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I think we are all wasting our time here...

Started by Graywolf, April 12, 2010, 07:59:55 AM

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.


Hi BlackPearl,

I have to disagree with most of your advice. If you understood the concept of Personal Permanence you'll understand that:"Limit Your betting time in the casino" "Limit your losses" etc. have no meaning, and make no difference in the long run. They are purely psychological illusions. Every session is interconnected with the previous and the next session. Leaving the casino and coming back another day does not make any difference. Mathematically all your short sessions together are equal to one long session.

Even if stop loss had any meaning (which has not), this is unreasonable: "Limit Your losses.   Have a Stop Loss Goal ( 20 % of Your betting wallet per day would be good )" Why take all this bank roll with you in the first place if you plan to lose only 20% of it? Bring with you the money that is equal to your stop loss and lose it 100%.



Everything is connected with everything.  .  .  

The Elements are connected with the spirit and the spirit with elements.  .  .

Mind, thoughts and spirit of men are connected with his emotions,words and deeds.  .  .  

The Settings in the mind of an artist are influencing his skills.  .  .

His thoughts are producing his emotions and influenzing his condition.  .  .

All this is connected with the quality of his daily performance.  .  .  

It doesn`t matter, where ore when the artist is practizing his arts or his skills.  .  .

It doesn`t matter, who the artist is or what kind of art he is practizing.  .  .  

It can be in circuit, in a workshop or in a casino.  .  .  

Everything is the same.  .  .

There is nothing new under the sun. . .

Everything is connected with everything else.  .  .  

Find the source.  .  .   and everything is clear

Everything is a product of something or someone

Everything above all is a product of GOD`s spirit

Everything below of this is a product of men`s spirit

Men`s spirit can understand men`s things

GOD`s spirit can understand all things

Find the source of the spirit

Find the source of all things

Then You are free

Roulette.  .  .   is only a game




all your short sessions together are equal to one long session.>>>

I disagree. Because the casino is always in the long term, so are you when you play there. The terms short and long term don't mean much. All there really is, is the next spin.


There is no need to be unsettled, Great Master. . .  :aikido:

. . .

You will always have the last word...


you have reached the right conclusion. roulette is a unbeatable game. i take a couple of hundred dollars to the casino every so often in the hope i will have a run of luck and turn it into a small fortune.  if it was a horse race with 37 runners would you have a bet.


year probably pins but im a sucker for the horses.  lol


Appreciate your search,we all have researched,tested.
Traders get 3 from 10 right and still make profit.
The most exciting opportunity is right here.
I walk in ,walk out,take THEIR CASH.
I play live,wait for last 2doz to miss TWICE,then attack the next spin only.
I monitor 10 tables,many opportunities,but only play ONE table at a time,
and stay at that table. Just 2 days ago someone tried to collect
my win,so watch,collect,look for next opportunity.
So relax,,enjoy the power you have and enjoy.
Clean up. . . . . r5 :) :)


Quote from: pins on April 29, 2010, 05:53:08 AM
...if it was a horse race with 37 runners would you have a bet.

Oh my Lordy wordy , YES!

Cash Growth

Hey BP, we are getting very curious about your posting. Could you throw a few more explanations about what you have in mind?
Best wishes,


Hello CashGrowth,

Thanks for Your Request...

I am an analyst and I view Roulette from a different viewpoint
than gamblers, players etc. ...

Atm I am trying to get a feeling about the spirit of this forum...

THIS is the reason for my way of asking or presenting things here.


Btw, together with one of my business partners ( a diploma programmer )
we HAVE analyzed Roulette, the bowl, the Tableau and all the betting chances...

THEN we have developed a complex program, which is based on mathematically
correct steps and logical strategies.  I have tested it for hundreds of hours...
This program wins in 9 of 10 bettings and so every daily session is a winning session.

We are still working on it to make it more practicable for several selected
Online Live Casinos like DB, bet365 a.s.o. to use it in the long run  etc. ...


Beside of this I am always searching for a real chance to make daily Casino sessions
to winning sessions, by using a combination of betting chances, time & money
management, enough bankroll etc....

Here we are ready for a breakthrough in the next weeks and months as well...

Btw...  I am not interested in selling something or in discussing some other kind of nonsens here !!

I will NOT answer or react to any of whatever kind of neurotic posting in my threads at all!!!

. . .

Really looking forward to good, reasonable and fruitful discussions !!!!!!!!!!

Best Wishes
ROLF  :thumbsup:


The lonely poor lunatic a.k.a. Charles E. Hampshire now has so many accounts here that I can't remember all the nicknames.


Who is that, please ?

Can we learn something from that person ?

PLEASE contribute something reasonable here  :rtfm: --  THX a lot !

ROLF  :good:

Noble Savage


I spoke to Rolf a couple of times about a year ago in chat. He's a nice German guy. I don't think he's Charles. :)

@Rolf: What is your program based on? What do you think gives it the edge over the house? (which is mathematically impossible)


Noble Savage,

Please don't take this the wrong way but.......
You can sit in front of your P.C. for the next 10 years and type in every day them immortal words "mathematically impossible"  yet someone is going to go into the casino every other day for the next 10 years and win at the game of roulette. That guy does not have to surrender his winnings to the casino because according to a majority of people "it is mathematically impossible". That guy does not have to proof to anybody that he has a way of playing that circumnavigates the house edge. In fact he would be pretty damn foolish to do so. He will be perfectly content just doing his stuff, just like you will be content typing in it's mathematically impossible. Now, everyone's happy.
He is happy and you are happy. Perfect.

