VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Roulette & Gambling framework => Topic started by: Pactole on March 13, 2012, 11:01:17 PM

Title: Profit Curve Going Up, Then Down...
Post by: Pactole on March 13, 2012, 11:01:17 PM
Here's a .txt file (attached) with the numbers you need
in order to make and see the graph of the profit curve when we add one unit every
spin on a straight up number for 72 spins.

The curve looks like a dome or the top of an egg shell,
going up fast then reaching a peak at spin 35 and spin 36
for a profit of 630 units at those two spins.

Then it starts to go down at the same speed as it went up.

I wish I could paste the graph here, with my text, but I don't know how.   :scratch_ones_head:

If you don't have Microsoft office, like me, then you can download, for free, OpenOffice which is like Microsoft Office, but free.

Title: Re: Profit Curve Going Up, Then Down...
Post by: Pactole on March 14, 2012, 12:36:44 AM
Here's the graph as a .jpg image attached.

I Pressed the "Print Screen" button on my keyboard
then I pasted the image in Paint.

I don't know how to paste an image here.