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Question about playtech client software

Started by ziphus, November 18, 2009, 11:55:38 PM

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Hi Guys,

First time poster.

I have been playing some simple bet selections on various playtech casinos for a month or two now.  I like them because they allow me to skip spins (any others that do this btw?)

The real question is: has anyone else noticed that the client software seems to be constantly downloading and your pc/laptop harddisk is busy while using it? as soon as I logout and shut the client down my harddisk and network traffic return to virtually zero.  If anyone has noticed this, do you know what it's up to?

Many thanks


Welcome Ziphus,

If unsure, you can install a traffic monitor for your computer (Such as nolinks://demosten.com/showtraf/ -freeware).

Hope you have a nice time around us here and we are glad of having you as a new member of our forum family.



Thanks Victor.  It's a great forum and I'm glad to have found it.  Hopefully I can contribute something meaningful in future.  I'm a developer and am studying/analysing this game in as much depth as time allows.

I will try out your traffic monitoring tool.  I will also see what microsoft process explorer says about the disk access.  I'll report back any findings.

For a little further information, I recorded 80+mb (includes data in both directions) in an hour of play or less. . . .   :angry2:

Thanks again


You are right. I have noticed also. If you find anything please post it.


Hi Ziphus,

you must accept, that the software has to control an endless variety of datass.

on your computer there is a file which lists your bets
the software must control the time in which your bets have to be placed
for any disruption of conection there have to be control-datas
your bankroll is to controlled after every click you made
your start-button is to be controlled
the bet-ability has to be stopped after start of game
the motion of the wheel has to be loaded and performed
the marquee has to be updated
and much more

this all canĀ“t be done without traffic and restores on both sides

Number Six

A while ago, longer than a month, Mansion casino spent around 20 mins updating on my PC, I hadn't used it for quite some time so I really thought nothing of it. Low and behold, when the update completed, my PC is adware central. There were at least three different problems, not that they were likely to be harmful, but who want's that stuff on their system? So I purged it. Though I've never had any previous problems with Mansion, I'll never use playtech again. This is probably not part of your problem, but I'll throw it in there because to me they are now untrustworthy.


Ok, just reporting back. 

I could see a hell of a lot of traffic coming from a virtual host hanging off phatservers. com.  I believe the client software might be downloading all kinds of game files (whether i attempt to access them or not) in the background.  This is fairly annoying as I seriously dont intended to play the majority of them.

When i take a look at C:\casino\{casino name}\data I now see game graphics and sound for a load of games I've never played.  While using the casino lobby the "click to download" options are disappearing from things like slots.

I've got no issue with playtech. . .  they're probably my choice of software for now, but i would prefer not to download hundreds of mb of game data i dont intend to use.  Especially on a mobile broadband connection.

Anyhow, hopefully this info will help someone else in future.   :)

Number Six

Mike.OFF, surely you're joking? The software took 20+ minutes to update, what the hell it was downloading I have no idea, then several files were flagged by the firewall and reported as problematic by other users. Whether or not people want their systems stuffed with bloatware is their business. I'd rather keep mine clean thanks. Playtech have always irritated me anyway.


Lol.  Playtech is my choice for a couple of reasons which may clarify things:

1.   they allow free spins
2.   their software isn't horribly slow an clunky like the first one I tried
3.  .  .  .   and probably importantly, I've been at online game play for coin over a fairly short period of time.   therefore I'm probably not aware of the better options yet. 

Honestly any good advice for better casinos that fit the above criteria and considered "trust worthy" would be very appreciated by a relative new comer. 


Number Six

Mansion is an all round good casino; the payouts are fast and the service is also very good. But like all playtech, their software is pretty huge. Same with bet365. Personally I'm not that desperate to play online that I'd let them stuff my PC with bloatware that will leave footprints all over my hard disk and registry, some files of which may (or may not) be harmful. Dublin Bet is a good alternative for live wheels streaming from a real casino. Smart live is also nice. For RNGs try bet voyager, they have equal odds games, though there is a withdrawl fee and it's not as fast as playtech.


Great information and that's very appreciated. 


