VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Roulette & Gambling framework => Topic started by: Boo_Ray on May 27, 2008, 12:49:16 PM

Question: Do you think roulette is beatable?
Option 1: Yes, with mathematics votes: 31
Option 2: Yes, with physics votes: 20
Option 3: Yes, with your own predictions votes: 25
Option 4: No votes: 9
Option 5: Not sure votes: 17
Option 6: Yes, by first beating yourself votes: 22
Title: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Boo_Ray on May 27, 2008, 12:49:16 PM
And by beatable, I mean that when u walk out with profit every time..
I started a pool because I am not sure what other people think about roullete..

If any1 thinks that this thread is about spam..moderators just delete the post..
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: admin on May 27, 2008, 05:07:04 PM
To me it is a beatable, but leaving out every session positive is a bit unrealistic (some sessions just never turn to be in the plus, not even +1). Even the best players having the long-term possitive edge can have a session from hell.

The gist is to overcome the losses with enough wins; and yes, with those boring grinding systems, there's a chance in my humble opinion. But they aren't appealing, as the invested time vs unit ratio plain sucks.

For instance, this is a grind:

(Flat-betting for short-term balance at the even chances, waker methodology + ideal-value play).

It is tempting to "go wild" and use explosive systems to have the big win, and cheers and so... but then I'm strongly convinced it is exactly how casino wants us to play. "Go all in" "All or nothing", "become a big winner today" (but the inherent fine print is: become a loser as fast a possible too, so I have explosive methods totally discarded).

Best regards

I think this is a very valid poll.. :)
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Boo_Ray on May 28, 2008, 01:43:29 AM
I agree, but even if you know that it is hard to be disciplined at the table ::)

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: straight-talker on May 28, 2008, 08:28:57 AM
Victor is someone who has very good insight and knows what it takes to beat the game of roulette long term. He made more sense  in the above sentences than some people will manage in a lifetime. I don't say that lighthearted or to gain brownie points.
As a perfectionist I had to find a way to win at roulette and keep winning. Grinding it out is the way to go. It is so true that the casino would love you to play with a cavalier approach and bet every spin. Playing this way sucks you in. To stay detatched and cool requires strength and discipline. Show me any true professional at the top of his game that does not have these two personaity traits. You may have gathered that I treat all this with a serious nature. Well I can tell you, if you want to beat roulette in the long term, you need a serious approach.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: admin on May 28, 2008, 10:24:02 AM
I've had my share of talk with compulsive gamblers mate.

I have a relative who is one, I have a close friend whose mentality reflects one:
"I'd rather go out a loser than a small-time winner. I come to the casino to win."

No, you come to the casino for the probability to win, there is no certainty. For instance, a hardcoded ruled I have: if I lost 50% of my bank without having been ever in the plus, then I leave. Why? Because I know this: Even the largest winning tram starts with a concentration of hits; even the largest losing tram starts with a dispersion of hits. What I don't know? The extension of neither the positive nor the negative tram's length. Hence the two ways to act: on a clearly positive tram I would take little risks, knowing you can't win forever, but a positive fluctuation is in front of me and I can risk a little more; on the other hand at a clearly negative situation in which I already lost half of the bankroll and was never up, why in the world would I want to continue? I better keep those units for using them at a positive tram rather than waiting for the miracle or going "all or nothing".

I'm not a slots player; I do not have the mentality of "a couple more hands, the big win is coming". I evaluate according to what is happening right now at the table, not according to personal faith... Those who lost it all to the casino with only half moderation would still have half the house and half the bank account left.

Best regards,
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Krash on May 28, 2008, 10:41:15 AM
QuoteI've had my share of talk with compulsive gamblers mate.

I have a relative who is one, I have a close friend whose mentality reflects one:
"I'd rather go out a loser than a small-time winner. I come to the casino to win."

