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good design cool

Started by Landis, November 14, 2009, 06:22:38 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


Question for you... If you are so concerned about copyright, why exactly would you post it on a FREE website for all to see?

This makes about as much sense as trademarking words in the english language.


From page three of the original thread here:

Quote from: simon on October 30, 2009, 02:16:34 PM
I am printing out all pages from the website and before I spend a lot of time studying the signum system in earnest, I would like to know if you think it will be ok to use it against a double zeroe real wheel and/or a double zeroe virtual wheel.  I expect the results won't be as good but do you think it can still make a profit against a 00 wheel (any profit is good) and will it make any difference that the arrangement of the numbers around a double zeroe wheel is different than the arrangement of the numbers around a single zero wheel?   thanks.

From the 20 sessions that are shown on the website, as an example, I substited 5 for 00, just to see what difference
it would make. The total profit from those sessions is +55 and using the substitution reduces the profit to +42.

The arrangement of the numbers shouldn't  make any difference. "

I wonder if Simon bothered to get written permission to re publish those pages? I don't see a complaint for compliance so he must have. Mr Chips might want to give some hush money to Simon seeing how cooperative mrChips has been to Simon.


Quote from: Mr Chips on November 22, 2009, 05:52:01 PM

By reproducing extracts from the Signum system on Gamblers Glen, without the authors permission you
have caused Fishman of Gamblers Glen to be in breach of copyright under United States law. The signum
website has full copyright number 0030569. In addition the copyright includes aspects of Signum, which
are in use elsewhere. Such contravention of copyright can lead to Gamblers Glen being taken down and
also a fine imposed.

I have already sent an email to fishman informing him of the copyright.

Gads, I missed that one. Landis/snowman you will love this. The author does not have a legal copyright on that website. Gee, that's a tough one.

This is rapidly getting very old. Back to the usual messages criticizing the system.  :)


yeah well whatever, I think you can print anything off a website as long as it's for personal use and you don't sell it.   FYI something is automatically copy-righted in the U.S. as soon as you author it, or paint it, or whatever-- you don't have to apply for an official copyrght-- and you can issue a cease and desist order to anyone using your work for profit and sue them for any profits they may have made with your work (that is, selling your work, not making $ with it at the casino, obviously.)

I wish someone would answer my previous question about the results and if they are based on decisions already  known before the strategy and decision making process is shown.


Simon, so you didn't have permission to print it? Don't worry. It's too late to complain now. There is a legal requirement to defend your copyright or it's invalid. If he didn't complain to you or give you permission then he has established a weakness that he is satisfied to live with. It would be a more simple case if you would just state now for the record if he granted you permission. If he didn't then his case is in the toilette.


for the record there's a Print button at the top of every webpage and every thread and I use it when I want as does everyone else.  also for the record I cannot be given permission to do anything because I am not a real person, "Simon" does not exist, I am a psyber-robot.  also for the record I wish we could stop arguing about copy-right issues and get back to finding out if the system in question is any good or not and should I drop everything and learn it, or what.



I agree with you on trying to determine if the system is valid.

Beginning in 2010, early, I plan to tackle the Signum.  (There should be shouts and whistles here!  :yahoo:)  Not that I'm any smarter than anyone else, but that I'm retired and have many hours to devote to study during our Winter months.  Who knows, I may not even be able to understand it but I think I can.

So, I'll do my best and report.  As always, I have no interest promoting the thing or flaming it, so I'll just see what happens.



good, glad to hear it 2cat, that's what we need, someone who doesn't have "an agenda" to spend time with it and check it out.   (it seems to me while we're arguing about it other people seem to be learning it and getting good results, I think...)


It's almost a public service to show standing up for your intellectual property. There are ways to do it and there are ways to do it for things that truly need copyrights. This entire communication process is part forum and part website. It is clear that several people have to ask for help to attempt to understand this freely offered system. I'm one of them. I have a thread in this same category of this forum that asks questions in order to attempt to understand the system. It's for dummies like me. There are hundreds of books out there on the market that all end with "for Dummies." It's not a point of shame or an attempt to criticize the topic. In all cases there is enough interest that publishers spend the money to print the books in the first place.

