VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Main Roulette System Board => Topic started by: seykid29 on November 25, 2009, 02:38:46 PM

Title: Enough is enough...
Post by: seykid29 on November 25, 2009, 02:38:46 PM
Hi all,quite some days i dont post in any thread,or new topic.I know the subject of playing long run is a long old issue,but it still nag me to think concentration,proper knowledge,a good system cant see you through.Isnt short run,playing long run..Another thing that bemuse me is the long threaded topic for systems that rely on randomness and maybe that still runs long,im now more than sure the Grail Of Synchronization is among the best way to go.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 25, 2009, 05:35:52 PM
---Grail of synchronisation????

Meaning????.........................Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: seykid29 on November 26, 2009, 01:17:53 AM
Hi Iboba,
One question,do you ALWAYS stick to a strategy at the table,or you might change according to the wheel? :whistle:

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 26, 2009, 01:24:21 AM
Trust me on this one...........

Short runs added together make long runs.  There is no such thing as a short run, actually.  There are only bits and pieces of the infinite run.  The run has no beginning nor end.  The run is Alpha and Omega.  The run is eternal.

I shall now pass the plate!


Title: lDbACZbUOPjG
Post by: Landis on November 26, 2009, 01:29:59 AM
vDD8uZ  <a href="hxxp: qbqshikzsxru. com/">qbqshikzsxru</a>, fwavkmuhqlqq, [link=hxxp: elyfbtbqfzyn. com/]elyfbtbqfzyn[/link], hxxp: vwowsgwlxlif. com/
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 26, 2009, 05:31:52 AM
Quote from: seykid29 on November 26, 2009, 01:17:53 AM
Hi Iboba,
One question,do you ALWAYS stick to a strategy at the table,or you might change according to the wheel? :whistle:

In my local casino I change about 10 diff.methods throughout the night.Why????
Cause a Big Brothers are watching your play/especially if there is not enough
players.....o yes be sure of that/and very soon they no what you are playing.
And now one question for all of you;
Would like to hear your unswers on this...........Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Jakkalsdraai on November 26, 2009, 05:52:51 AM
I suppose it is possible to control a wheel in other words cheat. I suppose it also depends where you play. I do however not for one second believe that they would cheat.

Randomness of the wheel is all that is needed.

I think our brains look to place things in order and we look for the same order within randomness, which of course is not suppose to exist. (Some guys will say differently, Gizmo comes to mind as well as Spike). I'm not saying they are wrong.

I am saying that we would look at a selection of past spins and create a system accordingly (that works to those spins off course). We will go to the casino and hey it might work for a while then crash. And we think why the hell did that happen? The wheel is rigged. Meantime it was just randomness doing it's thing.

Back to Gizmo and Spike and whoever is in that church. What they do differently (and this might be of interest to you Seakid) is that they actually do change with the wheel by using there so-called educated guessing. I have thought about this alot. These guys create groups of numbers (12 number groups) You could say they create 5 different groups. These groups are tracked. Somewhere a group will lag way behind and later hit alot right? It should not cause it's randomn but it does.

Try this for instance. Make up a group of any 24 numbers. Also dot down the remaining 12 numbers. Now track both these sets of numbers ove 300 spins. I assure you you will see groupings. more importantly. One would excpect the 24 number group to hit twice as much as the 12 number group. That off course will not happen. The 24 number group might hit much more than 2 to 1. Then later the 12 number group will have to catch up. That is just how it is.

So do they rig wheels causing you to loose. I don't think so. I think that you might just be on a downside at that moment. Betting maybe on 24 numbers but the other 12 numbers are catching up at that time. Making you feel like you just cannot hit.

Just my humble opinion.


