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New Street System

Started by babs, June 13, 2009, 04:24:57 PM

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Here is a system I just thought up, or so I think. If this system already exists, sorry to the creator. I am not trying to plagiarize. Quite simple to play.
Track until you have 6 streets that hit (ignore repeats).

Bet one unit on every street that hit.

If win, bet on last street and previous five streets (ignore repeats). I.e. work back from the last number, ignoring repeats until 6 streets have bets.
If loss, use progression 1 - 2 - 6 - 14 etc

3, 13, 2, 12, 19, 5, 25, 20, 15, 34,  21, 13, 34, 13, 21
19 - Win

28 - Loss
36 - win
9 - Loss
25 - Win
7 - Win


Real game: BR 594
Spins 13, 21, 19, 28, 36, 9, 25, 7

23 - Loss 588
18 - Loss 576
24 - Loss 552
21 - Win 594
7 - Win 600
20 - Win 606
28 - Loss 600
31 - Loss 594
5 - Loss  564
13 - Loss 516
35 - Win 612
32 - Win 618
7 - Loss 612
9 - Loss 600
11 - Loss 576
29 - Win 624
6 - Loss - 618
1 - Loss 606
12 - Win 630
9 - Win 636
24 - Loss 630
16 - Loss 618
31 - Hit 642
22 - Hit 648
34 - Loss 642
29 - Loss 630
25 - Loss 606
20 - Loss 558
33 - Win 667
21 - Win 673
2 - Loss 667
12 - Loss 655
2 - Loss 631
19 Win 679
8 - Loss 673
5 - Loss 661
23 - Loss 637
29 - Win 685
23 - Win 691
18 - Loss 685
25 - Loss 673
2 - Win 697

42 Spins +102 Units

I like this system but I have played a limited number of games. Also the progression becomes a bit steep, although I never had to go past the fourth progression it still becomes hairy. Interestingly in the last game I played (posted above) zero never came up once.

Any comments will be appreciated


Babsy boy,
You wouldn't believe how these streets
can be unfaitfull...almost like girls.
...............................Iboba 8)


What do you mean with "ignore repeats"? If repeat comes you don't bet that street or what? Eg. streets came: 1,4,3,5,4,12,10, 6  it means to ignore street 4 (1-12) and bet the streets 1,3,5,12,10, and 6? Do some real example with column of spins. The progression is steep. To bet 6 streets is actually the same like bet red/black (50%).
Thanks Hermes


QuoteYou wouldn't believe how these streets
can be unfaitfull...almost like girls.
Yep, I have learned that. But still trying, like all of us do. Hoping the next one would be faithful  >:D

QuoteWhat do you mean with "ignore repeats"? If repeat comes you don't bet that street or what? Eg. streets came: 1,4,3,5,4,12,10, 6  it means to ignore street 4 (1-12) and bet the streets 1,3,5,12,10, and 6?

Sorry Hermes, I messed up by not being clear. 1,4,3,5,4,12,10,6 means you bet street 1, 4 (then ignore 3, 5, 4 since their is already a chip on those streets), then you bet street 12 (and ignore 10 since there is already a chip). You also ignore (perhaps skip is a better word) 6 again, since you already have a chip there. Out of you numbers you could only bet 3 streets... so you still need 3 more streets.

Quoteit means to ignore street 4 (1-12)
I suspect you made a typo here meaning Street 4 (10-12)? But I will explain in detail, sorry if you already know this...

There is 12 streets in total, we want to place a bet on 50% of them.

Street 1:  1, 2, 3
Street 2:  4, 5, 6
Street 3:  7, 8, 9
Street 4: 10,11,12
Street 5: 13, 14, 15
Street 6: 16, 17, 18

So if you get these numbers 1, 17, 11, 5, 6, 2, 4

You bet street 1 (1), street 6 (17), street 4 (11) and street 2 (5) then you skip (ignore) numbers 5, 2 and 4 since those streets already have bets on them. So you need to continue tracking numbers until you get six streets in total.

