VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Main Roulette System Board => Topic started by: det on February 28, 2010, 08:06:56 PM

Title: Most used System
Post by: det on February 28, 2010, 08:06:56 PM

Im quite new here but have been reading alot,

What system do most of you use and get the best results on William Hill online Casino? (playtech)

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 01, 2010, 01:15:17 AM
Quote from: det on February 28, 2010, 08:06:56 PM
get the best results on William Hill online Casino? (playtech)

det all casinos are the same? they all spit out random numbers on the wheel and all RNGs have to be seeded to "X" by law so it makes no difference
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: det on March 01, 2010, 06:19:42 AM

I understand what your saying but i belive RNG are fixed. 
Just from experiance.

But thats not the question, whats the most used system on here?
I cant see the wood throught the trees. 

Thanks x
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: bombus on March 01, 2010, 06:24:28 AM

Just remember,

The closer you get to the woods the less you can see the trees...

God! I'm starting to sound like No More Bets!

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: det on March 01, 2010, 07:41:19 AM

Guys, back on topic. .
Any tips would be great!

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 01, 2010, 07:53:17 AM
Quote from: det on March 01, 2010, 07:41:19 AM
Guys, back on topic. .
Any tips would be great!


take a look at hxxp ://vlsroulette.com/full-systems/my-method/ this seems  be popular at the moment and a long term winner
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: bombus on March 01, 2010, 08:01:57 AM
Quote from: Jish on March 01, 2010, 07:53:17 AM
take a look at hxxp ://vlsroulette.com/full-systems/my-method/ this seems  be popular at the moment and a long term winner

...bring your money with you!
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: det on March 01, 2010, 01:13:24 PM
Quote from: bombus link=topic=15312. msg96560#msg96560 date=1267441317

. . . bring your money with you!

why not great?
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 01, 2010, 01:57:42 PM
Quote from: det on March 01, 2010, 06:19:42 AM

I understand what your saying but I belive RNG are fixed. 
Just from experiance.

But thats not the question, whats the most used system on here?
I cant see the wood throught the trees. 

Thanks x

Playtech's RNG IS FIXED indeed. I dare to say it's impossible to defeat it by usual roulette approach in a long run.
I mean the approach which will work on a regular  roulette.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 01, 2010, 06:39:47 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 01, 2010, 01:57:42 PM

Playtech's RNG IS FIXED indeed.

Is that because you have the HG and have tested it on RNG?
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: bombus on March 01, 2010, 06:41:09 PM
Quote from: det on March 01, 2010, 01:13:24 PM
why not great?

This method uses a huge progression. You will need about a 3000 unit bank to play.

And if you're serious you should have 3 of those banks at your disposal just in case you walk into a mine field.

If you lose 3 banks give it away.

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 02, 2010, 10:20:42 PM
Quote from: Jish on March 01, 2010, 06:39:47 PM
Is that because you have the HG and have tested it on RNG?

unfotunately i don't have HG but if u tried playing with playtech RNG as much as i did u would agree with me. No way u can beat it conventional methods. It plays seek n hide with u. To defeat it u have a very short time till it did not read
algorithm of your action, when it read it, you're done. Well, u can try different tactics. Not for too long.

let's say it this way: for example u play live wheel. u live one street open, u cover 11 streets. on average u have a few times to win before u get busted. On playtech RNG it will hit your empty street very soon. Let's say u changed the street, on live wheel u will have a few attempts, not on playtech. When playtech learn your algorithm, u have nowhere to run.

but on the surface, yes numbers u get are looking random. Very easy to say, it is just a roulette, just a bad luck.
But in Playtech RNG there is ALWAYS bad luck.

u can try different tactics with this RNG though. There was a guy which worked out  a way to trick it. He didn't tell exactly but he gave a hint, my guess is that he was pretending to play something like Martingale and trick RNG into expecting u hitting certain color after certain spins, and he did it just the opposite, then changed tactics somehow.

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 02, 2010, 10:35:30 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 02, 2010, 10:20:42 PM
When playtech learn your algorithm, u have nowhere to run.