No, you come to the casino for the probability to win, there is no certainty. For instance, a hardcoded ruled I have: if I lost 50% of my bank without having been ever in the plus, then I leave. Why? Because I know this: Even the largest winning tram starts with a concentration of hits; even the largest losing tram starts with a dispersion of hits. What I don't know? The extension of neither the positive nor the negative tram's length. Hence the two ways to act: on a clearly positive tram I would take little risks, knowing you can't win forever, but a positive fluctuation is in front of me and I can risk a little more; on the other hand at a clearly negative situation in which I already lost half of the bankroll and was never up, why in the world would I want to continue? I better keep those units for using them at a positive tram rather than waiting for the miracle or going "all or nothing".

I'm not a slots player; I do not have the mentality of "a couple more hands, the big win is coming". I evaluate according to what is happening right now at the table, not according to personal faith... Those who lost it all to the casino with only half moderation would still have half the house and half the bank account left.

Best regards,

Thank you for those words of wisdom.  I needed that.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: bloomone2002 on May 28, 2008, 02:39:05 PM
Thanks Victor for your insight, It is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Spike on May 30, 2008, 12:12:49 AM
Its beatable. Its not easy, but it can be done.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: bjb007 on June 04, 2008, 07:10:35 PM
Can be done and is easy.

Just need the numbers.

If dozen 1 has 45 hits, dozen 2 has 19 hits
and dozen three has 21 hits why be suprised
if dozen 1 "goes to sleep" for 20 spins?

If red has 50 hits and black has 30 why be
suprised if there are 10 blacks in succession?

If the average of the last ten numbers is 13
why be surprised if there are 4 or five high
hits in succession?

Just needs the use of mathematics and common

Unfortunately common sense seems to be in short
supply on roulette forums and bizarre theories get
all the attention and space.  Why be concerned
about which numbers have hit?  That's the past.
What we are concerned with is the future and
that's clearly shown by mathematical methods
not abstract theories.

Hey Victor...Can we have a section for people who
are willing to tackle roulette in a common-sense
way so we don't have to read all these dotty posts
by people who think they can get rich if only they
could find the "Holy Grail" -- whatever that might be?
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: admin on June 06, 2008, 01:52:06 PM
Bjb007's common-sense way  :thumbsup::

Congrats on your section mate.
Awesome idea to have a place devoted to the common-sense approach!

I'm looking forward to read your messages.

Best regards,
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Carlitos on June 06, 2008, 01:55:04 PM
Yah.... nice section!! I like to use common sense  :thumbsup:

Carlitos  8-)

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Spike on June 09, 2008, 03:24:05 AM
Roulette is beatable because its truly random. Thats the only reason. RNG's are crap, they aren't true random and it makes a huge difference.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Talesman on August 26, 2008, 10:34:32 PM

How can anyone here even discuss this w/o defining "BEAT"????

Ask 5 lawyers the definition of 'beat' and you'll get 7 answers.

Do it mean win a session?

Several sessions? 

Do the sessions have to be consecutive?

Win more than you lose?

Never lose a session in your life?

What the hell does "beat" mean????

Once you establish the definition, for heaven's sakes put it in a sticky so those of us from all over the world will always be on the same page at all times.  And those who are not...link them to the page.

That word is as bad as folks who intermingle House Edge with House Advantage.  You never know which of the two they refer to.  Perhaps both?  Who knows?

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: TwoCatSam on August 26, 2008, 11:14:21 PM
My beatable............

Can you win more money than you lose week in and week out?  Can you do this month after month; year after year?

If it were a business, would it turn a profit in spite of the hot checks?

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: AnandMajumdar on August 28, 2008, 05:03:19 AM
how about a voting option,

yes, by first beating yourself

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Boo_Ray on August 28, 2008, 05:19:38 AM
Quote from: AnandMajumdar on August 28, 2008, 05:03:19 AM
how about a voting option,

yes, by first beating yourself

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: AnandMajumdar on August 28, 2008, 02:25:51 PM
unable for vote for that option.. somethings wrong
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: VLSroulette on August 28, 2008, 02:34:25 PM
Please try again.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: AnandMajumdar on August 28, 2008, 03:31:58 PM
it worked thanks

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: JHM on September 10, 2008, 01:14:41 PM
I think it can be done when you have a total 100% control over yourself. Understand your money management. You moderate different systems which fit you and your play. And very important, be a cameleon. See what the table does, see what the dealer does, be in sympathy with all the elements of the game.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: geoff365 on September 14, 2008, 10:30:20 AM
Common sense.