QuoteThe progression is steep. To bet 6 streets is actually the same like bet red/black (50%)

O man, that is the Achilles heel of this method. I have never reached past the fourth progression, but as Iboba said... these streets can be unfaithful. The advantage of this is that your streets keep moving across the board. As long as there is repeaters you will hit... but when?  :blink:

I started with a BR of 597 units (this was real money). I played a lot of games testing this, even testing it a lot on Roulette Ride 1.2 (does not have RX) and it proved quite good (in testing). So I started testing real money since play money is known to be "friends" with most systems, until you try real money.

I think it can be very good, if only I can find a way past the progression. I was wondering about something like Lanky Divisor, but I do not know how to implement this on six bets.  It is fun playing with this however. Still any ideas would be welcome.


Quote from: babs on June 14, 2009, 01:41:43 AM
I think it can be very good, if only I can find a way past the progression. I was wondering about something like Lanky Divisor, but I do not know how to implement this on six bets.  It is fun playing with this however. Still any ideas would be welcome.

Hey there Babs, by you betting on 6 streets (as somebody else mentioned) you've essentially turned this into an "even money bet" system.  A great money management technique I read about and have implemented with success is the "Midas Touch" money management technique.  It is meant to be used on outside even money bets, or really any game where you can make an even money bet, not just roulette.

This technique would work perfectly for your method.  If you'd like to read about it you can do so here: nolinks://vlsroulette.com/money-management/the-midas-touch/


Thanks Rjeaton,

I am reading it now. I will post the results ASAP.  :yahoo:


OK, I hit a snag.  The method is quite simple, but how do I implement it in my game? As per example: If I want to win $50 I divide my bets as follows: $20 $10 $10 $10. Must I subdivide these by six to determine my bet amounts per street? Betting $20 on six streets = $120. Very steep, even steeper than my progression.

Perhaps I could determine that I want to win $100 (as my previous game): That is $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 and then divide that by 6. So my first bet would be $7 (rounded) per street = $42. Still steep but I will try this and see what happens.


Ok, I tested my understanding of the system (as described above) for one quick game. Sorry, I was not able to write down the numbers. I played until I crossed of all the numbers. At one stage I had 14 units on a street, risking a total of 84 units in one go - hairy stuff.

I played only 8 spins and my BR was up with 158 units. This is unbelievable so I write this off to luck only. I do not think that the system is this good. Could the Midas touch be the answer? Not sure, but I am certain that one luck shot like this is nothing to go by. I will test this a few more times during the day and this time I will write down the whole process.


Quote from: babs on June 14, 2009, 03:19:59 AM
OK, I hit a snag.  The method is quite simple, but how do I implement it in my game? As per example: If I want to win $50 I divide my bets as follows: $20 $10 $10 $10. Must I subdivide these by six to determine my bet amounts per street? Betting $20 on six streets = $120. Very steep, even steeper than my progression.

Perhaps I could determine that I want to win $100 (as my previous game): That is $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 and then divide that by 6. So my first bet would be $7 (rounded) per street = $42. Still steep but I will try this and see what happens.

Glad to see you're giving it a shot...and the second way you mentioned (figuring out the amounts then dividing each of them by six) would be the way I would do this.

However, instead of saying you want to win $100 reduce that to only wanting to win $50 and play it twice.  So, you're two sessions would be - $20 $10 $10 $10

So your first bet would be 20/6 = 5 units on each street, etc. etc. (follow the system as it is designed...win the first bet, cross off the twenty and then divide 10 by 6 and place that on each street etc.)

When you hit your win goal the first time then you move onto your second session.  This will get you further away from having 84 units at stake on one spin.

You could even go as far as to subdivide that 100 unit win goal into five 20 unit win sessions, if you have enough faith you could win 5 sessions.  I haven't gotten a chance to test this system yet, however as soon as I do I'll try it the couple of different ways that I've mentioned and give you my results.

Hope this helps!