Your accusations are completely unsubstantiated..

You have NO evidence to prove ANY foul play by Playtech.

Just because you routinely LOSE money, don't prove squat.

Explain to me (in layman's terms) how Playtech 'learns' your algorithm..

By what method does it achieve this ?


Go on, I dare you..
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 02, 2010, 11:55:18 PM
i am not in a court and you are not an attorney sir. I said what i said.  So u don't believe me -- it is your right. I have  a question though --- have u ever you personally TRIED any proven tactics in Playtech RNG? i guess NO. Go and try please. and tell the results. But be honest, not some kind of "holy molly graily stories" with snobby hints. Just a plain truth. play there for a couple of hours. even for an hour. as u play in a real casino. And tell us how much u win. Share your experience as i shared mine. Let's see how genious u r to defeat playtech RNG on a long run.

then we are gonna talk and discuss it.

thank you

Quote from: No More Bets on March 02, 2010, 10:35:30 PM
Your accusations are completely unsubstantiated..

You have NO evidence to prove ANY foul play by Playtech.

Just because you routinely LOSE money, don't prove squat.

Explain to me (in layman's terms) how Playtech 'learns' your algorithm..

By what method does it achieve this ?


Go on, I dare you..

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 05:18:35 AM


You want the TRUTH.. ?

You couldn't handle the truth...!

Look, my point is a simple one.

If Playtech (or indeed ANY online Casino) uses pattern recognition to 'cheat',

Their algorithm must follow identical tactics regardless of your LOSER system, right ?

I mean it has NO conscience, right ?

It is after all, only a mathematical algorithm ?

So, devise a SIMPLE technique to determine Playtech's 'cheating' maths.

Then, PREDICT Playtech's expected next 'cheating' spin (using your best 'guesstimate')

Don't tell me 'WHAT' they'll spin, just 'WHEN' (according to your best PREDICTion).

Back your conspiracy theory up with REAL tangible evidence,

100% Verifiable..!

And then we'll ALL ride a big black limo into court...


Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 03, 2010, 06:06:40 AM
Their "tactics" could be simple. The algorithm just looks at your bets with the least amount of payout (or none) and "spins" that number.

But "WHEN" this happens is difficult to answer. I'm sure it doesnt happen every spin. Like you said, the RNG have losses to.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 03, 2010, 08:02:32 AM
RNG dosent cheat why would a casino that already has guaranteed profits cheat when it has so so much to lose
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on March 03, 2010, 08:06:14 AM
On most "fun mode"  RNG software, you're on a loop of about 2000 spins programmed combination.

In "real mode" its about 5000. Those parameters change also as you have found, depending of "where" you constantly bet on the table and/or combination used. It's been programmed to "detect" any type of continual betting frequency. E.G. place    17 individual bets on 17 numbers and leave them there for any length of time without changing them, and watch, as on each spin, the ball avoids your 17 numbers a high percentage of the time. Once the program has detected your betting type, it adjusts accordingly so you'll eventually lose your bankroll....
--Eagle, Rouletteforum
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: MATTJONO on March 03, 2010, 09:46:51 AM
Hi all, 

Better safe than sorry i say.

in the first thew years playing roulette, the amount of times i have been playing roulette on r.n.g or the bookies machines.....       === getting carried away like covering all the board exept one number by accident  and bang it lands on that uncovered number or a number with very little payout.

Another downfall of mine in the early days jumping on a run of R,B,R,B,R,B,R,B,R  AND BETTING PROGRESSION until it stops TO WIN 1 UNITS    :lol:  ===BIG MISTAKE ON R.N.G (in my opinion)

however r.n.g does produce some attractive patterns for a 1-3 number bets

examples of what id play

....11,23,  ID BET SINGLE NUMBER 4 and 35

....4,22,35,16,23,14,30, BET 24 NEXT...or the full street..

just forget progressions on r.n.g and play sesible and try quiting when ahead...