BTW. I like Ken's 2 number system
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: simon on November 26, 2009, 08:25:09 AM
In my local casino I change about 10 diff.methods throughout the night.Why????
Cause a Big Brothers are watching your play/especially if there is not enough
players.....o yes be sure of that/and very soon they no what you are playing.
And now one question for all of you;
Would like to hear your unswers on this...........Iboba  

............ anyone who writes this could not have spent much time playing roulette, as there is no need to disguise anything you are doing at the roulette table in any way, at any time,  for any reason, even if you spent hour after hour there day after day (which I have in the past), and there is no need for the casino to manipulate the wheel in any way, so they can't and they don't.  Any casino I've been to would not care if you sat there with books, notes and diagrams and told everyone around you what you are doing.  Any casino I've been to would never have any reason to  manipulate the wheel or cheat anyone-- the zeroes on the wheel and a level unbiased wheel is all they need for the greatest money making machine in the world.  Iboba you are dreaming if you think the casino is worried about you and your methods that you think you have to keep changing or they'll "catch on to you," and if you think they would "remotely control the wheel."
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 26, 2009, 08:40:56 AM
Jakk mate,
Believe me know what am talking about.What you explained I find it quite usual,
but the things that are happening lately at my local casino/of 3 around/where usually playing
things are really queer.
Playing there for long,and am constant winner on the long run.In any other casino I would have bee banned,
but since it is government own they have not right to ban you here,unless you cheat.
Lately I just can not win on the method I did earlier for long.Do you know why????They started to cheat,but how????
So I started to observe things more closely,swapping diff.methods throughout a night.And the other night I deliberatly
started playing a method  on which am constantly losing lately.....After about 40-50 spins was doing well,but then a pit boss/whom I suspect /come to the table watched about 10 spins then went to his office....At the time I was after
DS-2,4,5,.......AND IT STARTED SPIN AFTER A SPIN.....DS-1,3,6,....and after 5-6 spins I put a large bet on DS-1,3,6,
instead and won.Now imagine DS-1,3.6,spuning 34 times in the row.You never see that on any permanences.No sir.
............................................................Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: seykid29 on November 26, 2009, 11:28:31 AM
Grail of synchronization i meant changing strategies to match pattern/wheel..it would look like you are playing sprinkler method..camouflage in a way.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 26, 2009, 11:47:33 AM

Just to show my my brain works.....

I thought he mean could the player manipulate the wheel through telekinesis!

I think I can do it, but I'm not sure!   ::)

On another note...........

Thank you, Landis. 

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 26, 2009, 08:13:36 PM
Quote from: simon on November 26, 2009, 08:25:09 AM
In my local casino I change about 10 diff.methods throughout the night.Why????
Cause a Big Brothers are watching your play/especially if there is not enough
players.....o yes be sure of that/and very soon they no what you are playing.
And now one question for all of you;
Would like to hear your unswers on this...........Iboba  

............ anyone who writes this could not have spent much time playing roulette, as there is no need to disguise anything you are doing at the roulette table in any way, at any time,  for any reason, even if you spent hour after hour there day after day (which I have in the past), and there is no need for the casino to manipulate the wheel in any way, so they can't and they don't.  Any casino I've been to would not care if you sat there with books, notes and diagrams and told everyone around you what you are doing.  Any casino I've been to would never have any reason to  manipulate the wheel or cheat anyone-- the zeroes on the wheel and a level unbiased wheel is all they need for the greatest money making machine in the world.  Iboba you are dreaming if you think the casino is worried about you and your methods that you think you have to keep changing or they'll "catch on to you," and if you think they would "remotely control the wheel."
Simon dear,
You aren't paid  from casinos by the way.
From the systems you are presenting here one would pressume you do.
All world and universe is remotely controled,let alone one casino.

