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What is a trend ?

Started by I have cookies, March 16, 2011, 03:59:09 PM

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Quote from: Gizmotron on March 17, 2011, 03:08:35 PM
Prove that he has spoken with my students. His big deal tell all is that I never showed them where to place bets. That's all I ever did show them after I showed them how to read the charts. Spike has an agenda. That has become clear. He knows that I understand the concept of educated guessing. If I openly teach it then he needs to destroy my credibility at all costs. That should tell you something. But it doesn't does it?

I must say I've never taken a course on educated guessing in my life, I guess that's better than old fashioned guessing.

This doesn't use a Ouija Board does it?  I used one at a party once - the answer was unsettling.

I thought I was Spike, now I'm confused again...


(Please don't tell me that I've been cloned and have a good clone ruining my reputation)


Why has nobody asked me to describe educated guessing and as Spike would complain, why has nobody asked me to show them where, when, and why to place bets. My students asked me, but they all proved they were interested in the first place. I offered all the training for free. Not one person asked me to show them what Spike has accused me of not being capable of doing. Am I that intimidating? After discussing all this with ten students I never had anything but questions and answers without any disruptions. Here, at this forum all I see is scared people that are afraid to ask questions. Spike has been a jerk. He is scared I'll wreck his opportunities.

So let's talk about educated guessing. Let's get it all out there. You can search the archives of this forum and GG to find questions that Spike would never answer. Just ask them here. I'll deal with it in as much detail as it takes so that it is completely understood. I will show you exactly where to bet on a trend. Spike is a nothing has been. You can learn from me in as much as 30 days. But you will do far better if you can add playing experience to all this. Without it I just can't see any of you learning these skills.


Quote from: MauiSunset on March 17, 2011, 03:19:36 PM
I must say I've never taken a course on educated guessing in my life, I guess that's better than old fashioned guessing.

This doesn't use a Ouija Board does it?  I used one at a party once - the answer was unsettling.

I thought I was Spike, now I'm confused again...

This sums you up perfectly. You are another narcissist. Just what this forum needed.


Quote from: Gizmotron on March 17, 2011, 03:19:58 PM
Why has nobody asked me to describe educated guessing and as Spike would complain, why has nobody asked me to show them where, when, and why to place bets. My students asked me, but they all proved they were interested in the first place. I offered all the training for free. Not one person asked me to show them what Spike has accused me of not being capable of doing. Am I that intimidating? After discussing all this with ten students I never had anything but questions and answers without any disruptions. Here, at this forum all I see is scared people that are afraid to ask questions. Spike has been a jerk. He is scared I'll wreck his opportunities.

So let's talk about educated guessing. Let's get it all out there. You can search the archives of this forum and GG to find questions that Spike would never answer. Just ask them here. I'll deal with it in as much detail as it takes so that it is completely understood. I will show you exactly where to bet on a trend. Spike is a nothing has been. You can learn from me in as much as 30 days. But you will do far better if you can add playing experience to all this. Without it I just can't see any of you learning these skills.

Well let me be the first to ask how you go about guessing educationally.

I can't wait - let me finish my lunch first.....


Quote from: MauiSunset on March 17, 2011, 03:26:19 PM
Well let me be the first to ask how you go about guessing educationally.

I can't wait - let me finish my lunch first.....

Anyone but you. You are like internet fly paper. That's my gut reaction to you.

If you are really interested then please describe what you think it might be. You will have to think, write, and do a little work.


Quote from: Gizmotron on March 17, 2011, 03:34:32 PM
Anyone but you. You are like internet fly paper. That's my gut reaction to you.

If you are really interested then please describe what you think it might be. You will have to think, write, and do a little work.

I use educated guesses all the time.

However, I've never had any luck using educated guessing while flipping a coin.  My bad.

I can't imagine how one would use anything but a WAG in Roulette.  I see folks walking up to a Roulette table and plunking down money/chips on a single number an winning.  I know they didn't use any kind of guessing - just used a lucky number or some number less than 37.

