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I think we are all wasting our time here...

Started by Graywolf, April 12, 2010, 07:59:55 AM

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Mogul397 quote, For me, I have occasionally played a "reverse martingale" at a craps table.
Boy does that make them nervous!!!!!
THEY are playing the (stupid) martingale method. YOu are making them play it
by letting your bets ride. (They are doubling up on THEIR losses), nottophammer says like it.

Think about it.

8th- there is no foolproof system

I dont want to be rude or anything but if you are all going to be so naive and look for someone to flash infront of you with a holy grail system, you realy are wasting your time and potentialy your money.

Boo, like your reply  1st to or should it be too (ask ausguy ) as i'm not up on grammer and all that, 8th.

agree the holy grail what the f--k is that all about, a square of numbers that all line up to a certain amount straight, diagonial what ever, how is that going to help come up with the winning number(or predict the winning number).
Is it third person, aus, Nottophammers asked what do we know before,good reply came from seagull,REPEATS, any thoughts on repeats.

Big apologies Ausguy if i've upset you some time in 2013, also the dig above, nothing ment by it, just my stupid sense of humour, hope i've got my grammer and spelling right,LOL 


hammer - It's just a matter of using the grammar/spell check tools either right here next to preview or a free on line dictionary. Spell check doesn't ID grammatical errors.

A couple of years ago I wondered why so many posters (particularly from the USA wrote "TO" instead of "TOO" for correct context meaning ?).

So back then I went on line & selected an American USA dictionary. Surprise surprise they TOO use TO & TOO in exactly the same way as English dictionaries do. So in turn you would expect schools on both sides of the Atlantic ( Pacific or Indian for us Aussies) to "officially" teach the correct meanings of TO and TOO. In a nutshell if you got it wrong in an exam then a big "X" for fail would be placed by the teacher next to that question.

A little demo, opps! Demonstration. Tom, Dick and Harry arranged TO all meet at their local casino. Harry was running a little late, so Tom and Dick went TO the bar for a drink or TWO as they waited for Harry.
At the bar Tom suddenly noticed that he and Dick were wearing identical patterned shirts. Tom exclaimed, pointing to dicks shirt, "what you TOO" and much laughter.

A few drinks later Harry arrives at the bar, linking up with Tom and Dick. Immediately there is a jovial outburst as Harry notices Tom and Dick both have identical pattern shirts to his. Harry exclaims, in response to the revealation, "not you TWO TOO". Dick chips in "actually it's now we three TOO".

A short time later Tom, Dick and Harry moved TO a roulette table. "What should we bet on they muttered" Dick said "Wesley Snipes (movie star) said always bet on black" So they each put a $100 chip on black. The dealer spins and 36 Red drops. Harry said "oh so close, black's right next door".

Tom looked at the Marquee and said "look the boards full of Red spins and they can't keep on coming like that, the odds are impossible, I'm doubling up on black"
"OK" they all say and they all put $200 on Black.  Round and round the little white ball goes to drop into pocket 1 Red. Dick say's "this wheel's rigged but we can beat it, we're smart guys, right fellows " ?  " 'Whatcha' reckon Harry " ?  Harry replies "Well I think we should bet with the wheel not against it and back Red " All three stroke their chins thinking about it, then all agree "why not ?" So on goes $400 each on Red. The dealer spins and 20 Black drops. All three are now livid.

A quiet voice next TO them say's " you guys need TO do some homework on this game". Tom says TO him " and were do we do that ? "  The voice replys "on VLS Roulette Forum, that's where". "alrighty" says Tom "and who might you be ?" " Many people call me Mr. Hammer" "OK" says Tom "and has VLS wised you up TO win lots of money ?" Hammer replies "not so much TO win lots but reduces losses so we don't lose $700 each in 3 spins like you guys just have".

Tom then asks Hammer " So I 'spose you're makin' heaps every day ?" Hammer says "better than wages, in an hour I've made $300, I'm cashing in now and heading home". " Good talking TO you Tom, Dick and Harry and maybe I'll catch you on the forum soon... perhaps then all you three can TOO be making better than wages every day ? cheers guys".   


Quote from: ausguy on January 06, 2014, 01:15:01 AM
hammer - It's just a matter of using the grammar/spell check tools either right here next to preview or a free on line dictionary. Spell check doesn't ID grammatical errors.

A couple of years ago I wondered why so many posters (particularly from the USA wrote "TO" instead of "TOO" for correct context meaning ?).

So back then I went on line & selected an American USA dictionary. Surprise surprise they TOO use TO & TOO in exactly the same way as English dictionaries do. So in turn you would expect schools on both sides of the Atlantic ( Pacific or Indian for us Aussies) to "officially" teach the correct meanings of TO and TOO. In a nutshell if you got it wrong in an exam then a big "X" for fail would be placed by the teacher next to that question.

A little demo, opps! Demonstration. Tom, Dick and Harry arranged TO all meet at their local casino. Harry was running a little late, so Tom and Dick went TO the bar for a drink or TWO as they waited for Harry.
At the bar Tom suddenly noticed that he and Dick were wearing identical patterned shirts. Tom exclaimed, pointing to dicks shirt, "what you TOO" and much laughter.

A few drinks later Harry arrives at the bar, linking up with Tom and Dick. Immediately there is a jovial outburst as Harry notices Tom and Dick both have identical pattern shirts to his. Harry exclaims, in response to the revealation, "not you TWO TOO". Dick chips in "actually it's now we three TOO".

A short time later Tom, Dick and Harry moved TO a roulette table. "What should we bet on they muttered" Dick said "Wesley Snipes (movie star) said always bet on black" So they each put a $100 chip on black. The dealer spins and 36 Red drops. Harry said "oh so close, black's right next door".

