VLS Roulette Forum

Main => Brainstorming => Topic started by: ChipsnbeanS on March 26, 2009, 12:25:29 PM

Title: Holy Grind idea???
Post by: ChipsnbeanS on March 26, 2009, 12:25:29 PM
I'm looking for a way to grind a profit from a system after it has had a REAL BAD run of losses, question is what system would be best?

Also i think this would need ALOT of patients and more so a great deal of self control if you started on a winning streak waiting for a losing streak to occur, because the temptation to jump on the winning streak may be a silly thing to do if its about to end.

Any idea's on a system that shows alot of LLLLLLLLWLLLWLWLLLW (losing streak) WWWWLWWLLWWWWWWLWLLLWWWW (winning streak) would be great  :thumbsup:


Title: Re: Holy Grind idea???
Post by: VLSroulette on March 26, 2009, 03:56:05 PM
Chips&Beans, how many numbers coverage for the "L"?

I mean, for JD (Jump Dozen) the L = Same dozen = 12 numbers. For "Jump Double street" = Same DS = 6 numbers. How many numbers does the L represent on your registry above? It matters!