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 03, 2010, 10:17:06 AM
Thats the problem with the general consensus on this forum I think. All systems/strategy's on this forum are based on the same theoretical probabilities. So it would be impossible to proof something based on probabilities alone. You would need straight facts.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 03, 2010, 11:35:18 AM
Quote from: HOWARD on March 03, 2010, 11:12:02 AM
@ Ka.
This is a forum ?   What has FACTS got to do with it ?
Theorys abound here.  No proof.
This is a fun place.  Liven up

Ofcourse! I was merely responding on the question of the rng was cheating or not.  :)

Regarding FACTS I personaly think its a bit weird to go over the same info over and over again, once the investigated material has PROFEN not to work.

But hey, if that's your idea of having fun, be my guest!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 02:31:43 PM
Mr. No_More_Bets

You are so smart in your remarks, Sir. So damn smart that I never have seen even one productive posting from you, where u discussed something in detail or give some concrete ideas. Usually it is just an arrogant  "teaching" well known things or showing us how dumb we are compared with u.

Now about my things -- I have never pretended to be smarter than I am. I am not a mathematician (though I do have university degree, it doesn't matter), and I have never learned probability theory in detail. I am not going to break my head on how Playtech RNG programming works, I am sure much brighter minds created it. And my experience in roulette is not very long.  I am able however to compare playtech RNG and live wheel diffeence in behaviour though.  So I dismiss your DEMANDS.

I can assume though u keep arguing even without a small piece of practical knowlegde about Playtech RNG (practical I mean -- U HAVE NEVER TRIED PLAYTECH RNG IN REAL MODE, HAVE U? I AM SURE U HAVEN'T). So please before arguing -- do a very simple thing. Since you are well known  here as a brilliant professional roulette gambler which owns Holy Grail formula, an amount of 50 bucks or pounds must be nothing for u. Please open
an account in any Playtech casino with RNG minimal bet of 10 cents and play with your Holy Grail formula there for a couple of hours, just the same way you play roulette. And please tell about your experiences HONESTLY. if this game is fair and the same as regular roulette.

Any person which has spent some time (as me) on playtech RNG and live roulette wheel, and can compare results, would probably agree with me, not with u.

I repeat -- I don't have theoretical knowledge and desire to discover HOW playtech RNG can track player patterns. But the truth is it does, anyone who practically experienced it, would agree with me for sure.

talking my "paranoya" -- Betvoyager RNG is a completely different story, it DOES NOT  track player patterns.

Quote from: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 05:18:35 AM

You want the TRUTH.. ?

You couldn't handle the truth...!

Look, my point is a simple one.

If Playtech (or indeed ANY online Casino) uses pattern recognition to 'cheat',

Their algorithm must follow identical tactics regardless of your LOSER system, right ?

I mean it has NO conscience, right ?

It is after all, only a mathematical algorithm ?

So, devise a SIMPLE technique to determine Playtech's 'cheating' maths.

Then, PREDICT Playtech's expected next 'cheating' spin (using your best 'guesstimate')

Don't tell me 'WHAT' they'll spin, just 'WHEN' (according to your best PREDICTion).

Back your conspiracy theory up with REAL tangible evidence,

100% Verifiable..!

And then we'll ALL ride a big black limo into court...


Title: Mr No_More_Bets
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:01:02 PM
Mr No_More_Bets

here i found for u something, can u argue with this?

nolinks://vlsroulette.com/roulette-coding-zone/custom-roulette-bots/msg39773/#msg39773 (nolinks://vlsroulette.com/roulette-coding-zone/custom-roulette-bots/msg39773/#msg39773)

this posting is by Alarian
Quote from: esoito on February 17, 2009, 01:19:40 AM

" I've read many comments in various forums that very clearly warn against using RNG casinos because results are not truly random. They advise using live online casinos instead."

I've worked as a programmer for Playtech, one of the (surprisingly few) companies that develops a certified Online Casino Software. I can assure you that the above statement is absolutely true.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 03:15:25 PM
Quote from: Ka2 on March 03, 2010, 06:06:40 AM
Their "tactics" could be simple. The algorithm just looks at your bets with the least amount of payout (or none) and "spins" that number.

