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Main => Main Roulette System Board => Topic started by: InfinitySquared on December 05, 2008, 03:07:01 PM

Title: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: InfinitySquared on December 05, 2008, 03:07:01 PM
I can recall reading a post where someone suggested roulette voisins strategy you could build a bankroll by waiting for the tiers section to miss 8 times and then start betting.

I think the idea of waiting a section to miss X number of times isn't a bad idea but I've seen the tiers miss 16 times and the orphelins miss 20 times. By waiting so long you would have very few opportunities to play.

It then struck me that this is the only system I have ever seen for betting on tiers/orphelins/voisins.

Are there any more?
Title: Re: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: winkel on December 05, 2008, 04:37:11 PM
There are a lot of systems to be played on these Chances:

1. Simple:
Voisins appear
rebet with paroli
(that means put win in by doubling your bets)
rebet with minimum
and so on

loss -9
win/loss -9
win/win +36
win/win/loss +27
win/win/win +54

Combination of Voisons and Tieres (my developement)
0 3 15 26 32 35
5 8 10 23 24 30

if one of these numbers appear rebet this 12 numbers
same procedure as first system

a) you can play them en Plein or
b) partly Plein partly split


Title: Re: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: VLSroulette on December 05, 2008, 05:19:37 PM
Thank you Winkel,

Also I must add to never bet on sleeper locations; granted, in the casino's "long term" they will even out, but we play in the short term of current session, so if you are trying to bet the balance, then use some sort of waker methodoly, betting only after the delayed/sleeper location appears, with a limited attack window of course, perhaphs 1 cycle of that location (Amount of numbers covered / 36 = 1 playing cycle).

Let sleepers sleep and not take your bets!

Title: Re: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: winkel on December 05, 2008, 05:32:56 PM

to prevent herb from being involved;

Both strategies end up -2,7 after any million spins tested.
It is boring to read, to try, to play and at all a total waste of time.

Title: Re: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: TwoCatSam on December 05, 2008, 06:26:29 PM

Is "parlay" and "paroli" the same word, just a different language?  Or are they different things?

Title: Re: Tiers, Orphelins or Voisins?
Post by: winkel on December 05, 2008, 06:34:15 PM
Paroli means roulette voisins strategy:

you put back all (your first unit and the win) on the same chance.

e.g. EC
bet 1 win 1 = 2
bet 2 win 2 = 4
and so on

e.g. split
bet 1 win 17 = 18
bet 18

if you bet 6 Streets
bet 6x1 win 1+11 = 12
bet 6x2


ps: sorry donĀ“t know "parlay"