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: pighead on November 26, 2009, 08:53:29 PM
Cheating is possible.. Not sure why a legal casino would risk their license in order to defeat a professional player??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: simon on November 27, 2009, 12:15:53 AM
actually I have only been going to the same two casinos for many years so I shouldn't say that every casino doesn't care what you do and no casino tries to cheat you, etc.  I can only say that at the casinos I go to, the dealers are friendly and they do not try to deliberately "beat" anyone as they are mainly concentrating on calculating the payoffs in their heads (which can get tricky when players are piling tall stacks of chips on the board) and the house edge has always done a great job of consistenly relieving people of their money, hour after hour.  also I have done a lot of note-taking at the tables, knowing full well the eye in the sky was probably zooming right in on my notes (but probably found the girl's cleavage sitting next to me more interesting.)  I have even openly timed wheels with my watch when I was trying my hand at vb (which didn't work out.)  point is I have openly tried many systems at the wheel, and the casinos obviously did not care (actually, they welcome system players.)  I always thought that if I had found a successful system and they barred me from using it, then I would say "fine, great, I'll write a book about how and why I got barred from the roulette tables."  but turns out that hasn't happened, and I have not had to write that book.  and the casino is still ahead, if we are keeping score, me vs. the casino.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: seykid29 on November 27, 2009, 10:00:02 AM
THE sytem is every gamblers dream,yes THE one.We could say This is it(no pun to Michael Jackson)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: simon on November 27, 2009, 11:17:14 AM
the most laughable lines in system sellers ads are the ones that say to be sure not to stay at any table or casino too long playing the system so they don't know what you are doing, etc., because if they detect you are playing this incredible system that will break the bank and bring down the House ofcourse you will be asked to leave.  so you must be very discreet playing "the system the casino doesn't want you to know" and you should "mix up your bets" and "win and walk" so you will have some "protection from detection."  yeah right.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 11:24:18 AM
Play in gloves. ;D
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 27, 2009, 11:34:41 AM
Unfortunately I live in corupt country,as these things do not happen
in Europian known casinos............................Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 27, 2009, 12:49:23 PM
Quote from: iboba on November 26, 2009, 05:31:52 AM
Would like to hear your unswers on this...........Iboba 8) 8)

There is a device being sold for achieving this dear Iboba:

Rigged /Magic /Trick/ Loaded Roulette Wheel 32inch FOR SALE (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=pRl-LorwrZ4#)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: pighead on November 27, 2009, 01:22:20 PM
who is going to play roulette after watching this? :'( :'(
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 01:25:49 PM
Can we buy only key selector? :pleasantry:
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 27, 2009, 01:35:29 PM
So.......How exactly does this thing work?  Anyone? 

Vanes that either drop or increase in height?  Magnetism?  If you are going to control something physically, you must use a physical means to do it.  What did Newton say?:  A body moving in a straight line will continue to do so until something acts on it.  Something like that.   Believe it or not, that ball is traveling in a straight line, albeit circular in form.  What acts on the ball?

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 27, 2009, 01:49:19 PM
Thanks VICTOR,
As I said earlier,had ups and downs in gambling in most Europian casinos,
but what's happening at my local casino is just incredible and never seen it
enywhere before.The country is corupted,the government also,and I and some
other gamblers here come to conclusion they are cheating.One of the guys
ship captain lost over 60.000 euros in several nights,so he went to report
his suspects of cheatings at the local government offices and they told him;
Sorry but we have not inspectors for casinos,then he went to the police and they told him;
you shuoldn't gamble......One just can't believe.Simon and any of your guys check up any permanenzes and you will never find 3 same DS ALTERNATE FOR 34 SPINS....NEVER..........Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 02:02:44 PM
What I am going to tell you all is the truth. I was in a casino about 2 months go and I can only say the luck that I had there was shocking. I went through two £500 bankrolls in quickfire time in a few days play. Now considering this was playing even chances, I was very curious. The "Z figure" was running at about -14 on both occasions.
A few days later when I went back  ::) (tell me about it) I was just sitting in the background having a coffee and a manager and another employee came out of this room at the back of the casino. I heard the employee say to the manager " I was on fire there, they stood no chance"
These new low profile wheels are much the same as the one in the video sam posted. The ball sometimes just keeps rolling along the pockets at times and it does make you wonder. I probably sound like a conspiracy nut but if you think all these places have to be squeaky clean or they would lose their remit, you don't know what lengths these people will go to in order to get ALL your cash.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 27, 2009, 02:06:59 PM
Quote from: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 01:25:49 PM
Can we buy only key selector? :pleasantry:

Good point GogoCro, they will have to return the device as defective out of the losses from we using the selector so much with our feet!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 27, 2009, 02:08:04 PM
I still ask the question:  If this can be done--how?  Are we talking a metal-filled ball with magnetic pockets which can be activated?  This theory has been around for years, but has anyone ever proven it?

Victor posted the video, not me.  This wheel has practically no vanes!

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 02:16:55 PM
I think its very simple tu built RF or IR detector (listner) device. Must have red and green led lamp.
When is switch on, few seconds after, if casino is clear - green led is on, and if not red is on.
(Of course, only green led will be functioning with some few seconds delay but pssst :haha: I wont tell.

Bussiness on ebay!
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 02:18:35 PM
Sorry Sam and apologies to Victor as well regarding the video.
I think the one thing we can conclude is that any new advances in technology are definately not there for the players benefit. A lot of good pro blackjack players are convinced that the shuffling machines are not creating a random distribution of cards and I know several people are really questioning the behaviours of the airball machines (especially the ALFA STREET variety)
Well, there is a worldwide recession on and the casinos are definately seeing less dollars coming across the tables, so is it logical to assume that their intention would be to get as much of it as quickly as possible. I know where I would put my vote!
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: LON on November 27, 2009, 02:19:26 PM
In my country there is a real story that happened 10 years ago. 

There was one man that was playing in 1 casino for several years and he had lost over 500.  000. 

One day that he was losing again so bad, he was so angry that he realized that they were cheating that he did this:

He grabbed the roulette ball and run in 2 more roulettes and grabbed other 2 balls. 
So he had 3 balls and wile he was running to the exit of the casino (he needed them to go in a Lab and test if there were any kind of magnetic material inside) the casino ppl
Were telling him things like ""please don t do it, we will all lose our jobs!""

Also some of them they treated him telling him ""U will not leave from here alive""

Anyway the man managed to exit Casino. 

The next days

1) Casino manager
2) Local police
3)1 employ (he begged not to send the balls for examination because he was afraid that he will lose his JOB as a waiter in the casino!!!!)

All of them called HIM!

Casino manager offered him 1.  000.  000 in order to give him the balls back

Local polish told him ""we will all lose our Jobs and also Casino Goons aren't t joking so be careful!!!)

The man refused to all!!!!

After 2 days 2 Muscle men beat him very ugly!

The man still refused because he had already sent the balls for examination!!!

After this incident the Casino closed for 1 month.... 

After the 1 month it was working again like nothing happened!!!!

All these are in a site that shows the REAL STATEMENT OF THE POOR MAN AT THE prosecutor!!!!
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 02:22:37 PM
With all that intimidation, I think I might have lost my balls.  :P
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 02:24:04 PM
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 27, 2009, 02:35:29 PM
This is another Rigged Sic-Bo device.

Anyone recognizes similar Sic Bo models from the online casinos? :whistle:

Rigged /Loaded /Magic /Trick Sic Bo video and instructions (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ6-oZ6KsZU#)

At least casinowebcam still goes the manual way, but they simply put the terms so they won't pay to consistent winners.

Any attempt to win is fraudulent!