1.Win goal for a session
2.Stop loss for a session
3.Flat bet. No need for a progression
4.Win more sessions than you loose. Eg win 4 loose 1.
5.Back the numbers that arrive the most.

Common sense.

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Ray on September 17, 2008, 03:00:42 AM
first you have to ask your self is random beatable and if your answer is yes then that means u can see the future and all random games are at your mercey
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Roulette787 on September 17, 2008, 05:02:04 AM
Quote from: ray on September 17, 2008, 03:00:42 AM
first you have to ask your self is random beatable and if your answer is yes then that means u can see the future and all random games are at your mercey

Can you explain a bit more about 'beating random' ?
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on September 17, 2008, 10:55:52 PM
Yes, I think roulette is beatable.  Consistently, maybe not, but as long as good money management and discipline are present the chances for long-term success increases.  Having lots of experienced players' advice before making that first bet is invaluable.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Ray on January 06, 2009, 03:07:29 AM
Quote from: Roulette787 on September 17, 2008, 05:02:04 AM

Can you explain a bit more about 'beating random' ?

ok, u need to learn about random ,find everything u can on the subject. roulette is a world of randomness and u need to know as much as u can on the subject of random. then divise your system with the knoledge youv learned.there is nothing that will happen everytime in random, so u have to give yourself a set number of spins to win and if it dont come get off it, ex, if i play 1.2.3..34.35.36...i give it 6 spins and if no win i stop.we beat ourselfs more than roulette beats us, so it is a mind game and u must learn to not let real money bets pressure you, one must play the same way as u do at home as in the field, one can have his game tight then get to the casino a freez up or throw all his plans out the window.so stick to the game plan and learn not to beat yourself. ;)
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: toey on January 07, 2009, 09:20:59 AM
It really depends on two things:

1. How you define 'beatable'; and
2. Self control

Does 'beatable' mean playing every single spin that the casino has to offer, and then coming out on top after a reasonably 'long term' period? If yes, then no, it is not beatable. The house edge will kill you eventually.

On the other hand, you could choose to play and skip spins randomly with random systems or bets and just leave whenever you are up, even if it's only $1. If that constitutes beatable, then yeah, it's possible.

However, even then, you would need serious self control. It's way too easy to lose self control. I've lost control many times over, and it's something I'll need to learn. Without self control, you could easily lose all the gain you have made in the pasy 364 days in one night.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: bombus on January 20, 2009, 06:10:55 AM
Quote from: Boo_Ray on May 27, 2008, 12:49:16 PM
And by beatable, I mean that when u walk out with profit every time..

If the requirement is that you must leave with profit every time you play, then "NO" should be everyone's vote.

So I vote NO!

If we can be allowed to lose on occasion, which is the real world, then I would have voted, Yes, with your own predictions.

Because your own predictions can use mathematics, physics, random, educated guessing, whatever... They're still your own predictions.

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Marven on January 20, 2009, 07:12:07 AM
I would vote for all the first three options.

But then I realize that none of these can be done without self-discipline and will power, so I voted for the last option:
"Yes, by first beating yourself."

Common sense. :)

