VLS Roulette Forum

Roulette System Development & Testing => Roulette Coding Zone => Topic started by: col1879 on January 31, 2011, 03:13:40 PM

Title: A code and graph for repeat 3 ec please
Post by: col1879 on January 31, 2011, 03:13:40 PM
Hi, I've been trying to test a system manually at an online rng casino but I cannot get very far. The problem is I do not have a PC (I get online through my ps3) and the roulette keeps crashing because the ps3 browser is crappy.

Can someone code the following and run it for 10,000 spins and post the results they get? (eg a graph)

Rule 1- Always bet on the 3 ec of the number just out (for example, if spin 1 is 18, for spin 2 bet 1 on 1-18, 1 on Even, 1 on Red)
Rule 2- If you have any profit from last spin repeat same bet amount and follow Rule 1 for last spin which generated the profit
Rule 3- If you have any loss from last spin +1 to bet amount to each ec bet
Rule 4- When total profit of +280 units is achieved start back at very beginning, Rule 1, bet 1 on each of 3 ec's
Rule 5- When total loss of -350 units is achieved start back at very beginning, Rule 1, bet 1 on each of 3 ec's
Rule 6- If Zero hits, ignore it and rebet previous bet

Hope that makes sense lol

For example, if the following happened you would be-

22:  1 on 19-36, 1 on Even, 1 on Black
30:   (+1 profit, so...)  1 on 19-36, 1 on Even, 1 on Red
7:  (-1 loss, so...) 2 on 1-18, 2 on Odd, 2 on Red
9:  ( +6 profit, so....)  2 on 1-18, 2 on Odd, 2 on Red

and so on....
