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Thomas Grant Scam

Started by Spike, July 04, 2009, 04:50:25 AM

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This is absolutly nonsense...

Twocat is always posting graphs with major downfalls over several thousand spins, and at the end there is even more loss or a small profit (BUT NOT WORTH RISKING YOU'RE BANKROLL). YET MR Thomas Grant always posts grahps of less then 400 spins with big profits. Some grahps only showing 30 to 50 spins. THIS doesn't make any sense. Everyone can make grafhs of winning systems over 400 spins (IT isn't even that hard).

From all i have learnt (not only me, other descent ppl to) there isn't any winning system with the use of progression, yet several progression system are sold on this bot. That can't be true!!

I hope more ppl that got ripped of by this, step to the plate. There isn't anything to be a shamed of, but u could help others who are thinking of buying this. Togheter we can make this END!!

Kind Regards,


Quote from: xman1970 on July 09, 2009, 04:40:27 AM
Nope the post can stop right were it is as far as I'm concerned.....

Thx for your reply & understanding in this matter...... 8)

Your welcome.
If I have offended anyone by calling them the G word.
Please take my sincere apologie.

Can I now continue to defend my position?

I recall the debacle of the so called murph incident.
Where again, I was wrongly accused of selling a system.
I was not the one that sold it.
But I did purchase it.
What a waste of money that was.



I cannot speak to why Thomas Grant posts graphs with 400 spins. 

As to my graphs, they are not fake.  You may believe anything you wish.  People ridiculed me just as much when I posted charts and videos of the G.U.T.  They ridiculed Mr Chips mercilessly.  They would have crucified Winkel if they could have gotten their hands on him.

Quite a lot of hate on this forum lately.



QuoteQuite a lot of hate on this forum lately.


Sam, you and I can argue our points till we are blue in the face.
It wont change anything. N6, Spike and Skritzy all seem to be out to do what ever they wish to do.
And discredit anyone that says they are winning any money playing roulette.
Regardless of the system, or non system. Or bot or no bot.
I could say I am winning using the trow the dart at the number method.
It wont make a scrap of difference to them.
I could show them all the details of all the transactions.
Still, they will say the documents were forged.
Or I used PhotoShop to edit them.
Makes me laugh.
Let them vent all they wish.
Let them call me anything they wish.
A liar, a cheat, a scammer.
Whatever. Makes no difference to me what so ever.
You and I both know better.
You were the first person to use the bot.
I just followed your lead.
You know it works.
You know it works on a live table.
You have seen the videos I did of it playing on Dublin Bet.
No, not the ones that were posted here.
Not sure if you have used it on Dublin Bet or not.
Or if you have used it on Smart Live Casino.
No matter what we do in life.
We will have people that will be against us.
It would be interesting to find out how many thought Colonel Sanders (KFC) was scammer.


What I don't understand is why N6 turned down Matt's offer of a trial of the bot. He had a chance to get some real evidence that the bot makes money consistently on BV but instead declined. Could it be that he doesn't want to risk being proved wrong?  >:D

Now I suppose I'll be accused of being a "scammer-lover"  ;D

Number Six

Quote from: Tangram
What I don't understand is why N6 turned down Matt's offer of a trial of the bot. He had a chance to get some real evidence that the bot makes money consistently on BV but instead declined. Could it be that he doesn't want to risk being proved wrong?  >:D

Now I suppose I'll be accused of being a "scammer-lover"  ;D

Don't be a knucklehead I do not have enough time to test this thing. I am not a con man. I have a real job to do. So I test the bot and indirectly end up advertising this scam? You struck me as a person that understands the maths of the game and why no rule-based system will profit consistently. Are you also being fooled by the automation gimmick? These scammers know nothing about the process that powers roulette. They know NOTHING. Super roulette has regularly referred to mathematical and probability principles and uses those principles to justify the "logic" of his bot. There is no logic to random. That is why it is random and inexplicable. Pascal himself was broken by the fact that he couldn't beat his own game with maths. He expanded probability theory in the pursuit. It got him nowhere. Do you really think that super roulette has done what Pascal couldn't? If I was given access to the bots systems, I would have taken that. Then I would have tested them manually and had them RX coded and simulated over many, many bets. I have no fear of being proved wrong because I understand maths. If super roulette was a productive poster and made his systems available to the public I wouldn't be bothered. He is a seller. That bothers me.

And yes I asked for my account to be deleted immediately. I want no part of this disgusting charade or the sickening tactics that are going on here. I have been told that the forum will undergo changes soon and I have been asked to be patient while they are carried out. I will wait.


Quote from: Number Six on July 09, 2009, 02:56:35 PM
If I was given access to the bots systems, I would have taken that. Then I would have tested them manually and had them RX coded and simulated over many, many bets. I have no fear of being proved wrong because I understand maths.

