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Started by JHM, November 28, 2008, 01:47:41 PM

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You wrote:  We all know a consistent winning flat bet does not exist anywhere in the game.

Would you define for me what a "consistent winning" bet would be?  Flat I understand.  Please answer the following question:  How many bets would I have to make and what kind of bankroll increase would be necessary to prove a consistent winning flat bet is a reality.

I'm not so sure I want to be included in the "We" of that statement.  I feel the G.U.T. does win with flat bets or at least, it does for me.  Maybe I'm the lone wolf on the prairie.



page 3,he wrote:

is it the confession of subconscious mind?


Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 22, 2009, 11:53:01 AM

You wrote:  We all know a consistent winning flat bet does not exist anywhere in the game.

Would you define for me what a "consistent winning" bet would be?  Flat I understand.  Please answer the following question:  How many bets would I have to make and what kind of bankroll increase would be necessary to prove a consistent winning flat bet is a reality.

I'm not so sure I want to be included in the "We" of that statement.  I feel the G.U.T. does win with flat bets or at least, it does for me.  Maybe I'm the lone wolf on the prairie.


;) Hi Sam,

I think you misunderstood 6's statement. Or he didn't quite expressed it right. What he meant was that there are no fixed flat betting system in other words if 32 was spun always then play 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. That kind of bet. Our friend Charles says that for every spin he has a bet to place every spin. And that it is flat betting. In other words he is saying that he has a mechanical system that works.

I do not know much of GUT. But as I understand it, you have triggers you play off and also I guess you wait for the correct opportunity to bet. So 6 is not referring to the way you guys play but rather that Charley boy cannot have a mechanical system that flatbets and wins.

btw. Thanks for the well wishes mate. It is appreciated by both myself and the wife.




I may agree with this statement:  There is no mechanical bet that wins with flat bets.  Again, I may not.  I have long maintained that some strange form of numerology is involved with roulette and certain numbers inspire other numbers to appear.  Once I am allowed on the world's casinos, I will resume testing this idea.

When I hit $2,000 with the G.U.T. I will have multiplied my bankroll by 10 using mostly $1 bets.  Not one progression.  I can't believe I have some insight into this system others don't have.

Later, guts....er guys..



 ;) Hey Sam,

Those are great results. I'm very much impressed. Always thought of looking into GUT. You know yourself though that I have followed other avenues. As far as Numerology goes. Well I have studied Numeris since forever lol. I have picked up some interesting things and have learned alot.Things like inverse numbers, mirrors, figures and cadence, Keytimes, pretty pictures and tables (which nobody understands). Also distances and counting on the square etc. Yet after all this time invested into this subject I'm afraid I still have no sure thing. And I would like to see anyone studying Numeris who have.

I do not for one moment believe that Addonai, Gamlet and co. have anything near perfection. I think I have about 50 Holy Grails on my PC......which turned out anything but perfection lolol. So although it was interesting I'm pretty much sick and tired of Numeris Titanus. People studying it even starts talking differently. So although I believe that Roberta must have something close to a Grail if not the grail, I cannot see that anyone else will ever have it lol. Just too spaced out stuff and Roberta does not really seem to want to share it. (which I do not blame her for but then at least do not lead people on wild goose chases lol.) If she does not have perfection well then I guess she like having a nice big following lol. I'm really sorry that I did not spend my energies into the right direction from the start.



Quote from: Tiger claw on February 22, 2009, 09:35:49 AM
btw, is anyone working on a consistent winning bet in here anymore?

Yes there are still believers; Unfortunately, this thread is not longer about the bet anymore and it is getting ridiculous now. There is no more discussion on the idea instead of talking about CEH this person and the connection between Win3M and other websites, plus insults and humiliation etc.

Certainly, we all were raised doubts by the way CEH responded to Boffinsden and ppls' accusation. He seems to lose his emotional control . The way he spoke and reacted,calling ppls' name/idiots,attacking VLS member and rude manner, hardly make ppl believe he is a person who donated $$$$ to help ppl in need and a so-called "Professional" Player..sitll Why should we care about CEH's the person that much??

I believe the purpose of this thread and VLS forum is to bring ppls together and find a formula to win the game and develop winning bet.we already lost the view of the whole "forest" because of "CEH" this tree? If the thread continue like this  I suggest JHM/VLS to lock this thread.

Yes.It is always beneficial to  expose roulette scams. I suggest Ryan/VLS to organize the section dedicated to expose roulette scam in "the dark side", another section dedicated to attack and insult where  f-rl-player and Philc you guys can open another thread there and continue your battle with CEH.



hello guyz.i am wondering why this thread still exists since all of us here in the forum,or mayby the 99% believes win3million is a scam,it cant be another way..i dont know if ceh is a boy,an adult or an old man,but he is the BIGGEST ROULETTE SCAM ON INTERNET!come on guyz please wake up and waist your time working on roulette and not what this scam site says...mercy....
you cant make randomness work for you,and there are no special movements on the table,its all BS!there is no magic in the game..BS
you all know roulette better than ceh and you know this...and you all know the house advantage and i wonder how a "coverd" scam site has hypnotised you all
in his list of the scam sites,he deserves the first prize:)
goodevening to all boyz!


Okay guys, I can close the thread and let two new threads spawn, one for researchers of the consistent bet and one for naysayers. Is it okay?



I won't say Win3M is a scam as of today compared to Donny Millionaire's

On the other hand, I learn a lot from  CEH's website and the info is very useful for dummies or pighead like me. My study will continue..



Quote from: VLSroulette on February 22, 2009, 03:31:35 PM
Okay guys, I can close the thread and let two new threads spawn, one for researchers of the consistent bet and one for naysayers. Is it okay?


thank you Victor!! It will be beneficial for everybody!!



I suppose I have touted this G.U.T. until people are sick of hearing about it.  I thought a lot in church this morning about what I am wanting.  Simply put, I want others to work the system as I have and get the same results and then I will have more faith.  I wonder to myself:  How long before you truly believe?  How many wins; how much money; what percentage?

You see, I fear the math boys are right and I've only been on a lucky streak.  So when I sit down at this computer I am trying to prove the system works and that I have the guts (pardon the pun) to see it through. 

I've thought to throw a fit, get mad at someone, and quit posting on the G.U.T.  Coward's way out.  I'll see it to the end, good or bad.

What I learn, I will teach to anyone who wants to know. 

I will readily admit, this thing is not for everybody.  It can be slow for thirty minutes and then you're swamped with crossings.  About then, the phone rings.  So, as time permits, I will plod along toward $2000.  What I will do then, I don't know.

Thanks for your post. 




I have sent you a PM earlier this week considering this thread, did you receive that. Please close the thread. Like PH says, the thread is far off topic.

Your friend,




Really big discussions like this will always end like this. IMO, you need a whole new section/forum. I've seen some good ideas in this topic but when you have hundreds of posts in one place it's just too hard to keep everything in order & well organized. I don't think this guy deserves all this attention here (I mean a subforum), but it's just my personal opinion.

Good luck,


Quote from: VLSroulette on February 22, 2009, 03:31:35 PM
Okay guys, I can close the thread and let two new threads spawn, one for researchers of the consistent bet and one for naywayers. Is it okay?



I couldn't agree more. All I am interested in doing research for the bet, not spend time reading posts which has absolutely no relation to the topic.


LL Church

Close it please. Time to move on.
Thank you, Victor

LL Church
