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Common errors at the wheel

Started by VLSroulette, August 25, 2009, 08:20:24 AM

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-       Not bringing all needed materials for the application of your method: I.e. pen, paper, calculator, betting templates, progression charts, printed roulette disc, etc.
-      Betting randomly (scattering chips).
-      Showing anxiety, acting greedy and lack of patience.
-      Tipping the dealer. Yep, the house has already the embedded "house edge". Dealers do not take part in sharing losses, at all. They can't place the ball at will in your numbers... they want you to think that!
-      Playing under the effects of alcohol.
-      Large nonsense bets (go "all in", "all or nothing").
-      Continuous betting. The act of not being able to skip spins when demanded by the method may indicate an addicted gambler and  disables the whole "betting opportunity" array of methods.
-      Deviating from stop-win and stop-loss point. Either trying to get more and more (just to lose it all later) or chasing losses with a new buy-in (a total "no-no").
-      Continue playing even after it is clear external agents took the attention away from the game, making the player more prone to human errors (agents such as the casino environment, or if betting online from home, something distracting happened, maybe with the family).
-      Most important and biggest error: thinking gambling is just leaisure and fun time. It is actually business, it has your money involved. The worst thing to do with a business activity is to think of it as a "pastime". That's not the mentality of a serious bettor; we have to go and play as smart as posible, do our best, not serve our personal conduct in a silver plate. If a person wants to be entertained, that is what the movies are for. Never take the seriousness away from the wheel, as it is what the casino wants... if they can make you think: "nah, it is just fun Money", then they "got you".


hi victor,

great post!  i totally agree with you, (except i will sometimes tip the dealer if i feel it is worth something to me!).  anyone who is serious about being a 'professional' has rules to follow, and many of them are basic to the 'business'.  i would also like to add practice, and when you think you are good at what you do, practice some more!  then take this to the wheel and have the 'discipline' to follow what you practiced.  and if you can't do this, or follow 'ANY' of the rules that you set forth, then QUIT!  before you lose everthing!  knowing when to quit for whatevery reason is a valuable practice also.

good luck



At a B&M casino, be the person everyone ignores.  Don't bathe, eat garlic, fart a lot--whatever it takes.  The worst thing you can be at a live table is liked!

Ah, the privacy of me office!  Makes a hermit's heart glow!



That's great Victor  :thumbsup: Can you make this topic a sticky?

Mr J

"I will sometimes tip the dealer if I feel it is worth something to me!" >>> In terms of how?  Ken 


If anybody should be tipping, Ken, its you. You only have one casino to go to and and believe it, they KNOW you don't tip and they know you win and that means they're out to get you. If they cut back you off on roulette, where will you play?

Mr J

It just SEEMS like a waste of money, maybe I'm wrong.  Ken


You're 100% wrong. You want these people on your side, you gain nothing from having them as enemies. Five bucks here and there works wonders for your relationship with these people. Read the dealer boards, they know you and they know you don't tip and they hate you for it. Who needs that kind of energy thrown in their direction? You're buying good will.

Mr J

Hate? I dont care and as far as enemies, thats going a bit too far. (I got 7 dealers at my house trying to break in to F**K me up? lol) What EXTRA do I get for tipping? Forget about that "being nice BS". What do I get that I cant get from a dealer I dont tip? Dont give me some goofy off the wall example of something that COULD happen every 5 years.  Ken


I'd rather have the guy throwing the ball on my side than being against me. And yes, if you win on a regular basis and don't tip the person who's helping you win, they do hate you for it. Read the dealer forums, they talk about it all the time. They root for you to lose, they love it when you lose, because you don't share even the smallest part of it with them. I'd rather have the dealer as my partner than have them as my enemy..

Mr J

"Dealers do not take part in sharing losses, at all. They can't place the ball at will in your numbers... they want you to think that!" >>> AGREED and nor do they care where it hits (in general).  Ken


Mr J

Yes, don't tip ones bitten twice shy.  You tip one and the next dealer wants more, and they don't spin to a number.  At least the ones that I know.  They are surprised when a repeat appears.  They can spin slow or fast / good or bad.

Try this if you want to tip put call bet on number for dealer and tell the dealer to spin to increase his tip.

Mr J

Better yet......if I lose on any given spin, will the dealer TIP me back? Say I have 6 $5 chips on the table and I lose. Does the dealer slide a chip back to me and say "keep it, better luck next time"!   Ken


Spike testified:  "I'd rather have the dealer as my partner than have them as my enemy.."

This begs the question (in my mind):  Can the dealer truly be your partner or enemy?

The Casino would always want the dealer to be your enemy.  What if he was your partner??:  Suppose you won a thousand per night and tipped your favorite dealer, "Fingers", a hundred because he is your partner.  Wouldn't the casino cotton on to the fact they are losing a thousand a day because "Fingers" spins the ball to your sector or whatever?

Which begs the second question:  How long before "Fingers" got the finger?


Mr J

You know the usual BS answer, just keep it 'low key'. lol  "Can the dealer truly be your partner or enemy?" >>> Neither is the answer! Ken

Mr J