But "WHEN" this happens is difficult to answer. I'm sure it doesn't happen every spin. Like you said, the RNG have losses to.

I agree with you Ka2, the issue lacks clarity.

Emotion takes over from logical argument.

@ iggiv

You seem determined to launch an unprovoked attack against me.

I'm actually on your side, but whereas you seek conspiracy, I hunt out LOGIC.

Your clumsy argument appears somewhat 'cloudy'.

With no tangible PROOF, all you have is hollow conspiracies and conjecture.

Over the years, I've won (and LOST!) money both online and offline.

Losing spins are a part our beloved Game, ask any experienced forum member.

Even my Holy Grail system has losing spins !

I take my losses with a smile, and a philosophical approach.

It is NEVER a personal matter for me.

Lighten up.

Roulette has NO conscience.

Even the dumbest 'systems' can win money.

You need to let go of your NEGATIVE belief system..

It does nothing to serve you.

Embrace the beautiful indifference of the Game..

Take your wins like a man,

Take your losses in the same spirit.

Its ALL good.


Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Just_Gabe on March 03, 2010, 03:30:56 PM
@iggiv : I've managed to win consistently in the long term in playtech's RNG.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 03:39:21 PM
Quote from: Just_Gabe on March 03, 2010, 03:30:56 PM
@iggiv : I've managed to win consistently in the long term in playtech's RNG.

You're not alone..

What newbie gamblers have a hard time admitting is simply this...

While they may have LOST a session, their bankroll was actually AHEAD at some point ..

Then GREED inevitably took over and....  (well, you know the rest..!)


Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:43:06 PM
Mr No_More_Bets

I can assure u, I did not have any desire to carry out any personal attacks against u (I am against any personal attacks). It is the same matter as u sarcastically look at my point of view, I sarcastically looked at yours. Just the same, no more than this. If I found some of your postings unproductive -- it is not a personal attack against u. I don't have anything against u on a personnel level. But also please understand: when u promise to disclose Holy Grail here to some selected members, and then nothing comes out of it for everyone, I doubt that u will be a great subject of brotherly love here. "Put up or shut up" -- this is what U told me once. And if this a joke about your HG formula -- then this kind of jokes  is out of fashion here. People take this game seriously as much as I know.  

U should also agree that trying to beat a product of quite a few brilliant programmers work (as Playtech software no doubt is) is not a smart idea for an average outsider as u suggest it to me. This is a VERY COMPLICATED software indeed with a VERY COMPLICATED tracking and algortithms.
If u have skills of Garry Kasparov who was able to defeat a chess computer then yes, it should be a piece of cake for u. Unfortunately I don't have such skills.

u r wrong about my negative attitude though. It is pretty positive. It is just a pure fact that Playtech arlorithm is very complicated and hard to defeat. And I guess it is hard to prove. And as much as I know where Playtech is based it is pretty safe for them to be from legal point of view. No conspiracy there. Pay attention, that they did not
locate their HQ in UK with their strict laws about gambling.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:45:37 PM
Quote from: Just_Gabe on March 03, 2010, 03:30:56 PM
@iggiv : I've managed to win consistently in the long term in playtech's RNG.

then can u share your knowlegde please? thank you!  And u can't deny that your approach is quite indeed different than playing with the Live wheel, isn't it?
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:50:59 PM
Quote from: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 03:39:21 PM
You're not alone..

What newbie gamblers have a hard time admitting is simply this...

While they may have LOST a session, their bankroll was actually AHEAD at some point ..

Then GREED inevitably took over and....  (well, you know the rest..!)


Mr No-More-Bets u r quite a stabborn character. Could u please clarify --
did you or did u not _play playtech RNG with the same methods as u play regular roulette game_ ?


now if u are talking about my greed and my bankroll, could u please explain, why I got a problem with playtech RNG but not with their live wheel or with betvoyager RNG? do u really believe that my personal greed and money management problems suddenly become an issue with Playtech RNG exclusively?
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 04:28:00 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:45:37 PM

then can u share your knowlegde please? thank you! 


Why should he divulge his hard work ?

