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Started by winkel, August 20, 2008, 09:42:05 AM

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Thank you for correcting me winkel.

I will print and study your chart.  I just saw a lot of winners, but I may have just been seeing luck.



"If we do this, If we do that.........."

Be careful. These "if" statements are a sign that you are curve fitting your bet selections to change the results. 



You are right in many cases.  Half way through the study someone says, "If we just bet on Tuesday......."

At the races a fellow actually did a study of a certain jockey riding a gray horse on Sundays and going off at 5-1 or greater.  Guess what?  Showed a profit at years end.

But to me winkel is saying, "If you weld without a helmet you will go blind."  A very proper use of the word, don't you think?



If YOU Idiot would have read the question, you would´nt write such a mess.

I just argued why it is not recommendable to change rules or selection. If he does, he will loose.
You can´t express a negotiation in an other way.

The "if-clause" wasn´t used for describing the bet selection in a way to curve fitting the rules to make the strategy win.

That might be your way to argue, not mine.

QuoteConstructive criticism is a very good thing to have on a gambling systems forum.
this is your sentence.
but you and constructive criticism are as near as the North Pole to the South Pole

no regards



I'll ignore the name calling this time.

I was referring to all of the if statements made by everyone, not just you.

Yes, my criticism is constructive, and merited.  :)


You are jeust using empty phrases. Youz didn´t give any argument, why any system should loose



In the above post, I wasn't talking about how that would make the system lose.  Just that all of the curve fitting isn't beneficial to the testing.

I've already posted in the past how the system would perform over the long term.  I don't see any reason as to why I should expalin it again.



any one in here any good at translating german for the other systems?

big concern that winkel's english is so good and yet he is not confident to translate so not sure how good an online translation would be (my guess is poor)


i think that Winkel english is very good
english is not my first language as i am from France but i can understand every post from Winkel

it will be nice if Winkel would have time to explain his other systems

i have tried automatic translation from  german to french it is very bad

thank in advance Winkel

ntm from france


Hi guys!

This is my 2nd reply to the forum. I am very new.

I think I found something...

Ok, here goes:

With a 40 number spin, how many crossing can you find?

Instead of opening one tracker, open 6 Tracker!!!!

Start entering numbers like this:

No.1 -----> 1st tracker
No.2 -----> 1st and 2nd tracker
No.3 -----> 1st, 2nd and 3rd tracker
No.4 -----> 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracker
No.5 -----> 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th tracker
No.6 -----> All tracker
No.7-40--> All tracker

Example :

Spin No,Tracker 1, Tracker 2, Tracker 3, Tracker 4, Tracker 5, Tracker 6

GREEN = Crossing and Win
RED = No Crossing and Lost
BLUE = Crossing but no bets
- = No entry ( Don't key in numbers, wait for next number)


By delaying an entry, the crossing MAY be different. Thus, we have different crossing for different tracker.
However, there are also some crossing which are the same (Eg. Spin No.31, Number 10)(Eg. Spin No.35, Number 31).

Tracker 1: Crossing after 15 vs 14 ---> bet 15, win 35 ---> +20
Tracker 2: Crossing after 15 vs 15 ---> bet 15, win 35 ---> +20
Tracker 3: Crossing after 15 vs 15 ---> bet 15, loss 15 ---> -15
               Crossing after 15 vs 14 ---> bet 15, loss 15 ---> -15
Tracker 4: Crossing after 15 vs 14 ---> bet 15, win 35 ---> +20
Tracker 5: Crossing after 16 vs 15 ---> bet 16, loss 16 ---> -16
Tracker 6: Crossing after 15 vs 15 ---> bet 15, win 35 ---> +20

If we bet on all tracker ( even if it has been bet in other tracker),
total net profit = 20+20-15-15+20-16+20
                     = +34 (use total BR 106)

If we bet (no double betting),
total net profit = 20 (no. 10) - 16 (no. 32) - 15 (no.6) + 15 (no. 31) + 15 (no. 13)
                     = +19 ( use total BR 75)

Assume: No.32 has 15 vs 15(tracker 3) and 16 vs 15 (tracker 5), we bet on tracker 5's 16 numbers.

If tracking back 18 numbers or 20 numbers will work, this will work too!! Because I believe it uses the same concept.

After you finish with these spin result, retrack back all the trackers!!!

Multi Tracking = Multi Crossing = Multi Wins!!!!!

Is the GUT getting more interesting or what?

Same spin result, more betting chance~!

@ SAM and Lohnro, no need to wait for long spins to find a suitable bet!

@ Winkel, is this thoery possible? The results seems ok.

@ Boo, this is what i am trying to ask you the other day about GUT.

I think this need more testing and spins to prove!

Thanks for reading!



Hi Nobody,

this will call Herb, because with this we are going straight to the point of knowing the next number to come.

