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Main => Full Roulette Systems => Topic started by: Kingspin on February 04, 2010, 03:07:24 PM

Title: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: Kingspin on February 04, 2010, 03:07:24 PM

The simple Martingale

Choose one colour and bet on it. If you win, bet again on this colour in the next game, but do not raise your stake. After every lost bet, double your stake. After a win, always go back to your starting bet (for example 10 $).
You bet on Black (stake 10 $). If you lose, double your stake. If you win, go back to your starting bet (10 $ ).

Advantages of progressions -
Without the limit and the Zero you can always win (theoretically)..
Disadvantages of progressions -
In this example, a long series of Red leads to a total loss: either you run out of money or you reach the maximum stake (house) limit.

The Supermartingale

The Supermartingale has a steeper progression. The stakes are doubled and one unit (given number of chips) per bet is added.

1 - 3 - 7 - 15 - 31 - 63 - 127 - 255 - 511 - 1023
In a favourable game series, on average two chips can be won in each bet.
The following table shows the game series. Bets are on Red.
Despite the fact that Red appeared only 2 times, the player has won 70 $. An impressive result, provided there is no Zero or no long Black series.

Prolonged Martingale for inside bets

The prolonged Martingale works like the simple Martingale: if you lose, you raise your stake in order to compensate for your previous losses and to win a small sum. But the stake is only raised when both aims (compensation of losses and a small profit) can no longer be achieved with one successful bet.
The American Martingale

The American Martingale is a linear progression where the stake is raised only by one unit (chip) after a lost bet. That makes it impossible to compensate fully for your losses after having raised your stake twice. You can only expect a profit if the game series is shorter than 1000 games and if there is no series of losses over more than 10 bets.
The American Martingale should be seen as a variant of the Martingale which is less useful, but which can be used in combination with other game systems.

The Hollandish Progression

You begin the game with a stake of one unit (given number of chips) until you win for the first time. Then you try to compensate for your previous losses with a progression of 3 units. If three bets were lost, you will have to win three times before the progression is finished. If further losses occur during the 3-unit progression, you have to wait until this progression is finished (after three successful bets). Then you raise to 5 units until the losses of the 3-unit progression are covered. Having achieved full compensation for your losses, you continue to play with one unit. If losses occurred during the 5-unit progression, you raise to 7 units and follow the same betting pattern as before.
The progression pattern is as follows: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9........
This game reduces the risk of a total loss in case of an unfavourable game series!

The Guetting Progression

This progression has 4 betting stages for even money bets!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

stage 1

stage 2
stage 3
stage 4

In each group, you have to play two games. You go from group 1 to group 3 before you enter the next stage. You can only go forward if you won your bet. If you lose the first game of a group, you have to go back to the beginning of the previous group. If you lose the second game of a group, just play the whole group again.
After the second game of group 3 in stage 4, start again at the beginning of the table
This progression starts with one unit. For every loss you have to raise your stake by one unit. If you cannot recover your losses in the next game, raise your stake by three units. After you have recovered your losses and made a profit, reduce your stake to one unit. This progression is very flat and quite easy to play.

The Wells Progression

This progression is played like the d'Alembert progression, but there are two additional rules.
1. Start with a stake of 10 chips.
2. If your stake reaches either 1 or 19 chips, you have to start the game all over.

The Whittacker Progression

In this progression, losses are recovered with several successful bets, not just with one as in a normal progression.
This is the progression pattern for even money bets:
1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21.....


The second variant of the Whittacker progression is less steep. Only half of your loss total is wagered in each game (odd numbers are rounded up).
The progression pattern
1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 11 - 16.....
The first three stakes are always 1 -2 - 3!

This progression is rising slowly and, in case of an unfavourable game series, does not lead immediately to the house limit or to the total loss of the game capital.

Multiple wagers

In order to limit your losses in a progression system during negative game phases, you try several types of bets simultaneously. Losses occur less often than in a single wager game. Besides, the progression becomes flatter because one wager is likely to win.

The d'Alembert Progression

With this betting system, it is possible to prevent the progression from rising to absurd heights. Nevertheless, profits can be made. Even if a long Red or Black series occurs, losses will not be extreme. For example, begin with a starting bet of 10 chips. After a lost bet the stake is raised by one chip to 11 chips, after a successful bet the stake is reduced by one to 9 chips.

