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Bet Dozen to Repeat

Started by hammy, December 13, 2009, 02:21:52 AM

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16 chops from the hell! Does not happens every day. It is suspicious enough if there was not a magnetic ball in play??? What online casino did you play?
Do you see the whole dealer all the time or sometimes only hands after cut the picture? All the US science fiction movies are done mostly on computers and you will not recognize the difference! What about science fiction online casinos? Actually, the casinos even don't exist! Only the software transmitted from some corner on the earth. Illusion casinos!
That's why I like to step firm on the floor in land casinos but the magnetic ball could be there in play also. No guarantee.


What about to use the artificial dozens from the Balance Method by Proofreader2000? If they will make a 16 chops in row?


Hello Hermes! The casino I played at was Gala Coral Live Casino.  I saw the whole dealer all the time, just I think, I was very unlucky.  It is really rare to have these dozens to chop so many times.  Could you give the summary of this Balanced method please.


I played this system quite a lot before , I have seen it go 17 times without a repeat a few times. I gave up because it's only a short term winner, sit playing for an  hour or 2 and the dozen will not repeat for 17 or more spins.
Talking about Gala casino -  On the live wheels I strongly advise players to  avoid. The small stakes casino magic especially  is robbing many players.  I am 100% sure they are cheating especially on the small stakes casino magic. What happens is when you start to play progression on bets your bet will be blocked with a message that says bets not accepted!. This happens more times than not on what would have been winning bets too.
What they say to you when you complain is they say re-fresh your page. Re freshing the page does nothing to
cure the problem and you will lose your money.  I am still amazed gala still getting away with this well known scam now, Gala need reporting for it.  Many players see the same problem so please don't anyone say I am making this up it's 100% true.

Number Six

Quote from: hermes
16 chops from the hell! Does not happens every day.

You're joking, right? It happens regularly. I simulated only 750 casino actuals and got 23 once and 19 about five or six times. Plenty of 14,15,16. It is not rare to see a period of many chops. It's well within the parameters of the game. A run could go on chopping for 500 spins. There is nothing exploitable here. It doesn't work and no matter how you change it, it never will.


Quote from: Number Six on December 20, 2009, 07:24:45 PM
You're joking, right? It happens regularly. I simulated only 750 casino actuals and got 23 once and 19 about five or six times. Plenty of 14,15,16. It is not rare to see a period of many chops. It's well within the parameters of the game. A run could go on chopping for 500 spins. There is nothing exploitable here. It doesn't work and no matter how you change it, it never will.

No.6,  you are missing the whole point of this system !  :scratch_ones_head:   ::)
We are only playing for about 5 hits, that's 25 units profit, then quit !
We are not spinning the wheel all day waiting for your very rare chops .. :nono:
We are playing less than 15 minutes, about 60-70 spins max.
Believe me, there will be lots of repeats of dozens in that time, but yes, once in a blue moon it could
happen that we go over 10 spins without a repeat, bad luck, but rare over only 70 spins. I will get
my 25 units profit many, many times before the blue moon comes out.

So, I disagree with you that there is nothing exploitable here ... :whistle:


OK, then how about this? You follow both dozens and columns ( I'm assuming it works equally for both, we probably just notice dozens more naturally ) then wait 6 chops. It may take longer, hours even, but all one needs to do is increase the unit bet value to make it worth waiting a few hours for a betting opportunity. Meanwhile low unit  bets with any other system to fight off boredom.


Number Six

Sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone by testing this and telling the truth about the results and proving that, within 1000 decisions, you will end up losing more progressions than you win and will be broke. I recant everything. It's the holy grail.


Well that's a shame Number Six, because this forum needs more hard testing, not less.


I agree with you number six.  I used to play martingale when I started playing roulette in september this year(I have never read about it in the forums, I thought I have invented something perfect ;D).  I started with 100 BR and in two weeks time I had 9500 pounds in my account(very stupid of me I did not withdraw it in in time).  But one beautiful morning in the end of september I lost it all.  I was very lucky as all novices are I assume, to reach this sum.  But soon or late it should have happened.  I think the same would be with this system.  300 live spins test and when I decided to try it it gave me 16 chops in a row.  Thats bad luck.  But you can win with it if you play for 3 wins for a example, but any time you can experience 2 losses in a row which will wipe your profits out.