Since you believe there is knowledge in random numbers I guess that helps you make an educated guess.

Since I believe random is random there is nothing to be used from past numbers on the Marquee.

I'd bet that my guess is just as good as yours - or just as bad....


Quote from: MauiSunset on March 17, 2011, 03:48:17 PM
Since I believe random is random there is nothing to be used from past numbers on the Marquee.

I'd bet that my guess is just as good as yours - or just as bad....

Have you ever heard of the axiom of the full cup? I can't teach you anything. Who could?


Quote from: Gizmotron on March 17, 2011, 01:59:12 AM
MauiShit = beggar

He demands explanations but admits that he only has done very little research into this game. He won't do the work that many of us have. Don't treat him with respect. He never earned it. Just say no to MauiSunset.

I could not agree with you more. Exactly my point.


whats with the name calling.

i dont like maui either but name calling arent going to do shit.

no one ask you gizmo cause of your attitude. no one cares what you think cause of your attitude.

mauis just wants something for nothing, ignore him.


Quote from: darrynf on March 17, 2011, 07:26:11 PM
whats with the name calling.

I dont like maui either but name calling arent going to do shit.

no one ask you gizmo cause of your attitude. no one cares what you think cause of your attitude.

mauis just wants something for nothing, ignore him.

My attitude has been to not share anything for the past four years.  I'm not really interested in training anyone, one person at a time. Now for four years I have been under attack for the secrets that I have kept. Now it seems that I'm under attack for sharing my secrets too. If you don't have at least twenty years of real casino playing experience then you are not in the same class of player that I am in. That's not my fault. So if I'm nice or not what the heck does that have to do with anything?

Gads, I will only tell you my secrets if you are nice. And you must be nice to others too. Or I will see that and have to ignore you. Some people might think this is crazy talk. But that's OK. I've always been a fan of political correctness and that phony illusion.


i know what you mean mate but still you will always get douters.


Quote from: darrynf on March 17, 2011, 04:47:21 AM
stop arguing with maui gizmo.

its quite obvious he knows nothing and wants a simple system with out the work.

hes just there to antaganise people, he has nothing of value to say, hes just a broken record.

same shit new day.



RedsQuad you are a follower of VB,DS and biased wheels.I should not say there are no players who play with success .They can`t prove it on the forum ,while it is is only possible in a live game.I use the maths and I am successful and I can prove it in public.Trends in a random row are caused by the mathematical rules.These trends you can only find in small samples <250 spins.The big deviations from the average values causes trends.


Quote from: schoenpoetser on March 18, 2011, 08:31:40 AM
RedsQuad you are a follower of VB,DS and biased wheels.I should not say there are no players who play with success .They can`t prove it on the forum ,while it is is only possible in a live game..

Why do you say that? So just becuase people don't talk about winning, it means VB dosent work? Sorry but thats bullshit. Players don't dont need to go round boasting about there winnings. Why would they? You don't know that.

Quote from: schoenpoetser on March 18, 2011, 08:31:40 AM
,while it is is only possible in a live game..

Huh? Who ever said VB was used elseware? Its obvios VB can only be applied on pyshical wheels. What did you think?



i think james is right on this one.

why prove anything here, theres always people that will put your beliefes down, it cant be beaten blah blah.

just like maui and zindrod, i understand where they are comming from cause i thought the same once. now i know it can be beaten, yes you do lose at times, so what. you more then you lose.

people dont want a winning formula, they just want to argue and put people down. personaly im tired of that bullshit. thats why people that win dont come here or boost about stuff, that was my mistake. yes i am new at roulette but i know how to win.

anyway i think you have a valid point james, i always like reading your stuff. remined never to get in an arguement with you mate lol

personaly i dont get why none believers hang out around here or try to come up with a system that dosent work. i guess they want a peice of the pie.