- Attempts by the player to circumvent the normal odds of the game played via electronic or other methods,

Using a progression is cheating:

- Using a system of progressive betting for example on Roulette over an extended period of play,

Heck, even observing the game is fraud! :

- and/or employing playing methods, including but not limited to the following; such as observing and/or recording deal outcomes over a period of time via login to Casinowebcam and/or Licensee sites,

If they suspect you are using any, then:

- In such cases ALL such Player Accounts will be subject to seizure by Casinowebcam and Prosecution will be followed to the fullest extent of the Law.

nolinks://nolinks.casinowebcam.com/prelogin/faq.php#28 (nolinks://nolinks.casinowebcam.com/prelogin/faq.php#28)

Of course, they don't really need to prove anything to anyone, they only need to SUSPECT as you are winning against the expected game odds, -cough- "commiting fraud" in their lingo I mean:


- This player has to be cheating.
- How do we know?
- He is winning!

...These are good times for casino owners it seems.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: LON on November 27, 2009, 02:38:38 PM
Also in my casino after a lot of hours of observation I saw this:

When there was a time during play that Casino was losing a lot of money because in the past 7-10 spins a lot of players with heavy bets were wining and the table was –
In the next 2-3 spins IF only 1 number was without bet.... this number was coming!!!!
(In my opinion this was so the table to take the money back)

So what I did?

I was standing there and when I was observing that NOW the table has lost a lot...

I was betting the 1-2-3 Numbers without bets when the dealer was saying NMB!!!

4 times I did it!!!

3 of them I won!!!!

I really think that Casinos don t let everything in LUCK!
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: simon on November 27, 2009, 02:49:03 PM
you wouldn't find a wheel like that at any of the regular casinos in the U.S. because the wheel in the video has no diamonds, no scatter effect.  when watching a real, professional expensive wheel it is easy to see how the ball lands, scatters and bounces into whatever pocket and where I play the roulette tables are so crowded and there are so many chips all over the board it would serve no purpose for the dealer to try and figure out where the least chips are and try to hit that spot or for the casino to try and cheat people when the house edge does the job so well.  however I suppose this sort of thing does go on somehow somewhere, which is very unfortunate, considering how difficult it is to make any $ playing against a fair wheel, nevermind an unfair wheel, especially in the U.S. where we have to contend with 2 zeroes and no en prison rule in most places.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 02:52:56 PM
you are right about some of the stupid terms and conditions Victor.


   observing and/or recording deal outcomes over a period of time,  

Using a system of progressive betting on Roulette over an extended period of play,

What a joke. Bet365 have similar terms and conditions.

What they really want is for you to login, take a 100% bonus and play the high variance slots where you have to wager your deposit and bonus 30x. = NO CHANCE.

For the few that do win, you will wait ages for your money and they will probably suspect you for defrauding them because you had the audacity to win.

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 03:02:06 PM
At the same time, you can either look at things positively or negatively and I take this as an admission that the casinos know that given a fair game (less the house advantage) players can determine what happens to them  depending on the skill and discipline they use in selecting their bets.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: GogoCro on November 27, 2009, 03:09:04 PM
Quote from: elmo on November 27, 2009, 02:52:56 PM

What a joke. Bet365 have similar terms and conditions.

What similar rules are in bet365? Can you give example?
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 27, 2009, 03:12:31 PM
Quote from: simon on November 27, 2009, 02:49:03 PM
you wouldn't find a wheel like that at any of the regular casinos in the U.S. because the wheel in the video has no diamonds, no scatter effect.  when watching a real, professional expensive wheel it is easy to see how the ball lands, scatters and bounces into whatever pocket and where I play the roulette tables are so crowded and there are so many chips all over the board it would serve no purpose for the dealer to try and figure out where the least chips are and try to hit that spot or for the casino to try and cheat people when the house edge does the job so well.  however I suppose this sort of thing does go on somehow somewhere, which is very unfortunate, considering how difficult it is to make any $ playing against a fair wheel, nevermind an unfair wheel, especially in the U.S. where we have to contend with 2 zeroes and no en prison rule in most places.