I played another four games, but I made a slight change. In my previous games I repeated my bets with a progression when I lost (in other words I played the same streets until I win). Now, with the Midas touch as progression, every bet is on the last six streets. At one stage I had a few Zeros and repeaters. I ended up with only five possible streets (I used the ticker display on the Roulette wheel, so I did not write the numbers on a paper), so I bet on Zero also. The only time I repeat the same streets is when I hit a zero, or when the last six streets remain unchanged.  Hope this is clear.

All four games won. I played four games with a target of 50 units each. Still far to little tests to become excited, but I do not have the ability to run this on RX. So the only way to test is manually. Anyone who can help, please do.


Quote from: rjeaton1 on June 14, 2009, 04:06:17 AM
Glad to see you're giving it a shot...and the second way you mentioned (figuring out the amounts then dividing each of them by six) would be the way I would do this.

However, instead of saying you want to win $100 reduce that to only wanting to win $50 and play it twice.  So, you're two sessions would be - $20 $10 $10 $10

So your first bet would be 20/6 = 5 units on each street, etc. etc. (follow the system as it is designed...win the first bet, cross off the twenty and then divide 10 by 6 and place that on each street etc.)

When you hit your win goal the first time then you move onto your second session.  This will get you further away from having 84 units at stake on one spin.

You could even go as far as to subdivide that 100 unit win goal into five 20 unit win sessions, if you have enough faith you could win 5 sessions.  I haven't gotten a chance to test this system yet, however as soon as I do I'll try it the couple of different ways that I've mentioned and give you my results.

Hope this helps!

Alright, just to clarify two things - A: I'm an idiot... B: Apparently when I'm tired, my math skills are that of an infant....haha.

I posted the above last night at about 3 o'clock in the morning and 20/6 seemed to be 5???  Haha...  What I meant to say was 20/5 = 3.33  That is what you would bet if you have access to betting amounts less than $1.  If you don't, you would just round up and put $4 on each street.

Sorry about the mistake.


No problem. I understood it correctly  :thumbsup:  I do round the number up. The Midas touch is actually very effective


I played this system on mini roulette for fun, with real money. I had R42 in my account (about $4). I played in 0.1 units... 10 of these units is R1. Mini roulette has only 13 numbers (1-12 and 0). So there is only 4 streets. I play the last two streets. I stopped after my BR stood at R125.

I think this system works better with mini-roulette than with normal roulette. I have been wondering what would happen if I change my method from 6 streets to say 8 streets. My only problem is I have no idea how to determine my progression.


I do believe that this was made by Ozhabs.
I use it a lot actually.
It is a spreadsheet to help with the divisor system.




Quote from: babs on June 14, 2009, 02:57:38 PM
I played this system on mini roulette for fun, with real money. I had R42 in my account (about $4). I played in 0.1 units... 10 of these units is R1. Mini roulette has only 13 numbers (1-12 and 0). So there is only 4 streets. I play the last two streets. I stopped after my BR stood at R125.

I think this system works better with mini-roulette than with normal roulette. I have been wondering what would happen if I change my method from 6 streets to say 8 streets. My only problem is I have no idea how to determine my progression.

It's funny, I never bothered to do the math on what the house edge might be on a mini roulette wheel.  I remember looking at one a while back at an online casino and saying to myself (as I'm in the US and there aren't any casinos that take US players that have a mini-roulette wheel) "man, I wish I could play at one of those wheels".

Seeing you mention that you want to play at one of those as you might have a better shot at winning (now that I know what I know) makes me grimmace and I wouldn't want you to be unpleasantly surprised at the results of long term play at a mini-roulette wheel.

I suggest you read this thread (as posted by Victor, Thanks Vic!) nolinks://vlsroulette.com/gambling-and-roulette-related/mini-roulette-'greedy'-roulette

It goes over how the casinos have managed to make a roulette game that looks appealing, but has a STAGGERING HOUSE EDGE of OVER 7%.

Just figured it should be information you (and everybody else that wants/is playing at a mini-roulette wheel) should know.  As I'm glad I found that information out before laying my chips down on one of those tables.

