VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Brainstorming => Topic started by: col1879 on January 24, 2011, 02:59:49 PM

Title: Riding the repeats
Post by: col1879 on January 24, 2011, 02:59:49 PM
No doubt this has been thought of before and well scrutinised but I want to brainstorm the idea to get a clearer idea.

I think this is suited better to online RNG because we know how, more often than not, they like to spit out the same colour 20+ times in a row. They probably do this to beat everyones martingale lol

Instead of betting againt 20 reds in a row, why not start with 1 unit and let it roll? Theoretically, if you bet 1 unit, then just keep rebetting your winnings, then after 21 wins you will be a millionaire lol

The question is, how many 1 unit bets will you have placed and lost before you get your 21 wins in a row? If you ever do that is.

We all learn martingale doesn't work because of those 14 reds in a row when we were betting on black or that dozen repeating 12 times when we were betting on the other two lol

While I think getting 21 reds in a row is unlikely I have read people post on this forum saying they have seen it happen at least 5 times in their own experience online.

Lastly, if you were up 524,288 would you really risk it for a double or quits? I don't think I'd have the guts to place that bet, I'd duck out at 256 lol
Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: col1879 on January 24, 2011, 03:02:58 PM
God I'm stupid, I just remembered table limits! I'm stupid lol
Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: ADulay on January 24, 2011, 08:10:48 PM
Well, the actually calculations would be very easy to program into even something as simple as an Excel spreadsheet.

Then just have it search for the first iteration of 10 repeats.

Assuming you're starting with 1 unit each time and it loses (of course) anytime you don't hit 10 in a row, one needs to only see if it will hit the run of 10 before you loses 512 times!

As I've only seen one online casino that has a spread of 1-1000 in the table limits, you might be restricted in playing it unless you'd settle for the 1-500 spread limit tables.

Or you had a partner sitting in the coffee shop waiting for a call on his cell phone to come into the game and place another 500 unit wager to match yours!

If I can ever find some time, I'll run some old spreadsheets on it.   Sounds like fun.  Boring at the table (until you win) but fun.

Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: col1879 on January 24, 2011, 10:26:51 PM
I don't know about other casinos but at the ones I play at they only allow 100 maximum on a single bet and 500 maximum on a total table bet. With 100 being the maximum for a single bet the furthest one could rebet their winnings in progression is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. After that you cannot bet 128 because of the 100 maximum for a single bet. You could just keep betting 100 but you wont reach the one million lol
Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: schoenpoetser on January 25, 2011, 07:43:45 AM
This method is easy to program.I have done it before and on the forum you can find it.I have introduced the SSB principle.The program is based on the table limit of 10 times doubling.There are online casinos with a minimum of 0,10 and a maximum of 50 with a small risk you can play hours, but you shall not become a millionair.
With SSB it is not necessary waiting for a special long row! You can play continuous.
Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: darrynf on January 27, 2011, 07:03:54 AM
im not sure if this would work but what if you bet on the same colour and wait for it to repeat, then you win right.

so if you loss then bet on that coulor, the only way to loe is this happening

r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b,r,b (whos seen it go like that, well not very often other wise we would win)

bet like this

r,r (place bet on red to catch win streak) if loss

r,r,b (then wait for a colour to hit twice)

r,r,b,b,b (thats a win) use matingale on each bet till you win.
you could play it betting after the coulor instead of waiting to hit twice but somehow i dont think that works.
so wait for the same colour to hit twice and bet if you lose then wait for the colour to hit twice and use the martingale for every loss, so on a loss you go up one step.

just a thought but it sounds good

Title: Re: Riding the repeats
Post by: col1879 on January 28, 2011, 01:50:50 PM
i don't know about martingale. just bet with winnings and look to catch big win streak?