Simon dear,
They will never do such things in crowded and full table of chips casinos,but in small casinos/take in cosideration recesion,and here in Europe casino bus.went down 50%or more/they have not enough regular players and they are bound to any possible tricks to take your money.
The question is how are they doing it?????Ppl.look around your selfs,electronic devices,universe is remotedly run...
and now one bloody wheel could not be run remotely.I will soon do a test/as am possesing original wheel/will pay
best electronic guy in my place to do it on my wheel.Soon will informe you about these results.......Iboba 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: elmo on November 27, 2009, 03:22:49 PM
They don't go into so much detail but state that if they suspect you are a "professional player" then they have the right to void any winnings. I also assume they prohibit bots by stating "The use of any external auto-play software is not permitted and can lead to the cancellation of any bonuses and winnings attributable to those bonuses"
I can see how a live casino would prohibit bots and yet an RNG casino would probably encourage them as they will screw your progression bets. All in all, it is worth the effort to get to a land based casino if you can and give a lot of these internet sites a miss. Even then if something does not feel right, don't play or go somewhere else. I suppose at the end of the day if you are a "pro" or "semi-pro" or whatever, it is your responsibility to make sure you are getting a fair game and there is no point crying about spilt milk once the damage has been done.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 27, 2009, 03:30:09 PM
I stand corrected.

Casinowebcam.com used to have this MANUAL sic bo machine which the girls would manually move/operate, on which the dice fell naturally and gravity chose the winners:




They dropped the manual sicbo for the more "efficient" tiny machine and now they even conceal the machine with a golden covert in between results, so you must only pray the results are not rigged as you can't even see how the dice fall:







Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Number Six on November 27, 2009, 03:53:13 PM
Surely concealing the device is illegal? That is an absolute disgrace. Where in the name of all that's holy do these idiots get these crazy...no stupid, ideas? Yet they know, particularly in these difficult times, that people will still play the game because most are desperate for what they think is easy money. Really they're getting screwed by these casino crooks and they're happy to take it.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 27, 2009, 03:54:05 PM
I've asked this question before and I'll ask it again:  Whom are the casinos cheating?

Before the spin, is there a computer screen which shows the majority of the bets for this spin are on black so they hit red?  Do they always hit where the least is bet?  How else could they do it?

They couldn't possibly single out one player, could they?  Just because you're winning, doesn't mean some other guy is not betting just the opposite of you and loosing far more than you're winning.  So if they stopped you from winning X they would stop him from loosing X + X. 

This whole thread just makes me sick!  We don't even know if we can beat a fair game, and now we may be playing against a rigged game.  What's the use?

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Number Six on November 27, 2009, 03:58:12 PM
LOL! I just saw that casino web cam is headquartered in Costa Rica, where they can legally screw you with no government blowback. That sums it all up. They are definitely crooks. They actually have a licence to rob the players.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 27, 2009, 04:06:09 PM
Take it easy Sam,
It's not good for herc,and for few days will tell you if it is possible or not.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 27, 2009, 04:15:32 PM
Sam, please regard this as "conspiracy theories" only. Please.

Our hourly rants if you wish  :)

Those rigged machines are out there, we can't pretend they are not, but at the same time, we have to do our best to get peace of mind our local casino games aren't rigged.

My pick is illegal operators remain illegal and they do not comply with laws, never pay taxes on their gambling operations nor get checked by any country's gambling commission. So those are clearly the ones to avoid.

What the heck are the punters doing by playing at such places!!! The legal, reputable, REGULATED casinos (online and offline) are the only viable option for the serious player.

If I remember right, U.K. has regulation on online casinos; also on Ireland you can go to Dublinbet.com's physical facilities and they have to comply with local gaming laws.

Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 27, 2009, 03:54:05 PM
Whom are the casinos cheating?

Assuming a cheating schenario, I may only dare to think in VOLUME BETS.

It is the casino, they only care about net gains. They couldn't care less about who is winning and who is losing as long as their compound/gross amount is the higher one; so shall they compute anything, it has to be the overall bets, never those of a single player.