It follows what I said some days ago: If you have a 100 spins and jump back only one spin (thats what you do with your multiple tracker)
you will find one crossing on the same spins over different trackers.

This is my tracker.
as you see, there are different sheets exactly; 111
every sheet has control over 50 spins
1. 1-50
2. 2-51
3. 3-52
111. 111-161

in all I control 161 spins I can jump forward and backward I can control whether there are opposite crossings (page 15 say 0vs1 and page 5 says 1vs2 I don´t bet!

But that is for herb and gizmotron: this enables to play (following Kolmogorof) thee difference between these two crossings.

But that is another thing.



@ Nobody

Multi tracking = Multi wins = Multi profit.

Why not just track and build up profit to bet 2units instead of 1 and then you have double profit and then build up bank more and bet 3u and then you have even more profit.

I try and track with 3 different tracks. i tend to have them around 10 to 15 spins apart. Why - the tracker goes back to spin 20. so you want one around spin 30 odd and one around spin 40 odd when 1 on spin 20. when one is dying, 1 should come alive and 1 be alive.

I find 3 complex and hard to get all bets on in time and do analysis - so adding into the mix the concept of betting on multi ones all at once, thats a hell of a lot of bets to placed in a short space of time.

I am pretty sure it will work, but for now I am happy playing it as winkel explains since i am pretty damn sure he didnt move on to advanced play after a few weeks and i am guessing that i have a good amount of learning to do before i am ready to move on to more advanced play.

This is the things with systems. Maybe this is why winkel provides links to the other posts in german rather than posting here. We have not mastered driving a mini and yet we want to hit the freeway in a porsche. it makes sense that we have a bump or two in the mini first before test driving the porsche......


Quote from: tucktuckster on September 16, 2008, 09:06:06 AM
@ Nobody

Multi tracking = Multi wins = Multi profit.

Why not just track and build up profit to bet 2units instead of 1 and then you have double profit and then build up bank more and bet 3u and then you have even more profit.

I try and track with 3 different tracks. I tend to have them around 10 to 15 spins apart. Why - the tracker goes back to spin 20. so you want one around spin 30 odd and one around spin 40 odd when 1 on spin 20. when one is dying, 1 should come alive and 1 be alive.

I find 3 complex and hard to get all bets on in time and do analysis - so adding into the mix the concept of betting on multi ones all at once, thats a hell of a lot of bets to placed in a short space of time.

I am pretty sure it will work, but for now I am happy playing it as winkel explains since I am pretty damn sure he didnt move on to advanced play after a few weeks and I am guessing that I have a good amount of learning to do before I am ready to move on to more advanced play.

This is the things with systems. Maybe this is why winkel provides links to the other posts in german rather than posting here. We have not mastered driving a mini and yet we want to hit the freeway in a porsche. it makes sense that we have a bump or two in the mini first before test driving the porsche......


Yes, to monitor more than one tracker is a tough job and also to place the bet is not easy to practice.
If only we can programme a program that can show result of the multi tracker like the one winkel is having, tracking will be a lot easier.

What I am saying is by using more than one tracker, we can track more possible crossing and bet on it!



Quote from: winkel on September 16, 2008, 07:28:59 AM
Hi Nobody,

this will call Herb, because with this we are going straight to the point of knowing the next number to come.

It follows what I said some days ago: If you have a 100 spins and jump back only one spin (thats what you do with your multiple tracker)
you will find one crossing on the same spins over different trackers.

This is my tracker.
as you see, there are different sheets exactly; 111
every sheet has control over 50 spins
1. 1-50
2. 2-51
3. 3-52
111. 111-161

in all I control 161 spins I can jump forward and backward I can control whether there are opposite crossings (page 15 say 0vs1 and page 5 says 1vs2 I don´t bet!

But that is for herb and gizmotron: this enables to play (following Kolmogorof) thee difference between these two crossings.

But that is another thing.


@Prof. Winkel

I believe that not all the crossing on the tracker are the same. Yes some are the same, yet some are different.

Spin 31 (number 10), Spin 35 (number 31) and Spin 36 (number 13)are different.

Spin 31: win bet is number 10---> bet number 10 and win
Spin 35: win bet is number 31---> bet number 31 and win
Spin 36: win bet is number 13---> bet number 13 and win

I can bet on all those number and win them ALL!

3 bets on 3 different spin, 3 wins~!!

If there are of the SAME CROSSING, how is this possible?

Using one tracker, we can only FIND one possible crossing.
By using more than on tracker, we can find MORE than one possible crossing and bet on it.

Remember this is with the same 50 spin result.

For example, you are at the online casino for an hour tracking and waiting to bet.
With one tracker, you will SEE and bet on one possible crossing.
But with more than on tracker, you can FIND more than one possible crossing and bet on them~~!!!

With only one tracker, you will "missed out" other betting opportunity~

Prof. Winkel, please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks Prof.

Thanks all for reading.

Nobody ^.^