The Contre d'Alembert

It is played like the normal d'Alembert progression, just the other way round. After a loss, the stake is reduced by one unit. After a successful bet, it is raised by one unit. But this only makes sense if you go back to your starting bet after all losses are recovered and/or after you have made a small profit.

The Parlay Game

In a parlay game, the player makes a successful bet and uses his winnings together with the initial stake in the next game for the same wager. If you win again, you have won a simple parlay game. In a multiple parlay game, you repeat the whole procedure until you reach the house limit, e.g. 20 000 $.

This system only works successfully if there is a long winning series of an even money bet like Black/Red etc. At the beginning of a parlay game, losses occur frequently until a multiple parlay bet wins and compensates for previous losses.


(French for "deviation")

Theoretically, the odds for Red and Black are even. In 1000 games, you should expect that Red and Black appear with the same frequency, that is 500 times each. This goes also for other even money bets like Even / Odd and so on. However, things are a little different in real life. In fact, it is rather improbable that Red appears exactly 500 times in a 1000 games. It will appear more or less often than 500 times, and this deviation is called Ecart. This Ecart can amount to more than 10 % (563 times Red/ 437 times Black). This deviation from the ideal odds is called tension.

Several game systems take these deviations into account. Example: If Black has appeared less frequently than Red in previous games, it is all the more likely that Black will appear more often than Red in the following games. The betting system will focus on Black according to a certain deviation from the ideal odds of the two colours.

The Masse Egal game

(French: equal mass)
The stake is always the same

A Masse Egal game cannot lead to success unless you try to profit from certain tensions and signals. The odds are getting more and more even because of these tensions. A game that does not take this into account leads inevitably to losses because of the zero. And the longer the game series, the more probable is a total loss of capital. As the odds always tend to become even (after 20 times Even, Odd is likely to appear again), this game can lead to good profits. (see Ecarts)

A game which is played according to certain rules is called a march.

The classic marches
* Sauteuse (a constant alternation of even money bets, e.g. Black / Red, is assumed)
* bet on the winning colour of the last game
* bet against the winning colour of the last game
* bet on the winning colour of the last two games
* bet against the winning colour of the last two games
* Avant-derniere (bet on the winning colour of the penultimate game)
* Perdante (bet on the losing colour of the previous game)
* Gagnante (bet on the winning colour of the previous game)

Shower Roulette was designed by a guy I know at the casino.
He has kindly agreed, that I can pass this on to you guys, free of charge.
His initial trial returned approximately $12,000 within 15 games.
I joined him on the remainder of his trial together with 2 other helpers.
Because of the tampering with wheels and possible change of balls overnight, it was designed to pick up any bias in a wheel as early as possible on the day, and get on the numbers before they come out on their good runs.


1. Record the results of 60 spins off 4 different tables, this is so that you can be certain that one wheel will qualify.

2. As the numbers come out place a mark next to each number on your scorecard wheel diagram.

3. Do your final up date after 60 spins, then quickly select the wheel which you will be playing.

4. Select one of the wheels where at least 4 numbers, together on the wheel, have come out at least twice.
This group must be bordered, immediately on both sides by a number that has only been out a maximum of once.

5. You may have only 4 numbers in a group like this or even 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 numbers together.
You may also have 2 groups like this, on the same wheel.
What you do is bet on all the numbers in the group, or groups, immediately, straight up for the next 30 spins.

6. Do not select a table where there are more than 2 groups.

7. Each group must include at least 1 number that has been out at least 3 times.
If you have a group of 4 or 5 numbers and they have all been out just twice, avoid this one.

8. A group that has 6 or 7 numbers must have at least 3 numbers that have been out at least 3 times.
A group with 8 or 9 numbers must have at least 4 numbers that have been out at least 3 times.

9. Do not go past 30 spins, because this has been calculated so that if you are playing 4 numbers, as an example, and they each come out just once, you will still be up in profit.
Should there be a possibility of a bad run developing then this will prevent too much damage to your bank.

10. Put all your winnings back into your bank.


The Goldmine System is a progressive staking plan, which yields an average profit return of 20% to starting bank.