The question still remains: why covert a device that is fair?  :-\

How would they answer that? Perhaps claiming they are coverting a perfectly fair dice machine just to add some more "mistery" to the next result... to give more thrill to the Sic Bo players...

Anyway they excuse it, I expect they won't place a dark thick-blanket on roulette in between spins just for the sake of adding Thrill/Mistery!
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 27, 2009, 04:26:15 PM
From Harry Potter book:  "It is not a good idea to leave a dragon out of your equation if one lives nearby."  More or less......

We must consider the way they can cheat.  Like it or not.

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 28, 2009, 04:40:40 AM
Sam, I've captured a video from SmartLiveCasino (I know you can't get in, being USA-based), so you can get to see the air-operated machine's mechanism footage.

"Look ma, no hands!"

Smart live casino's Roulette - Look ma, no hands! (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=J6D1RJxhZQg#)

(At one point I had to keep hitting refresh for the video to go on as the connection was flaky)

Please notice: I'm NOT claiming they cheat, but let's think about it; if they have the ability to manipulate air streams with enough strength to lift the ball from the disc, and control it to make it rotate enough for meeting the required amount of revolutions without any extra helping hand (literally), they sure can lift the ball to the next pocket shall they need a bit of extra "help" with the nets/gross income (given they get the shady morals).

Just thinking out loud here, but the thought of the machine moving the ball at will for their own benefit isn't crazy; the air-based mechanism for ball control is already there, taking bets now.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Bo0Merang on November 28, 2009, 04:58:28 AM
lool you  give me headache with  that but im lucky  person actualy im  changing dayly 4 orr 5 air ball roulette table ... they more easy then live wheel for me..dont know for others but if they manipulate outcome i  do not write this so i dont think so  they do and any littlebit skilled player will see that something isnt ok if they do manipulate wheel ...... hope so im  not meet  the  beast )))atleast i will know wery  early  what s goin on...but nice to know :dance1:
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 28, 2009, 05:20:35 AM

Just captured videos from the tiny screens on their main page (crappy resolution, but slightly different angle):

Smartlive Roulette 02 (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=9lXwG_X799E#)

Smartlive Roulette 03 (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=-5GS4NqeKC8#)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 28, 2009, 05:32:32 AM
Hey dear Bo0Merang, I'm just expressing some opinions, it is "conspiration theory" time! :)

Well, taking advantage of tonight's video capture spree, I did this one from the more possible cheaters as they blatantly conceal how the dice move (What a cute dealer though!):

Sick bo - Casinowebcam's Sic Bo game (nolinks://nolinks.youtube.com/watch?v=wBl3gPi3V90#)

True: no cheating is proved, but by hiding how the device operates, they do give room for reasonable doubt to arise.

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: VLSroulette on November 28, 2009, 05:49:16 AM
Quote from: heavyduty on November 28, 2009, 05:43:16 AM
After studying this, the wheel looks to be moving very slowly.  There is almost no bounce when the ball strikes the wheel.  On the US models, the center of the wheel is pushed up and the ball falls inside.  Its shot out into the track by air.  When it hits the wheel it often bounces off the glass because the wheel is moving fast.

I agree the rotor speed is more likely like that  to prevent a violent bounce as you say, but ball scatter isn't necessarily cut short for all spins. Some spins it does land very far from strike point.  

I do not have performed the extensive ball scatter analysis but perhaps the rotor speed helps some form of AP to take advantage of the machine; if some characteristics are consistent, I'm sure they can be exploited by those who put the time, savviness and data-collecting effort.

