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How random are RNG's

Started by cvictorg, May 31, 2008, 10:43:30 AM

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Better Online Casinos using noise-based rng-s.
The best examples are for rng:
1.Random.org. (Numbers are generated via shortwave radio noises,simultan 2-3 different radios.
2.LavaRnd: (Numbers generated via webcam noises)
3.Random.info (Numbers generated via photonemissions)
These are guaranted not predictable and under no circumstaces can these be reconstructed.
The last two criteria are the alpha and omega habit of rng-s.
Try your "systems" against these on papier and pencil and in case you have success, you can go
to any casino. Of course the testing must be adequate long. Never think to find a winning strategy
after 400-500 spins. Take the acid test, eg. for plein Numbers at least 1,500,000 spins.
We made 10000 "Attacks" on Plein #-s after special and standard conditions (ca 2650000 spins)
and the result was always  better than 10% winnings of the used party capital.
Coclusion: if something is able to do something like this, we could expect the same result later too.
But care is needed ! This is not a 100 % warranty for "nonstop" winning !!!!!!


I don't think there is even an argument about it , avoid rng , avoid it at all costs because it will cheat and steal off you.  I spent a year playing rng and so too many obvious intelligent cheats from the rng.
Like i said before rng is not so dumb it can compute ways to make you loose. A real wheel has no intelligence so in my opinion is easier to beat.  Rng is just a name it's not random its rigged. 


Well, there is nothing wrong with rng-s, these are following exact the binominal distribution.
Rigged are the the programs, eg. all the numbers heavily "loaded" with chips will more than enough
time simply skipped. The only "remedy" against this "phenomen": never play alone at "private" table!!

