VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Brainstorming => Topic started by: haribekur on June 06, 2009, 12:38:40 PM

Title: Labouchere alternative + dozens?
Post by: haribekur on June 06, 2009, 12:38:40 PM
Today i read that** topic and insidebet totally changed my mind from positive to nagetive. . is it really possible to make profit from roulette???are there systems that show good results in long term?. . i'm still sure there are such systems but the people who use them are not stupid to give them to the public. . So i am trying to make such system for myself and it will be great if someone test this one in long term spins. .

its based on Labouchere. .

-you start like this : 010,020,030*
-you play with dozen that wasn't been hit last 7 times. (not necessary)
-if your selected dozen is not hit for amount of spins,no problem to change your bet to some of the over 2 dozens.

the odds: since the dozens give 2 to 1 you if you win you win 2 times bigger prize!. And the trick is that you don't need to play till you strike trough all numbers, only till you see you are winning!

*010 means 0. 10usd and so on

**hxxp: vlsroulette. com/brainstorming/neural-networks/