that made it clear that as far as the members here are concerned, Ken should remain as moderator. I have nothing personal against him, but he really is quite immature and arrogant. As for his knowledge of roulette, as I said previously, he may know bias analysis, and in my experience bias players are as such because they're not aware there are far better - more accurate and practical, methods to beat roulette.

Now because Herb is incredibly untrustworthy, I'm looking for someone else to be as a backup - in case I complete the online casino challenge, and Herb wants to continue his childish games. So I want there to be at least TWO people that know the online casino username for the account that has all the transaction history. Bago says he'll only accept Herb as a witness, but this is because he know Herb is no longer involved. Its a convenient excuse.

The candidate / witness need only be well known to NOT be me, and has nothing to lose or gain from checking basic account history and verifying everything in the account - they must be honest. Also the person should not be a dickhead - I'm tired of dealing with them. I'll leave members of the forums to nominate who would be suitable.

Another option is I release an encrypted files that contains the account name, then at the end, everyone will know what it is - which I wouldnt have been able to change. This file will be released to say 5 or so well known forum members. Then when I'm done, I release the password to the document so people can see the account name.

As for when I'll get the challenge done, I have a lot of work to do with the upcoming public demo on 13th November, so will resume in the week after. Before then we should have organized a solution to the above.


I`ll volunteer but only on these conditions;

1. I get the account name/details that verifys that it can only be this specific account we are dealing with before you start.

2. I extract the log myself from the casino when you are done and has removed your money. 


Don't be surprised if Steve doesn't answer till Sunday, he's usually gone from Thursday night till Sunday night.