N6, anyone who uses the software, has full access to the strategies within. The mechanics of how the software works is totally transparent and if the player desires, totally configurable.



QuoteBots are not a scam, its just the way they are sold that is!

So does that go for everything?
Late night adds for health products.
Do they fall into scam?
Just because of the way they are sold?


Quote from: Number SixI do not have enough time to test this thing.

Oh come on. How much time does it take? 2 minutes to set the bot and let it run for a few hours - isn't that part of the attraction of using a bot? so that you don't have to sit for hours in front of your computer?

Quote from: Number SixSo I test the bot and indirectly end up advertising this scam?

No, you test it and report on the results. You have no vested interest in cherry-picking the results as Matt does, so we have an objective review of the bot's performance.

Quote from: Number SixYou struck me as a person that understands the maths of the game and why no rule-based system will profit consistently.

I do understand the maths, which is why I believe that the bot could work at a no-zero casino. With a zero, forget it. Many people don't understand the compounding effect that the zero has when many decisions are played, it works just like interest on your savings, only in reverse. Your bankroll will steadily and inevitably be depleted. But with no edge, you only need a sufficient bankroll to ride out the downswings.

On the wider issue of people using the forum as a marketing platform, I agree with you. I've said before that if sellers are to be allowed here they should confine their advertising to a separate section, and they should offer some kind of free trial/money back guarantee and they should be required to make a monetary contribution to the forum - why should they get free advertising?  Just my opinion, it's up to Victor to decide, it's his forum.


Well, I said I would stay out of this fray, but it's difficult......


I agree with your ideas on testing.  When I became a co-administrator some time back, I said my goal was to lead this forum in proper testing.  I think this is called empirical testing, where you look at the data before you.  I am all for double-blind testing also.  If I had my way, every person who comes on this forum claiming to have the "Holy Grail" would either be asked to demonstrate same or leave the forum.  As it is, they give hints and some chase after them.  It is always a dead end.

I am doing my dead-level best to offer an objective view of this bot.  I can tell you this without reservation:  The damn thing is a ton of fun to play with.   While I am now down 145 Euro and making a scratching, digging climb out of the hole, I have not lost in the true sense of the word.  Will I?  I may or may not.  Time will tell.  I firmly believe--and I may be wrong--that this thing can and will be programmed to capitalize on the positive trams Victor once spoke of.  When that happens, I firmly believe this bot will become a constant-profit generating device.  An on-line investment tool.

For those who poo-poo playing with pennies............

I am gaining about 10E per day using pennies.  That is 300E per month or about $500 American.  That is not a bad little sum for setting a bot and leaving it alone twice a day.  I just must eliminate the down turns!  The run from hell is what gets me.  And, yes, it will always be there; we must learn to deal with it and move on.  We can't prevent hurricanes either, but we somehow live through them as a race.

As to a sales section on this forum, I suggested that, also.  Like most--if not all--of my suggestions it fell on dear ears.  And it is Victor's forum in the final analysis.  He can do as he pleases.

The last two trots the bot has ran a perfect positive tram.  It is running one now on my other computer.  How long will it last?  Who knows?


Mr Chips

I never thought I would be interested in bots but I am getting more and more fascinated by them. Your reports of testing a bot
is very interesting and I hope you will continue to let us know how you get on and thankyou for keeping us informed.
I am sure that a particular type of system needs to be used by bots to eliminate those downturns. It will require a complex
program, but that is I am certain the way forward for future bots.

Best Regards
Mr Chips


Mr Chips

Thanks for those words of encouragement.  People much smarter than I are working to eliminate the down turns.  Maybe they can; maybe they can't.  I can assure you one thing:  If they never even try they surely won't!  And they just might!



Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 10, 2009, 04:07:00 PM
Mr Chips

Thanks for those words of encouragement.  People much smarter than I are working to eliminate the down turns.  Maybe they can; maybe they can't.  I can assure you one thing:  If they never even try they surely won't!  And they just might!


Sure hope so Sam.

Amazingly this topic isn't called TwoCatSam scam.
Only my name seems to be the one that has the suffix scam attached to the end of the topic.
Will have to read the archives to see who else has been tarnished with the word Scam.
I think Murph may have been. But that could of been my fault.


Does anybody have a list of online casinos where they allow you to use robot's to place the bets? Don't most of them have a clause in the user agreement that prohibit the use of robots? Don't they have software that detects robots?

Just wondering..


Quote from: Spike on July 10, 2009, 05:25:07 PM
Does anybody have a list of online casinos where they allow you to use robot's to place the bets? Don't most of them have a clause in the user agreement that prohibit the use of robots? Don't they have software that detects robots?

Just wondering..

I am sure we can find you some.
That will make you so happy.
A casino that allows no bots.
Try going to real one. No, not online live casinos.
I mean the brick and mortar type.
Ours down here is called SkyCity.
Its an old Railway station. They made it a Casino.