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Jakkalsdraai on January 20, 2009, 08:16:40 AM
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: The Spiders Kiss on January 20, 2009, 08:58:46 AM
I think its beatable.
Using various tecniques at our disposal and good MM.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: iboba on January 27, 2009, 02:57:53 PM
YES,YES,100%,MINUS 4,08%...........Why minus 4,08???--In ten years pro playing/about 240 days a year,about 350 spins every night,which is 84.000 spins,mult.with 10= 840.000 spins/and the aim is to win one unit each spin,but approximately it wins 1-8 for a spin...depends in which stage it hits./........and lost only once,mind you,nearly 130.000 doll........and many critic /after posting it/that the system is too progressive,32,and that it loses too much BR sky high,suggesting diff.progresion at level 14 or 20,but neither of them realy support it,even though the system was tested at 2.000,3.000 and 30.000 spins,and allways OK.    Cant  understand logic of some people here.Allmost everyone is searching for the way how to beat roulette,usually with small-middle BR,/which is impossible on the long run,and bloody proved as a fact/but neither did I heard addmit it.The only method to bit roulette is with long progression.After today play,tomorrow is a new day,new spins,new table,new wheel,new croupiers.......TATS THE POINT........and all this craps with simulating it with 100000 or 1000000 spins /RNG,I think you call it/is just imagination,fantasy,not reality---live game,tomorrow a new day,progression........THATS WINNING COMBINATION.         Cheers mates,and IN VIVO EXPERIMENTS.....iboba
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Rudy on January 30, 2009, 07:09:35 AM
Probably not, but I'll keep trying to find a way just in case.


Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: geoff365 on February 01, 2009, 01:21:23 AM
Progressions are not good!
Back the numbers that arrive the most!
With flat betting the odds are favourable.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: marvin on July 20, 2012, 10:19:50 AM
yes... if your target profit is 5u per session  :dance1:
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: marvin on July 20, 2012, 10:22:01 AM
i forgot to mention that "and your bankroll is 1k"
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Roy1983 on November 15, 2012, 06:19:54 AM
Hi all

My first post here.  Roulette is not beatable - that's the first thing we learn when we start playing it. 
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: nottophammer on July 05, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
YES by first beating yourself.
the real answer is you learn as you go along, some will give up,some will persist, and still lose,then there will be the nathen detroits,mr j and others on here, who by all accounts must be winners.

I started a topicNow what do we know,   is any one playing the mat or field or what evers the correct term for it. to me the one thing you will know is that all them 37 numbers will come in.
Thats where the money is to be made in my opinion, the acknowledgeable players here seem to come over as e/c is no good, as a losing run will get you in the end,or perhaps they persist and still lose, even after all there millions of spins. If after all them spins you'd think they'd have the answer
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: picsous on October 15, 2013, 09:06:17 AM

Yes , roulette can be beaten at the end of every session , but it can only be beaten according to some conditions:
-you must be patient. You cannot win big and fast in the long term. Methods which make you win little by little and slowly are those which can beat the game at very session.
-you must have a winning goal , that is don't try to win more and more when you win because losing runs will make you a loser. Don't be greedy , stop roulette even though you are still winning.
-only play one method , the one which makes you a long time winner. Play it until you achieve your winning goal.
-play alone , no alcohol , no friends , only you and your method against casinos.
-randomness is on your side , that is try to be unpredictible for dealers and casino managers: don't stay long at the same roulette , change tables when you have won , only play when you are not alone at the table , hide you're writing  and play fast

Almost nobody apply these simple rules ( based on my own experience) , that is the reason why a winning method becomes a losing method.
Discipline is as important as strategy. Without discipline and self control , a player is a gambler , not  a long time winner.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: TomHawk10 on February 05, 2014, 01:50:48 PM
WOW , awesome bro.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Rocky on April 17, 2014, 11:04:16 AM
      Some thoughts on the matter!

      As in anything you have to study and master your subject, only then will you conquer your chosen field. In roulette you choose what it is you want to conquer/ master. Say its individuals numbers for instance. You would then analyse every number/pocket (all 36 on a European wheel. as with zero, when studied, all combinations of spins eventually are getting back to zero.) Once analysed you would have specific data on each unique number, combination of exit points/pockets/numbers, as more likely than others to exit to.

E.g. 17 numbers are determined, more likely than the other 20 to result in the next 6 spins from the spin/number, that just resulted.
So each of the 36 numbers has its own unique set of 17 numbers, thats the first step, that in itself could take years of analysis and then it has to be further fine tuned.

Next, understanding the relationship and whats going on with all the associated patterns that look like kaos and randoness!