Ok, try the Balance Method of Proofreader (Euro Roulette).
1st dozen : 2-4-6-13-15-17-19-21-25-27-32-34
2nd dozen: 1-5-8-10-11-16-20-23-24-30-33-36
3rd dozen: 3-7-9-12-14-18-22-26-28-29-31-35
Test how many chops you get with this formation? 16 chops don't come all the time.


Thanks for your reply Hermes, but I dont quite understand it.  Do you mean to apply a different progression for each dozen?


Quote from: Jeromin on December 23, 2009, 05:46:43 PM
OK, then how about this? You follow both dozens and columns ( I'm assuming it works equally for both, we probably just notice dozens more naturally ) then wait 6 chops. It may take longer, hours even, but all one needs to do is increase the unit bet value to make it worth waiting a few hours for a betting opportunity. Meanwhile low unit  bets with any other system to fight off boredom.


You do not have to wait for 6 chops, 3 or 4 only, then use progression as stated above. You will miss too many opportunities if you wait for 6 non-repeats, actually I've used only 2 and been successful. Get 5 hits and quit.
This system does not include using columns, only repeating dozens. I'm not familiar if columns react to repeating as often as dozens ? I never bet on columns.


With the 12 step Wiztek progression you can bet every spin. When come 13 chops you lost that's all.
Jeromin you don't understand the concept. Bet always the last coming dozen expecting double, is that easy. E.g. last number came 35 it is 3rd dozen than bet next spin 3rd dozen, that's simple.
Even dozens and columns looks the same they are not. I burned my fingers on columns a lot! Columns are like women, unpredictable! System which works on dozens will not work the same way on columns.

I wish everybody on forum Merry Christmas and Healthy, Successful and Productive New Year 2010.
Cheers Hermes


Oh, I understand the concept, alright. I spent some time going over a somewhat similar system, proposed by Jimenez last summer, based on following last dozen and last column jointly. I went over a couple of thousand spins and it was tricky, but the sharp drop seemed to be at the 4 to 5 point: that is, after a fourth chop of both column and dozen, the likelihood of a fifth double chop decreased sharply, creating a good opportunity ( so, in a thousand spins, there'd be fifteen 3xDD  ( Different Column  Different Dozen =DD) events, twelve 4xDD events and only five 5xDD events, meaning twelve instances of 4 consecutive column and dozen chops but only about five of 5.  It was interesting theoretically, but waiting literally hours for a single betting opportunity was too much for me.

I like hammy's method better because it involves only one bet ( dozen ). I don't see how columns would be in any way different, other than being harder to notice. It's just easier, more natural,  to see that  say number 19 is in the second dozen than  to notice it's in the first column, for example. A 13 step progression from scratch seems too short, I'd rather wait for 4, 5 or 6 chops. The way I see it there are only two ways to go: either a super long progression ( eg: 13 to 16 steps, maybe more,  after waiting for 5/6 chops ) that guarantees a win in anything shorter than several thousand spins,  or no progression at all, say wait 3 chops, bet once, stop. I don't see the point in long progressions that do not guarantee wins long term but are very costly when they fail,  Number Six's point. As for losing winning opportunities, it's a matter of avoiding the danger of a lost long progression. If you look at a recent set of actuals from Dublin Bet, in the actuals section, the very first session has 11 chops in a total of less than 50 spins. So the "short term" safety is fictitious. That's the danger of progressions: wins are in effect nothing but long term very high interest loans by the casino.
If/when I find the time,  I'll go over a few thousand spins, testing, 3-stop, 3, 4-stop, 4, stop bets,  etc. I have the suspicion there might be an opportunity there, but it will be razor thin and not "short term", which seems to mean "playing safely for 30 minutes", but  which actually means "I haven't really tested this enough to lose the progression, so the 30 minutes that will wipe out my past profits are still to come".

This is all rhetoric, of course. Only testing will tell.