By the way, as are into advantage play, can we talk about "air/etheric dealer signature" on those devices??? :o

As we can observe, with the one used by Smart Live, ball lifting/release point is consistent.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Bo0Merang on November 28, 2009, 06:28:03 AM
  from Vic   True: no cheating is proved, but by hiding how the device operates, they do give room for reasonable doubt to arise.

      to be honest im  not living  in  dream but this what i see  mean  hiding device  which turn  game ofcourse better orr maximal odss winning for casino this take  my breath,i do  not play  sic bo and i thing i never will paly any  dice game if is this possible there were we  newer know :)) no  dices   just lovely ball small one fast rotating and possibly green colorred  ;) and hitting dominant  daimond on  one  place ... there you  can t make  mystake but with dice??? shuter will wrong sleep,HIDING device and i loose  pants  eeeeee  eee  casinos  are  for  making money to players not  for  them this  is one thing which i was  hardly  and truly  learn so honestly guys no dice i swear to  good if  i see this orr if i discover that they  cheat me  i  know i will finish in  jail  but they    will  remember long time that cheating breed cheating
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: vito7 on November 28, 2009, 03:06:30 PM

  We discuss a lot here about these, possible cheatings and magnets and all

  I am very paranoid myself,
sometimes it seems as if the ball get really attracted by something
when it gets in the slot. Anyway...
Dear Iboba, if you are convinced of this, continuing to play would be senseless

or you planning to sue the casino?
By the way, that story was so funny, that guy grabbing three balls
and people of the casino telling him "please, give them back, we will lose the job".

I would have been a hell of a scene if it was in a comic movie
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 28, 2009, 04:15:48 PM
Quote from: vito7 on November 28, 2009, 03:06:30 PM

  We discuss a lot here about these, possible cheatings and magnets and all

  I am very paranoid myself,
sometimes it seems as if the ball get really attracted by something
when it gets in the slot. Anyway...
Dear Iboba, if you are convinced of this, continuing to play would be senseless

or you planning to sue the casino?
By the way, that story was so funny, that guy grabbing three balls
and people of the casino telling him "please, give them back, we will lose the job".

I would have been a hell of a scene if it was in a comic movie

I'm not convinced in this as yet,but will soon know for sure.
In my bloody country you can't sue or fight with the government.
.......................................................................Iboba 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: vito7 on November 28, 2009, 04:38:54 PM

  It's funny, Iboba.

I would really love to know where you are from.

Seems we are from the same country

Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 28, 2009, 04:55:14 PM
Quote from: vito7 on November 28, 2009, 04:38:54 PM

  It's funny, Iboba.

I would really love to know where you are from.

Seems we are from the same country

From your avatar it seems you are from Monte Negro,Boka.
I'm 900 km. west on the same sea.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Nathan Detroit on November 28, 2009, 06:33:29 PM

Have you ever been to that casino at Budvo, Montenegro where they filmed " Casino Royale".
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 28, 2009, 06:48:23 PM
Quote from: Nathan Detroit on November 28, 2009, 06:33:29 PM

Have you ever been to that casino at Budvo, Montenegro where they filmed " Casino Royale".
No I haven't my friend,as it was only for foreign players,not for ex.yugo people.
.............................Regards Iboba 8) 8)
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: vito7 on November 29, 2009, 08:29:16 AM

  Yes, HEavy, that's the general opinion here in my country.

But, since I am still winning, I am still ok with that
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Bo0Merang on November 29, 2009, 08:58:18 AM
Quote from: vito7 on November 29, 2009, 08:29:16 AM

  Yes, HEavy, that's the general opinion here in my country.

But, since I am still winning, I am still ok with that
eyy Vito i have good friend  on Podgorica loool world is  small :)))
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: iboba on November 29, 2009, 09:17:07 AM
Quote from: Bo0Merang on November 29, 2009, 08:58:18 AM
eyy Vito I have good friend  on Podgorica loool world is  small :)))
Me too,president Đukanović.
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: Bo0Merang on November 29, 2009, 11:00:05 AM
Quote from: iboba on November 29, 2009, 09:17:07 AM
Me too,president Đukanović.
loool give him warm hi from me and take some documents for casino royall afterr all they will let you in  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Enough is enough...
Post by: vito7 on November 30, 2009, 09:38:53 AM

  No, Boomeran

I am from Albania