What is eventually discovered is the reverse, the other 20 numbers and their close relationship with the 17, that years later may be discovered, after literally 1000's of hours of research and playing in b/m casino's and many losses,  losses that help you learn faster.

You'll then discover a relationship on the roulette wheel that's similiar to a phenomena or Theory proposed in deep space and see it work every time on the roulette wheel.

Then you'll get excited, because now you can speak with authority on a subject you have mastered and conquered,   and are not wandering and wondering about what's happening anymore.

You'll know every time after some brief analysis what's about to happen every time and can then place a wager confidently knowing your input will produce the output predicted!

Sound simple, sound like fantasy, as with all proposed theory, its just that, until proven or not proven. Anyway, anybody can say anything on these forums and it can be pure bunkem or truth, who knows?

If a system did exist, it would be awesome, pretty close to the grail!

Anyway, as they say, "time and tide wait for no man."

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Mr J on April 17, 2014, 02:26:38 PM
Old thread but thats cool. I wish TWO items were never in a roulette thread >>

A) Beat
B) Holy Grail

These words simply do not belong in casino language, just my opinion folks.

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Nathan Detroit on April 17, 2014, 04:57:55 PM
Just like  will a dog ever catch his own tail ?

Dream on.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: Rocky on April 18, 2014, 06:32:58 AM

   As a man thinketh so he is!

   If you believe you can't, thats true for you.

   If you believe you can, thats true for you also.

   The person who's already made up their own mind, without considering all the facts has

   a closed mind, which may lead to a self appointed guru or expert, pontificating their ignorance.

   Just a thought!

Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: foogus on April 20, 2014, 09:15:46 AM
The queston should be, not is Roulette beatable, but is it possible to win consistantely with roulette.  The simple answer is yes.
Title: Re: What do you think? Is roulette beatable?
Post by: luckyfella on May 22, 2014, 04:26:31 AM
Quote from: Rocky on April 17, 2014, 11:04:16 AM
      Some thoughts on the matter!

      As in anything you have to study and master your subject, only then will you conquer your chosen field. In roulette you choose what it is you want to conquer/ master. Say its individuals numbers for instance. You would then analyse every number/pocket (all 36 on a European wheel. as with zero, when studied, all combinations of spins eventually are getting back to zero.) Once analysed you would have specific data on each unique number, combination of exit points/pockets/numbers, as more likely than others to exit to.

E.g. 17 numbers are determined, more likely than the other 20 to result in the next 6 spins from the spin/number, that just resulted.
So each of the 36 numbers has its own unique set of 17 numbers, thats the first step, that in itself could take years of analysis and then it has to be further fine tuned.

Next, understanding the relationship and whats going on with all the associated patterns that look like kaos and randoness!

What is eventually discovered is the reverse, the other 20 numbers and their close relationship with the 17, that years later may be discovered, after literally 1000's of hours of research and playing in b/m casino's and many losses,  losses that help you learn faster.

You'll then discover a relationship on the roulette wheel that's similiar to a phenomena or Theory proposed in deep space and see it work every time on the roulette wheel.

Then you'll get excited, because now you can speak with authority on a subject you have mastered and conquered,   and are not wandering and wondering about what's happening anymore.

You'll know every time after some brief analysis what's about to happen every time and can then place a wager confidently knowing your input will produce the output predicted!

Sound simple, sound like fantasy, as with all proposed theory, its just that, until proven or not proven. Anyway, anybody can say anything on these forums and it can be pure bunkem or truth, who knows?

If a system did exist, it would be awesome, pretty close to the grail!

Anyway, as they say, "time and tide wait for no man."

Not if. Im using it n no bunkem. 200% profit every 2days 4hrsessions @ b&n casino n heading straight for the high roller platinum membership. Im talking 000,000 zeroes.

Can others do that ? Highly improbable verging on dreams.
Why ? Read the forums n the whole lot of proposed strats/system/method MAY give some short term success but will fail eventually. If you've done enuf time at the casino you should know that at a glance. Ive done my time n wasted my life doing it, 2decades I mean.