You LOVE the fruit of another man's labour,

But you HATE cultivating the tree of your OWN knowledge..!

Sit under YOUR barren tree and THINK..!

Maybe some juicy fruit will 'drop' on your head.

It worked for Isaac Newton..

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 04:50:59 PM
Quote from: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 04:28:00 PM

Why should he divulge his hard work ?

You LOVE the fruit of another man's labour,

But you HATE cultivating the tree of your OWN knowledge..!

Sit under YOUR barren tree and THINK..!

Maybe some juicy fruit will 'drop' on your head.

It worked for Isaac Newton..


that's the exact way your postings usually are. That's why u have a certain kind of "fame"   :pleasantry: here,
Mr. No More Bets.

Luckily not everybody is like u. Oh, and u see, I do believe that something juicy already did drop on you.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 05:36:16 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 03:50:59 PM
could u please explain, why I got a problem with playtech RNG but not with their live wheel or with betvoyager RNG? do u really believe that my personal greed and money management problems suddenly become an issue with Playtech RNG exclusively?

iggiv, all I ask is that you clearly DEFINE the nature of Playtech's alledged 'cheating' RNG..

Personally, I've seen STRANGE things happen on real wheels..

Even with the dealer in punching distance.

Random IS as Random DOES..

Let me give you another RANDOM example..

All over the world people are AWARE of earthquakes..

Scientists KNOW the Earth's fault lines inside out..

They KNOW the frequency of PAST major hits..

They CONSTANTLY monitor EVERY minor tremor..

And yet, when another quake hits killing thousands of innocents,

Why does it always seems like such a 'random' occurence ?

The PREDICTIVE scientists LOSE out every time.

Maybe, planet Earth is 'fixed' too ?

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 05:59:01 PM
Mr. No_More_Bets

earthquakes are NOT RANDOM. Where is your PHD degree in earthquakes, Sir? you forgot about seismically dangerous zones? Or u just have never heared about them? Maybe volcano eruptions are also random? living near  Vesuvio  is as quiet as in London suburb? You may have to go back to a shool, Sir.

now if u take an earthquake example, mr. Stubborn, and compare it to roulette behaviour,  then it will look
like earthquake in a live wheel happens let's say once in a week or once in a 2 weeks, and
earthquake in Playtech RNG happens every few minutes after beginning of playing.

U have never tried it, u can't deny it. Go and try to defeat it.
How the hell do u dare arguing about something u have no idea about? I asked you a few times if u have ever tried damned playtech RNG and u dodge those questions. WHY?

I am fed up with your "advices", maybe it is just better to ignore them. Anyway there has been nothing useful or any desire to find something useful in your postings, rather "I know it all" bubbling.

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 03, 2010, 06:15:30 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 05:59:01 PM
earthquakes are NOT RANDOM. Where is your PHD degree in earthquakes, Sir? you forgot about seismically dangerous zones? Or u just have never hear about them?

I never said earthquakes were RANDOM events, iggiv.

I said they SEEMED random when they occurred.

The DEVIL is in the detail, as always...

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Steve on March 03, 2010, 08:20:57 PM
Nothing is ever "random" at least in the context the word is used. But whether or not it can be predicted is different. Anything can be predicted to some degree. When it comes to roulette, can it be predicted with enough accuracy to overcome the house edge. And if so, how? This is what the focus should be.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 04, 2010, 01:46:41 AM
Quote from: iggiv on March 03, 2010, 02:31:43 PM
Mr. No_More_Bets

Since you are well known  here as a brilliant professional roulette gambler which owns Holy Grail formula, an amount of 50 bucks or pounds must be nothing for u. Please open
an account in any Playtech casino with RNG minimal bet of 10 cents and play with your Holy Grail formula there for a couple of hours, just the same way you play roulette. And please tell about your experiences HONESTLY.

no more bets im going to agree here you talk so much about having the holy grail, if you couldnt do this test, or share the grail, accompanied with your argumentive and unproductive posts it nearly gives me reason to ban you
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 04, 2010, 04:14:06 AM
Quote from: Jish on March 04, 2010, 01:46:41 AM
no more bets im going to agree here you talk so much about having the holy grail, if you couldnt do this test, or share the grail, accompanied with your argumentive and unproductive posts it nearly gives me reason to ban you

unproductive posts??? You got to be kidding me! Some of you have a hard time reading the subtext I guess, there were hints all over his posts! Well one thing is for sure this forum is changing into a dictatorship more and more each day! So if you ban him, you can ban me too!