You are encouraged to use this system along with others on this disc to spread risk and strategy.  It is not advisable to use this system for long periods of time at any one casino.  As a rule of thumb play for no longer than twenty minutes at casino one, then move to casino two and so on until your profit point of 20% has been reached, then quit.

The system has a built in safeguard which must be observed if losses are sustained in order to avoid breaking the starting bank.  NEVER gamble beyond the safeguard point unless you can safely stand to loose more.

The Object

From a starting bank of $100 to make $20 (20%).

Using this system you can be up by 20% but not down by more than 40% at any one time.  In other words from a starting pot of $100 you should not fall below $60 unless you are happy to do so.

Remember, Roulette is a game of chance so each spin of the wheel is genuinely random: past performance is no guarantee of upcoming numbers (unlike other casino games such as Black Jack).

The System

You will observe the Roulette betting table is split into three sections marked 1st 12, 2nd 12 and 3rd 12 respectively.

In theory the odds of each section coming up are 3/1 (with variation for the zero ball) but in practice odds cannot be comprehensively predicted due to the random nature of each spin. The win ration on any of the three sections is 2/1.

However, this strategy is found to work when applied consistently.

The Staking Plan

Is progressive and runs in this sequence:

1,2,3,5,7,11,15, STOP

Begin by staking one unit on Section 1 and increase using the staking plan until a win occurs.  Then move to Section 2. Continue using the same strategy on Section 3 and then return to Section 1.

You may wish to vary the strategy using other plans as detailed on this disc to find the one that works best.

Changes to Model: 1

If you like to live dangerously increase the sequence as follows

1,2,3,5,7,11,15,30,45,60...  but be VERY careful as this is a sure way to wipeout.

As the system stands a losing run of 7 puts you down about 40 points.  At this juncture it is perfectly possible to return to another casino or the same one later, recoup the loss and be into profit quite quickly.

Always remember the objective: 20% profit to starting bank.

Keep a close watch on your bank and never fall below 40 points in any one game or any one casino!

Change to Model: 2

Quit when less than 20% has been achieved.  This may be less spectacular but you may been more comfortable with it.  We do not recommend trying to achieve higher than 20% using this system, although during testing the system has yielded 40% and more quite regularly.

Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: No More Bets on February 04, 2010, 04:19:36 PM
A veritable smorgasbord of losing systems..

These sophisticated progressions all share one common truth -

A slow painfull death at the bloodied hands of Lady Luck..

In roulette, there are winners, there are losers... and,

There are people who have not yet learned how to win !

Suffice to say -

Simplicity is the ULTIMATE sophistication..     

Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: manaman on February 04, 2010, 07:50:32 PM
Quote from: No More Bets link=topic=14900.    msg94875#msg94875 date=1265311176
A veritable smorgasbord of losing systems.    .     

These sophisticated progressions all share one common truth -

A slow painfull death at the bloodied hands of Lady Luck.    .   

In roulette, there are winners, there are losers.    .    .     and,

There are people who have not yet learned how to win !

Suffice to say -

Simplicity is the ULTIMATE sophistication.    .         

There is no such person as lady luck! good luck/bad luck depends purley on state of mind,'EVERYTHING' is first created in the mind before it's manifested.     take a look around you now and name 1 thing that did'nt first start in the mind.    .    .     Dr Richard Wiseman wrote a book called The Luck Factor where he did many tests and studies with people that think themself lucky/unlucky.    .     you can find his book at amazon.     

Here is part of what it says there.    .    .   

Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst others face repeated failure and sadness? Why do some find their perfect partner whilst others stagger from one broken relationship to the next? What enables some people to have successful careers whilst apparently similar others find themselves trapped with jobs they detest? And can unlucky people do anything to improve their luck - and lives? Ten years ago, Dr.     Richard Wiseman decided to search for the elusive luck factor by investigating the actual beliefs and experiences of lucky and unlucky people.    .    .    Looking at the results, Wiseman was able to identify four main factors which explained living a lucky and unlucky life.     He was then able to show a group of people that considered themselves unlucky, how to think and behave like lucky people.     The results were astounding with almost all participants reporting significant life changes: including increased levels of luck, self-esteem, physical well-being, confidence, and success.     