I have a standing question that nobody has attempted to answer there. Now there must be someone that can fill in the blanks so that we can move forward from a standpoint of learning goes. It's not a criticism over there. It's an honest attempt to understand the writings and opinions of the author of the system. Just because he has a chip on his shoulder and a thin skin does not mean that the results that are claimed to be correct should not be researched. I'm asking for help. It's as simple as that. I've presented as clear as I can my questions.


@ Simon,

Regarding the spins Mr Chips has used, I posted something at the end of this thread which is relevant -

I believe that Mr Chips deliberately used spins from spielbank wiesbaden because they're verifiable, in the sense that they're in the public domain, so anyone can download the exact spins which produced the results that Mr Chips has put on his site. If you have learned the system you can then play the spins and if the results you get don't agree with those on the site you will want to know why. The only issue is that any subjective elements in the way the system is used could lead to disagreements about the result. I can't really comment at this stage how this might be resolved because I haven't learned the system yet.  So yes, Mr Chips could have used his own personal spins taken from a real casino (as you suggested would be the "right" thing to do), but that doesn't guarantee that he didn't just make them up or cherry-pick them to give a favourable result. At least using spins from wiesbaden everyone can verify that they are genuine spins.



I agree with you on trying to determine if the system is valid.

Beginning in 2010, early, I plan to tackle the Signum.  (There should be shouts and whistles here!  )  Not that I'm any smarter than anyone else, but that I'm retired and have many hours to devote to study during our Winter months.  Who knows, I may not even be able to understand it but I think I can.


If you have to test this system to determine if it's valid or not, then you really have no business gambling in a casino.  Give your wife the checkbook and credit cards.

You should be able to tell within a minute that this system is based on gambler's fallacy.  There is absolutely no way this system could work.  Why isn't this immediately obvious to everyone here?



Regarding copyright,

You can't copyright a gambling system based on the gambler's fallacy.  I'm free to discuss and describe with whom ever I choose.

Mr Chips

Quote from: Landis on November 23, 2009, 07:51:20 AM


If you have to test this system to determine if it's valid or not, then you really have no business gambling in a casino.  Give your wife the checkbook and credit cards.

You should be able to tell within a minute that this system is based on gambler's fallacy.  There is absolutely no way this system could work.  Why isn't this immediately obvious to everyone here?


If Signum did not work then it would not be able to produce  consistent profits. Those profits have
not only been produced by me but other members of this forum. You can of course call me a liar
and that I have fixed the results in some way, but are you also calling the other members who
have been providing profitable session also liars and fixing their results?

The problem is you have a fixation that all roulette systems are based on gamblers fallacy. They are
words that you have picked up on various sites together with a limited understanding of probability,
which other members have pointed out to you.

The results I have so far provided show a z-score of 9.90 and there is still a number of months still to
complete for the year.

I have already mentioned other members supplying profitable results on the Signum thread and their
combined results are in line with those I have shown on the Signum website. To dismiss their results
is not only ridiculous, but also rather insulting and puts your credibility on this forum at an all time low.

You can carry on quoting endless nonsense from various dubious sites, but it won't change the fact that
Signum will continue to produce consistent profits and not just by me.

Mr Chips

Quote from: Landis on November 23, 2009, 07:53:37 AM
Regarding copyright,

You can't copyright a gambling system based on the gambler's fallacy.  I'm free to discuss and describe with whom ever I choose.

A great many websites have copyright, take for example the Oops site which has copyright. Now it is
perfectly in order to discuss and comment about the site, but I certainly wouldn't copy extracts from
the site and show them here or anywhere else, without the permission of the owners of the site, as
I respect their entitlement to copyright.

Components of Signum do not only relate to gambling, but to other uses as well and they are also
contained within the total copyright.


sometimes you have to accept things even if you don't understand them.  it doesn't hurt to have an open mind.  some people want to test the system with the intention of proving that it doesn't work.  so that may be as un-objective an approach as someone who wants to prove that it does work.  I haven't learned the system but for me basically the proof is in the pudding, that is what kind of results people are actually getting, not what is supposed to happen in a million spins which I will never play.  I note that so far I see mainly + signs and no one is showing the system tanking as is usually the case.

