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The Holy Gral or G.U.T the Great Universal Theory

Started by winkel, August 20, 2008, 09:42:05 AM

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Hi tuck,

as I mentioned before: what you are saying is part of other "Grail" I call "Das große Spiel "The big Game"

This is quite complicated to play and due to my bad English I cannot translate.

What you see can make a bet-decision, but you have to look at a lot of statistical Figure and compare to them.

If You play this you can start betting at spin 14 and bet until 50 with a win of 150units average.
"G.U.T" is one of the "simple" Bet-triggers in this Game.
"Homebooking System" is another
the parting of 50 spins in 4 sectors 13-12-12-13 is a must of control whats going on
the Rule of the "Law of the Third" 10-8-6-4 "0"s per sector is the red hering

Please believe me that is all thought through by me. If you´re in doubt look at the german forum nolinks.roulette-board.de There the most read Thread: Favoriten - Restanten




your english is not bad. It is very good.

It is far better than my grasp of any second language which is very poor. but that is a cultural deficiency of my upbringing.



Please take a look at this:


My next number to come was 1 which is in the >3 column.  Is there ever a time when you bet the >3?



After the hit in spin 78 we have 11 12 11(5-6)

When I get to such close combination I usually jump back
but luckily there was another hit in spin 79 by betting the "1"s and we get 11 11 12(6-6) 2 triggers at the same time I wouldnt bet.
At last here I would jump back.

Make a test: Jump back 20 spins a take a new session, you will find a crossing at the same spins

Hope I could you answer the way you expected



I'm new here...I am also new to roulette. Would anyone be so kind to explain this system in smaller easier stages so I can take it in?

I've been in this thread for a long time..sorry..it just isn't clicking for me and i do like the sound of this.

I understand if you think that maybe enough has been said...but i am very new to the game.

Thank you :)


Hi darren,

two problems:
1. When you are new to roulette you will problems to understand what´s going on.
2. This strategy is very simple, use the GUT-Tracker and read the thread very well. If you don´t understand don´t play this game.



Thanks Winkel...I'll read some more...I'm sure it'll click :)




Welcome to the forum.

I have spent hours studying this thing winkel has created/discovered.  It is not an easy read and it is just now starting to click in my mind.  Winkel said to test it and study it and it will start to come to you.  He is right.  It is coming to me!  Finally!

The software Droidman created is the Cat's Meow when working this system.  Use the version 2 that let's you erase and jump back.  I wish I knew when to jump back!

winkel has given about a hundred tiny pieces of advice sprinkled throughout this thread.  When to bet and not to bet.  I'm an ol' tightwad, but I'm thinking about printing this entire thread for a booklet to take to the litter box.




How were you able to copy the GUT software and post your results like that with the black screen?  I tried to do that before but I was not successful, it would not let me copy and paste?


When there has been a crossing once in a session, for example it was 1 - 2 but there was only 7 numbers to play so you didn't. Then it crosses next time. Is it advisable to bet on this again, 1 - 2 when you for example have 10 - 9? Or avoid this and go for 0 - 1 instead? Sorry for me English, hope you understand.



Let me make a tutorial movie on this,  It will only run about two minutes.  I will post it here.



Quote from: t0p_man on September 13, 2008, 02:46:37 AM
Prof. Winkel,

Thanks for sharing.

You mentioned that you tested millions of games. Would you like to share what is the longest losing streak in a row? If we know this important figure, progression betting is possible.
For example, longest streak for a "Red" was 30 times in a row. If we managed to martiganle 31 times, we never lose, unless record is broken.

Pls guide us, thanks.

I have not recorded a longest loosing streak.

Why do you wanna use a progression? It will kill you even with a winning system.

Look at testing zone and try to put a progression on it, if you want. I don´t even think about one, what for?



Hi bobco,

if you come to a point to make a decision and you are not sure, do it like tucktuckster sayed:

Quote- If in doubt - sit on your hands. If doubt exists, wait for the next crossing when there is no doubt. It will come.




Here ya go..........Wat a few seconds for the video to appear and then double click on the arrow.  Click until you get to Motion Box and find the scroll bar at the bottom and enlarge to full screen.



I made an improved version of the tracker, it adds extra columns for >1 and >2 so it's easier to see all the crossings. No need to add together the columns anymore!

