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Gizmo Cures Cancer......

Started by xman1970, August 23, 2010, 09:05:43 PM

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Quote from: Gizmotron on August 25, 2010, 01:30:44 PM

It's you that is missing the true irony. You dragged up this thread in order to gloat about your perceived impression that you are safe and that all is well with the math oriented world of worthless systems and endless investigations of your own self importance. The irony is your own pot kettle black actions. I can finish you off any time I want to. You on the other hand have no clue what it is that I'm holding back.

As much as I try to read your above quote, all I can hear is Charlie Brown's teacher going "Wah!" "Wah!" "Wah!"

I guess I will just have to let the people of this forum come to their own conclusions on why you refuse to answer such a easy question from a simpleton like myself......

That's the people of this forum BTW, but no doubt Gizmo will see as "the people of the world"  :yes:

Although after receiving some more info from one of Gizmo's disciples I feel he may in fact of conceded that my suspicions are indeed correct......



You know "dork brain," you would be really cool if you just used Shockwave or Flash to make me look cool "Beyond Cool."

So I''ll use this to send a message to my very few students.

I've been playing with a five step Martingale progression combined with the prosperous state of basic randomness. Combine that with a hit and run technique and you have a condition of randomness that produces more wins than the average that math statistics says you should get. It makes an interesting experiment when delving into extreme fall back positions while dealing with moments that are not optimal to attack. Hang in there. Randomness is the holy grail that morons can't consider.


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 25, 2010, 07:00:58 PM
You know "dork brain," you would be really cool if you just used Shockwave or Flash to make me look cool "Beyond Cool."

Gizmo I must be 100% honest with you here, I'm NOT clever enough to put together the couple of images I've posted here regarding you  :-[ They were both sent to me via PM from somebody who thought they would be handy to post  ::) So I can take neither the credit or blame depending on which way it's looked upon

So I''ll use this to send a message to my very few students.

I've been playing with a five step Martingale progression combined with the prosperous state of basic randomness. Combine that with a hit and run technique and you have a condition of randomness that produces more wins than the average that math statistics says you should get. It makes an interesting experiment when delving into extreme fall back positions while dealing with moments that are not optimal to attack. Hang in there. Randomness is the holy grail that morons can't consider.

No doubt they will be "over the moon" to received this paragraph from you  :good: I have no idea why you have posted it here as you obviously have their E mail addresses ?? No doubt they are looking forward to you killing their future "cash cow"  :good: The best of luck with that..... 8)


Wow X - looks like you've been having some fun...
Too bad I'm not around to join in anymore!

Keep er real.


QuoteNo doubt they will be "over the moon" to received this paragraph from you   I have no idea why you have posted it here as you obviously have their E mail addresses ?? No doubt they are looking forward to you killing their future "cash cow"   The best of luck with that.....

Only you are effectively drawn to that conclusion aren't you? I just did it to manipulate you properly. It worked perfectly. You give a damn about my paying students, that's just wonderful. You actually selectively believe me when it's convenient for you to do that. I'm not impressed. You are still just guessing and fishing. You are like dog food being served to special customers only, at the fine restaurant. You are the fool in all this. Nice going.


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 25, 2010, 08:15:46 PM
Only you are effectively drawn to that conclusion aren't you?

I'm getting dazed n confused  :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko: Do I take what you said as the truth or are lying ??
When you have made you mind pls let "the world" know  :good:

I just did it to manipulate you properly. It worked perfectly.

Oh No,  :-[ I've been grifted..... No doubt I'm NOT the only one.......

You give a damn about my paying students, that's just wonderful.

I don't like people being conned, so of course I give a damn about you disciples (IF they exist), in the time to come I'm sure at least one of Em will stop forward & tell "the world" about this shame of yours....

You actually selectively believe me when it's convenient for you to do that.

Boy, I've told you before my riddles skill are poor, pls stop picking on me !!!! My simpleton mind cannot match your MENSA magic..... :blush2: :blush2: :blush2:

I'm not impressed.

HeHeHe join the club, now you know how I feel when I read your posts

You are still just guessing and fishing.

Guessing ? No, why waste my time ? Fishing ? No again, I want NOTHING to do with your roulette ramblings from La La Land.....

You are like dog food being served to special customers only, at the fine restaurant. You are the fool in all this.

There you go again picking on me  :-[ I doubt I will get ANY sleep tonight after all of your razor sharp put downs about me....  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Nice going.

thank you, thank you v much....... ;)


come on GIZ!
Give it up man...
U saw all these years that Roulette can t been beaten and u just wanted to make some of the loss money and time that u spent by selling a SCAM!

its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo simple!


xman1970  said:
QuoteThere you go again picking on me   I doubt I will get ANY sleep tonight after all of your razor sharp put downs about me....     

Here is the simplest way to see all this. You started this thread. You see yourself as a self appointed savior of the world. You have no idea how to beat Roulette long term. You conclude that I must be scamming others. It's you that are attempting to scam others. You are the one trying to pass off your failings. You want me to carry your burden. No way I'm going to bail you out. You carry your own failings and all the followers that you think you can recruit. That's the real reason you started this thread.


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 26, 2010, 02:39:34 PM

Here is the simplest way to see all this. You started this thread. You see yourself as a self appointed savior of the world.

Erm... No, I started this thread to show people that I think you claim to be something your NOT !!!! Simple as that, I think your a fraud.....