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 04, 2010, 08:21:20 AM
Ka2 the mods are getting sick of this forum being disrupted, NMB could easily put acorss the same opinion without being so sarcastic I would have no worries with this, his current method we can all agree causes arguments.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 04, 2010, 08:29:19 AM
There is nothing wrong with doing a little bit of work yourself you know. I'd rather being thaught than something is  given to me on a silver platter...

And concerning sarcasm. It's nothing more than a tool what an author uses to persuade a reader towards a meaning with the goal to consider a topic from a different perspective.

There is nothing wrong with that is there? But guess I'm wrong...

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 04, 2010, 08:53:21 AM
Quote from: Ka2 on March 04, 2010, 08:29:19 AM
There is nothing wrong with doing a little bit of work yourself you know. I'd rather being thaught than something is  given to me on a silver platter...

And concerning sarcasm. It's nothing more than a tool what an author uses to persuade a reader towards a meaning with the goal to consider a topic from a different perspective.

There is nothing wrong with that is there? But guess I'm wrong...

I personally dont even think NMB owns the HG Ka2, as for being taught, NMB does teach lessons yes, but they cause alot of fights and these lessons are normally in retalation to someone elses post with his sarcastic reply
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 04, 2010, 12:54:18 PM
Bro Jish!  NMB does irritate at times, and i don't see much useful stuff in his discussions, but to be fair banning for this is too harsh i think. He still does not come here just to bash people, he still discusses roulette in his way, i just don't know what he is achieving by this.

I got mixed feeling about his postings.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 04, 2010, 04:13:30 PM
Quote from: Ka2 on March 04, 2010, 04:14:06 AM
unproductive posts??? You got to be kidding me! Some of you have a hard time reading the subtext I guess, there were hints all over his posts! Well one thing is for sure this forum is changing into a dictatorship more and more each day! So if you ban him, you can ban me too!

Thank you Ka2.

You have REAL insight..

Unfortunately (for us), a mod SEES what he wants to see and disregards the rest.

I will have to speak less or 'THEY' will come after me...


Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 04, 2010, 04:31:10 PM
i can't see any hints honestly.

what kind of hints? Have mr. NMB ever mentioned anything particuliar about roulette? even chances, dozens, columns, single numbers, wheel layout?

never ever.

Just usual double talk. Randomness, blah-blah-blah... I can come to a poker forum (never playing poker in my life) and show off saying that i can beat anyone in poker, and give advices like, guys just think carefully, be patient, don't throw the cards on a table, watch cards came out, there is a special system i have, but u have to do your own home work.

then i can invite selected members in Madrid, Moscow or Abu -Dabi  to teach them to play poker like a pro, collect their emails...and then just never mention it again....
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: No More Bets on March 04, 2010, 05:38:06 PM
Quote from: iggiv on March 04, 2010, 04:31:10 PM
I can't see any hints honestly.

what kind of hints? Have mr. NMB ever mentioned anything particuliar about roulette? even chances, dozens, columns, single numbers, wheel layout?

never ever.

What do you want to know ?

The fundamentals of roulette are readily available all over this forum..

You don't really expect me to explain the difference between an EC and a Dozen Bet, do you ?

I gave you the benefit of the doubt as regards Roulette 101.

It isn't 'knowledge' you need..


Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 04, 2010, 08:26:32 PM
Quote from: No More Bets on March 04, 2010, 04:13:30 PM
Thank you Ka2.

You have REAL insight..

Unfortunately (for us), a mod SEES what he wants to see and disregards the rest.

I will have to speak less or 'THEY' will come after me...


