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Can't upload avatar

Started by Bayes, May 03, 2010, 08:08:47 AM

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When I try to upload an avatar I get this message:

QuoteThe attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.

Any help?



site owner needs to set the chmod as writeable for that directory


Quotesite owner needs to set the chmod as writeable for that directory

But some have been able to add avatars recently...

I have cookies

I test with link and it did not work - then i download the picture to a folder on my computer and add with the other option wish work ...



I've tried both but I still get the same error. None of the avatars listed in the first option are displayed either.



Any chance of taking a look at this? I feel naked without an avatar!  :'(


Quote from: Bayes on May 05, 2010, 08:05:21 AM

Any chance of taking a look at this? I feel naked without an avatar!  :'(

Bayes, this is Steve's hosting account now.

I'm afraid this is more a matter of permission for the webserver program rather than a directory one. The directory HAS write permissions set (it is 755 now), but the webserver program doesn't seem to be configured to handle those and I can't just go that deep, since the account is in a shared host and I only have a regular user and not a superuser one.

This means I can help in anything code-related, but do nothing as to the actual software running there.

It seems it would either need an all-write access permission (777, dangerous, hackers' paradise) or more properly to configure the server with suEXEC or other solution in that flavor. nolinks://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuEXEC



Ok, thanks anyway Victor. Strange though, that some members seem to be able to upload avatars and others don't.


I'm using imageshack.us for my avatar.

You can upload there, use the "Direct link" url and paste it where it says:

QuoteI have my own pic:
Specify your own avatar by URL.
(ex: nolinks://nolinks.mypage.com/mypic.gif)

At your profile page.

If you check it, my current avatar image is at:


So I know it works.