You have no idea how to beat Roulette long term.

You don't know that, but for ONCE you could be correct.......  :blush2:

You conclude that I must be scamming others.

Yes  :good: I think you are but, I don't think your doing it "on purpose". In Gizmo World (where unsurprisingly you are indeed King) ALL of your rantings make sense & work, therefore "spread the word" show that Gizmo is the saviour Etc..... It just that self importance gene going haywire again.... EVERYBODY look at me !!!!!!!!

It's you that are attempting to scam others.

I'm NOT charging people via E bay to teach them roulette

You are the one trying to pass off your failings. You want me to carry your burden. No way I'm going to bail you out.

Ok Riddler I'm pass on this one, all I'm getting from it is a headache......

You carry your own failings and all the followers that you think you can recruit. That's the real reason you started this thread.

Nope, I unlike you am not trying to sell anything.......


Quote from: xman1970 on August 26, 2010, 09:05:09 PM
Erm... No, I started this thread to show people that I think you claim to be something your NOT !!!! Simple as that, I think your a fraud.....

You have no clue what it is that I teach. So go ahead and show us all what you think it is. Start with a working method that actually is teachable and that actually works. Show us all why randomness presents the only opportunities outside of a physics based solution. Show us what you think is important enough for you to have started this thread. So go ahead, prove you have an IQ higher than the room temperature.


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 26, 2010, 11:03:43 PM
You have no clue what it is that I teach.

Agreed  :good: That makes at least two of us right ?

So go ahead and show us all what you think it is. Start with a working method that actually is teachable and that actually works. Show us all why randomness presents the only opportunities outside of a physics based solution.

I have zero idea of what it is you claim to do........ :girl_wacko: Believe me I'm not the only one, ask your Magnificent Seven  :rtfm: :rtfm:

Show us what you think is important enough for you to have started this thread.

I have stated why in a previous post, be a good boy n read back..... :good:

So go ahead, prove you have an IQ higher than the room temperature.

Again, I've already stated here that I'm a simpleton, SOME of us don't claim to be something that they are not  :o

Although I'm not a member of MENSA like you, I do have the courtesy to answer questions posted here, maybe just maybe you could do the same  :scratch_ones_head: :scratch_ones_head:

"how to you think your 10 disciples are going to react when you kill that cash cow for them ?"

By all accounts third time is a charm.......... :blush2:


Quote from: xman1970 on August 26, 2010, 11:12:24 PM
Although I'm not a member of MENSA like you, I do have the courtesy to answer questions posted here, maybe just maybe you could do the same  :scratch_ones_head: :scratch_ones_head:

"how to you think your 10 disciples are going to react when you kill that cash cow for them ?"

By all accounts third time is a charm.......... :blush2:

What an arrogant prick you are. You have the courtesy to start a trashing thread at my expense. What happens between me and my students is not for public consumption. You want to know what I owe people that know what you don't know. I owe them nothing. They owe me everything. If I decide to kill off the casino game of Roulette it won't be because of people like you. You are a clueless loser. I have not asked why you think that you are a clueless loser or that throngs of people might think that you owe them something for you being a clueless loser. I'm the only one that matters as far as what I will or won't do. You need to help more old ladies across the street like a good boy scout.


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 26, 2010, 11:34:40 PM
What an arrogant prick you are.

Quick.... Duck n Cover People !!!!! Potty Mouth's Virtual Toys are coming out of his Virtual Cot....

You have the courtesy to start a trashing thread at my expense. What happens between me and my students is not for public consumption.

Well of course not you wouldn't want to be exposed now would you  :swoon: :swoon:

You want to know what I owe people that know what you don't know. I owe them nothing. They owe me everything.

Make room pls people..... Roulette Messiah coming through......

If I decide to kill off the casino game of Roulette it won't be because of people like you.

That's strange  :scratch_ones_head: :scratch_ones_head: In reply #1 of this thread you stated you WERE going to kill off roulette because of people like me. Because you don't look at past posts I will post it here for you....

"I'm going to go ahead and offer the world one last opportunity to get in before it's gone. This forum will one day be a ghost town. Normally I would have treated the world better but people like you have caused me to want to wreck everything."

Hope it doesn't hurt too much..... Falling on your own sword that is.......

You are a clueless loser.

Agreed  :good: that makes two of us right ??

I have not asked why you think that you are a clueless loser or that throngs of people might think that you owe them something for you being a clueless loser.

I'm stumped again..... :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko: Time to reach for the aspirin again.......

I'm the only one that matters as far as what I will or won't do.

& the self importance switch is clicked to ON again.......

You need to help more old ladies across the street like a good boy scout.

Well that would be more productive than selling services on Ebay.....


Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

why not just ignore you...


Quote from: Gizmotron on August 27, 2010, 12:04:46 AM
Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

Why are you a loser? answer the question.

why not just ignore you...

Oh dear..... The cracks are starting to open up at an alarming rate.......  :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko:

I will do something you cannot & that is answer your repeated question......

I am a loser because I do not have a mind like yours Gizmo, I cannot see what you see & therefore am unable to crack roulette.....

Your turn now to answer a question ?? Come on "the world" is waiting.......

Oh No, you cannot because you have now decided to "ignore" me  :-[

IF that is the case then my work here is done  ;)

Finally to Gizmo's seven disciples, pls be careful kids, your Emperor truly has no clothes...... 8)