I have his book and take my hat off to the guy.    .    .    .     10 years of study! facts about luck being a state of mind!

People like you and most here are so convinced that "this system wont work".  .  "that progression will kill your bankroll"  "It's inevitable that system will fail after 100,000 spins" but what you don't get is that your only too right about what you say.    .     yeah, BUT ONLY when YOU try it for yourself OR happen to be watching someone playing it! . . . . . . self. . . . . .  fulling. . . . . . . . .  prophecy. . . . . . . See due to your pessimistic mathematical logical loser attitude toward life your going to see alot of people losing and see many many more personal losses!!   This may explain why You,Six,Spike,Shorty,Simon.    .    .    ect ect are so f*****g miserable all the time.    .    .     BUT get people with the right mind set, and they will manage things that words could not express! and if you were put in their shoes for a day you would stop your blind mind stuff!

Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: kattila on February 04, 2010, 09:38:02 PM
If you think you are so smart and superior to others, even show  your superiority ( your ideas, ways to play) not only comment on coughing like a co....rd  Mister  No more bets. Do something positive.
Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: hermes on February 05, 2010, 12:17:12 AM
We know saying Mind over Matter already for over 3,000 years before Wiseman was born. Matter just reflects the mind, the body does the same. They are mirror of the mind. It is true that the state of mind governs all human aspects not only luck/ unluck. All wisdom comes from within...even happiness. If you think you can do it you will do it. If you doubt you can do it you always lose.
Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: dhoola on March 11, 2010, 07:25:06 PM
Quote from: manaman link=topic=14900. msg94900#msg94900 date=1265323832
There is no such person as lady luck! good luck/bad luck depends purley on state of mind,'EVERYTHING' is first created in the mind before it's manifested.      take a look around you now and name 1 thing that did'nt first start in the mind.     .     .      Dr Richard Wiseman wrote a book called The Luck Factor where he did many tests and studies with people that think themself lucky/unlucky.     .      you can find his book at amazon.      

Here is part of what it says there.     .     .    

Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst others face repeated failure and sadness? Why do some find their perfect partner whilst others stagger from one broken relationship to the next? What enables some people to have successful careers whilst apparently similar others find themselves trapped with jobs they detest? And can unlucky people do anything to improve their luck - and lives? Ten years ago, Dr.      Richard Wiseman decided to search for the elusive luck factor by investigating the actual beliefs and experiences of lucky and unlucky people.     .     .     Looking at the results, Wiseman was able to identify four main factors which explained living a lucky and unlucky life.      He was then able to show a group of people that considered themselves unlucky, how to think and behave like lucky people.      The results were astounding with almost all participants reporting significant life changes: including increased levels of luck, self-esteem, physical well-being, confidence, and success.      


I have his book and take my hat off to the guy.     .     .     .      10 years of study! facts about luck being a state of mind!

People like you and most here are so convinced that "this system wont work".   .   "that progression will kill your bankroll"  "It's inevitable that system will fail after 100,000 spins" but what you don't get is that your only too right about what you say.     .      yeah, BUT ONLY when YOU try it for yourself OR happen to be watching someone playing it! .  .  .  .  .  .  self.  .  .  .  .  .   fulling.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   prophecy.  .  .  .  .  .  .  See due to your pessimistic mathematical logical loser attitude toward life your going to see alot of people losing and see many many more personal losses!!   This may explain why You,Six,Spike,Shorty,Simon.     .     .     ect ect are so f*****g miserable all the time.     .     .      BUT get people with the right mind set, and they will manage things that words could not express! and if you were put in their shoes for a day you would stop your blind mind stuff!

Excellent  :clapping:
Title: Re: Numerous Roulette Systems.
Post by: hermes on March 11, 2010, 09:54:49 PM
Iggi just got 20 blacks online live roulette. How would you treat that with the Martingale? The effect of the magnetic balls does that if you will bet stubborn on black all the time "the eye in the sky" will push the button red all the time. And who do you thing wins when 2 stubborn fights? You - because you will get a new expensive lesson and have to work for one month overtime to get even. We have to counter part in all our systems the mabnetic balls effect. That means bet with the trend and be ready to turn 180 degree around like a chameleon if the trend changes. The scoreboards are our help to see visually what is going on...