NMB we dont have a real issue just the arguments and sarcasm should be toned down, you can express a point of view without being offensive to other members
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ka2 on March 05, 2010, 03:53:15 AM
Quote from: iggiv on March 04, 2010, 04:31:10 PM
I can't see any hints honestly.

That's because most of his post were deleted by former mods on this forum. Luckely I saw this coming and saved most of his post's. The shame is, his post's were really helpfull for me and some other people. And I would have loved to read more of them. But "others" disagreed and instead of leaving his threads alone they bashed him left and right. And when the shit really hit the fan, he got banned, instead of the "others"
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: iggiv on March 05, 2010, 01:58:19 PM
Quote from: Ka2 on March 05, 2010, 03:53:15 AM
That's because most of his post were deleted by former mods on this forum. Luckely I saw this coming and saved most of his post's. The shame is, his post's were really helpfull for me and some other people. And I would have loved to read more of them. But "others" disagreed and instead of leaving his threads alone they bashed him left and right. And when the s**t really hit the fan, he got banned, instead of the "others"

can u please reveal HOW he helped u? If this is not a secret.  i have never seen any concrete idea from him.  Makes me wonder.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Jish on March 06, 2010, 01:36:02 AM
Quote from: iggiv on March 05, 2010, 01:58:19 PM
can u please reveal HOW he helped u? If this is not a secret.  I have never seen any concrete idea from him.  Makes me wonder.
Sorry Ka2 I hav to agree with this.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Cash Growth on March 15, 2010, 03:09:01 PM
There is no random in programing.  RNG isn't random as Playtech and MG say it is.  Everyone here who knows programing (C, java, flash, VB, and even the basic olders like Clipper and Pascal) knows that there's no way to generate "random", every number/result that comes out of programing is a result of a mathematical calculation or a creation made based in an event. 
Players: do not consider RNG and only stick to reputable live wheels.
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: Ulysses on April 05, 2010, 10:09:22 AM
Lagged Fibonacci generator
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Lagged Fibonacci generator (LFG) is an example of a pseudorandom number generator. This class of random number generator is aimed at being an improvement on the 'standard' linear congruential generator. These are based on a generalisation of the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence may be described by the recurrence relation:

Sn = Sn − 1 + Sn − 2
Hence, the new term is the sum of the last two terms in the sequence. This can be generalised to the sequence:

In which case, the new term is some combination of any two previous terms. m is usually a power of 2 (m = 2M), often 232 or 264. The  operator denotes a general binary operation. This may be either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or the bitwise arithmetic exclusive-or operator (XOR). The theory of this type of generator is rather complex, and it may not be sufficient simply to choose random values for j and k. These generators also tend to be very sensitive to initialisation.

Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: David J on April 10, 2010, 05:55:02 AM
I have a friend that is roulette junkie , and when i spoke to him he told me that he use some software called master key from rim-sistem  that decrypts RNG using mathematical algorithm , i want to try it , so ill let you know

And i think it is possible to hack the RNG , because it is just a mathematical function as i know .
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: bobbi949949 on April 10, 2010, 08:04:22 AM
Quote from: David J on April 10, 2010, 05:55:02 AM
I have a friend that is roulette junkie , and when I spoke to him he told me that he use some software called master key from rim-sistem  that decrypts RNG using mathematical algorithm , I want to try it , so ill let you know

And I think it is possible to hack the RNG , because it is just a mathematical function as I know .

To crack the RNG you would have to hack the casino server so it is unlikely to say the least.  I have looked up the programme you talk about and it looks virtually identical to one that was knocking about a year ago called Own The Odds, which I can't find online anymore.  I'm of the belief that they are one and the same programme, can you confirm or deny this?
Title: Re: Most used System
Post by: superman on April 10, 2010, 10:16:00 AM
From watching the demo it appears to wait until a full line has been hit, eg 4,5,6 then suggests a bet on that line.

BET 4,5,6
BET 19,20,21

If it where possible to hack the RNG you would know exactly which number was next, no? so I don't think it has been able to decrypt anything, just another tool to save ink