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Did Gamblers Glen bite  the dust?

Started by Nathan Detroit, May 28, 2008, 09:56:09 AM

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Nathan Detroit

As a  regular at VLS as  well as  GG  it has  come  to my atttention that GG  could  no longer be  found  according to an internet message  as  of 5/27/08 .

Hoping that Victor`s board will  fill in the  gap .

Nathan Detroit

Nathan Detroit

As of now  the  board has  " revived " itself.

Nathan Detroit



........i'am getting it, GG that is. VLS board is already filling the gap Nathan.... even if the GG board is up and running......

Carlitos  8-)


It looks as though GG is alive and well.  As a matter of fact it looks to be crashing because of too many hits on the site.  Some of the same growing pains GG is suffering are common here as well.  There are just too many visitors. :)

Nathan Detroit

I would  agree with Herb`s take  on the situation. There usually are more visitors than   actual posters  on the various fboards.

Nathan Detroit


I signed in yesterday (shows posts from last 24 hours) and there was not a single one.

I replied to slamdunk about his book/author question....

Other than that I see no one posting.


Looks kind of busy today.

How many hits is it getting per month?

Nathan Detroit

Yesterday the only action at GG was  a  cat  ( whacko ) about 0 wheels  in LV. After some serious  replies  this  cat  flipped. Nothing else for yesterday.

Nathan Detroit


That whacko reminded me of you and Capt. because of the way he uses the word "Cat" so much.  ( I believe I counted around 18 posts from a variety of people yesterday).

(By they way, I'm not saying he's you).

I think that forum is far from dried up.   ( I believe I counted around 18 posts from a variety of people yesterday).  On occasions that place can see close to 70 or more in a day.

 It would be really interesting to see the daily hit counters for it.
As far as people hitting the forum, it probably receives more hits than 99% of the gambling forums out there.

I'm guessing this forum is also getting up there in it's daily hit counts.

Nathan Detroit


If you were  to go  to GG and read  the post regarding   the 0 &0/00 wheel  you will find that this  cat  was  drunk last night and this  morning I set him  him straight.

He  admitted to the  fact that  indeed he was drunk.

Several of us  ( one  of your count of 18 yesterday) had given   qualified  replies  and then turnes  around with unbelieveable  gibberish.

For your informationSunday  was  a  poor day at GG. My question about  " the demise  " of GG  was in reference that  it was constantly down  at the date of my original post.

So bear in mind that I have  a  good reputation among the posters  at the GG board , roulette as well as baccarat., here at Victors  , and at  Mr. John Patrick`s board  and nobody took any offense that I am using the  word cat  commonly  used among  Damon Runyon type  gamblers..

Nathan Detroit



I'm not offended by your use of the word cat.

My point is the guy is trying to talk like you for some reason.  I think he's trying to get a rise out of you. :)

The guy kind of reminds me of Mr. J.

Nathan Detroit


OK.and understood what you are saying.
Nathan Detroit would  more likely have  used the  word   "cat". Just to reminiss about bygone  gambling days.
At another board I am known under  different SN but  they also know  that my SN at GG  and VLS as  well is  Nathan Detroit.

Nathan Detroit


As long as it keeps putting money in the kitty.