Tom looked at the Marquee and said "look the boards full of Red spins and they can't keep on coming like that, the odds are impossible, I'm doubling up on black"
"OK" they all say and they all put $200 on Black.  Round and round the little white ball goes to drop into pocket 1 Red. Dick say's "this wheel's rigged but we can beat it, we're smart guys, right fellows " ?  " 'Whatcha' reckon Harry " ?  Harry replies "Well I think we should bet with the wheel not against it and back Red " All three stroke their chins thinking about it, then all agree "why not ?" So on goes $400 each on Red. The dealer spins and 20 Black drops. All three are now livid.

A quiet voice next TO them say's " you guys need TO do some homework on this game". Tom says TO him " and were do we do that ? "  The voice replys "on VLS Roulette Forum, that's where". "alrighty" says Tom "and who might you be ?" " Many people call me Mr. Hammer" "OK" says Tom "and has VLS wised you up TO win lots of money ?" Hammer replies "not so much TO win lots but reduces losses so we don't lose $700 each in 3 spins like you guys just have".

Tom then asks Hammer " So I 'spose you're makin' heaps every day ?" Hammer says "better than wages, in an hour I've made $300, I'm cashing in now and heading home". " Good talking TO you Tom, Dick and Harry and maybe I'll catch you on the forum soon... perhaps then all you three can TOO be making better than wages every day ? cheers guys".

I am glad that you satisfied your ego and that you are good at least at one thing.


Boo_Ray - Is it not better TO be good at one thing than nothing at all ?   Especially in view of the fact that the post was addressed to Hammer in response to part of his

post, date/time Jan. 05, 2014 7:11pm , and closing sentence to me....." nothing ment {X = F.}(meant) by it, just my stupid sense of humour, hope I've got my spelling right,LOL"

It appears Boo_Ray you have little appreciation of humourous satire ?             I look forward reading to Hammers opinion.


EEK a mistake & a correction - "I look forward TO reading Hammers opinion"                     

Unfurl the CAT-O-NINE-TAILS. (a nasty whip from the sailing ship days that had bits of lead at the tips & was used to TEACH SAILORS THE ERRORS OF THEIR WAYS).


Most people do waste time trying to beat roulette, by doing it the wrong way. Here it is in black and white.. and a bit of red and blue too: nolinks.genuinewinner.com/truth/

Is it money you want, or freedom? Also try nolinks.yourway.org.au


Quote from: Steve on January 06, 2014, 07:39:54 PM
Most people do waste time trying to beat roulette, by doing it the wrong way. Here it is in black and white.. and a bit of red and blue too: nolinks.genuinewinner.com/truth/

Is it money you want, or freedom? Also try nolinks.yourway.org.au

Steve that is exactly what I was trying to say. It is pretty obvious how to beat it, but people are too lazy to do so. And thanks for the other link, it might be interesting read :)


Quote from: Boo_Ray on January 05, 2014, 06:41:07 PM
hi, I it is long time I haven't posted on these forums but it looks like everyone is still stuck at the same place.

A few things to consider now:
1st-placing an equal unit on 0 every time does not affect house edge (like someone suggested that it would eliminate some risk).. because in a cycle or over a large sample you will spend the same amount of money placing it on zero that you would lose when it hits. If you are aiming sector and 0 is in it, you absolutely bet it, but on some EC bets, don't even think too much about zero because it is the same if you bet it or not.
2nd- a few short runs become a long run... there is no thing like beating roulette short run every time...
3rd- If you don't have physical edge over roulette(VB or bias), you can't have a mathematical system that will erase house edge, therefore don't even bother with progressions because it realy doesn't help you.. basicly it just forces you to bring more money in casino that you should.
4th- roulette does create a lot of sick patterns that you actualy can exploit (which situational betting is all about) but not by betting against them.
5th- there is also a thing called luck. and you have to work with it, that is why you shoudnt play if you are missing every spin and try to get some profit when you are running good.
6th- do your homework
7th- I dont know why is everyone thinking outside of the box will help. think inside of the box just done make up some stupid magical stuff up that some numbers should follow others... roulette is obvious, it is a spinning rotor with a track for ball which will fall into some slots.. And to eliminate house edge you must predict where the ball will land, the numbers are just there to name the slots so you can cover them.
8th- there is no foolproof system

I dont want to be rude or anything but if you are all going to be so naive and look for someone to flash infront of you with a holy grail system, you realy are wasting your time and potentialy your money.


Long time no hear,my Slo.mate,
--You are wrong about your;point 8th.......there is......if you interested pm.me...you are a programmer,if my memory serves me right.


As with everything in life the easiest way (rng) is most always the avenue that doesn't lead to long term success ...

the people that put in the work (AP)...reap the long term rewards.


I think that the human mind always tries to find patterns even in randomness so sometimes there may seem to be a system when there really isn't.


Quote from: bikemotorman on May 14, 2010, 08:26:29 AM
I think the key is virtual play, the method I have been testing has never lost more then six straight lost spins LLLLLLs, yes it may go more but not as of yet.
So it makes sense that a period of virtual losses will PROTECT the bank roll.

So here is the magic WORD patience to wait for 4 LLLLs then start the battle.
Makes sense to me.


I use this method with betting the field in craps.  LLLL (non field numbers) 5,10,20,40,100 stop $175 potential loss (and I have lost ) but for me it is simple math 44% chance of hitting a field number on each dice roll.  My wins are about 80% losses 20% and I stop when up $225.  What boosts it and makes it better in craps is the double and triple pay on 2-12  esp when you hit one of those on a higher progression bet


I win regularly @ b&m casino n I expect to win again this coming Sat**day. I know b4 hand. Is it difficult or complicated ? No

R you all wasting your time & money with all that out there shared in the forums? Yes

