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Started by klaki, March 24, 2012, 11:03:54 AM

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I'd like to contribute to this forum. My system is called zmija.Mozete bet on: black and red, 1 - 18, and 19 - 36, odd, even, ... The formula by which the unit is installed: 2,1,1, or 2,1,1,1. When we follow the formula 2,1,1. this means that 2 X we put the same bet not one color, then X 1 and the opposite one another on opposite X and so on. Example: Black, Black, Red, crna.Onda continue on Red, Red, Black, Red. and so on ... Example lakste to understand:
First spin - red.
Second spin - red.
Third spin - black.
4th spin - red.
It is a way of setting tokens: 2,1,1. in the sequel we will continue ...
5th spin - black.
6th spin - black.
7th spin - red.
8th spin - black.

You must have corel draw software to see how the snake (the system).
click on the snake (red dots) in the picture and you walk up and down at the table.
where red dots down there or you get lost (1 or 0) in the worst cases, you will lose 6X or 7 X dobijate.Uz mild progression you will be positive.

1,1,3,6,12,24,48 ...
1,1,2,5,10,20,40 ...
1,1,2,4,9,18,36 ...

This system can lose only if the infinitely repeated combination of 2,1,1 ... In all other combinations going into debt MAX - 6
I would like to examine some hate me more to draw in Corel ...


Klaki - If you use the spellcheck & preview windows (same area as post window) before you post, it will show up words that don't make sense to us English only readers. Also grammar & meaning has to fit as well. Like what does dobijate.Uz mean? Also lakste? crna.Onda? zmija.Mozete? walk up and down the table? some HATE me more to draw?

As I've said in a reply in one of  your other posts some real spin examples with a full English explaination would help a lot. Thanks.


Quote from: ausguy on March 24, 2012, 03:55:09 PM
Klaki - If you use the spellcheck & preview windows (same area as post window) before you post, it will show up words that don't make sense to us English only readers. Also grammar & meaning has to fit as well. Like what does dobijate.Uz mean? Also lakste? crna.Onda? zmija.Mozete? walk up and down the table? some HATE me more to draw?

As I've said in a reply in one of  your other posts some real spin examples with a full English explaination would help a lot. Thanks.

--dobijate=you win
--mozete=you can


mc - seeing that you've jumped in - keep going and interpret "walk up and down the table" & "some hate me more to draw. "
Also having mixed languages on an English oriented forum thread does next to nothing to enhance understanding of the nuts and bolts of a system?


from my experience: roulette HATES consistent patterns on a long run. It kills them with no mercy.


Quote from: mcmonaco on March 24, 2012, 04:39:41 PM
--dobijate=you win
--mozete=you can

Sory ai don t now speak for englisch i use google translate and how it translates to is this.


Just only tried to help interpreting some words,but as far
as system goes,wouldn't have a clue what he meant.


Quote from: klaki on March 25, 2012, 03:11:32 AM

Sory ai don t now speak for englisch I use google translate and how it translates to is this.

You can explain your system in your own language here
then I will interpret it to members,if you wish.


Quote from: iggiv on March 24, 2012, 09:28:51 PM
from my experience: roulette HATES consistent patterns on a long run. It kills them with no mercy.

The only thing to write in Serbian and you translate that into google translate might be more reasonable. We will try to put the file corel draw, but I noticed that there eksistenciju be unable to put in attach ...


Do it in Serbian,be ok.


Quote from: klaki on March 25, 2012, 03:23:47 AM
The only thing to write in Serbian and you translate that into google translate might be more reasonable. We will try to put the file corel draw, but I noticed that there eksistenciju be unable to put in attach ...

Dakle da pocnemo : Sistem se zasniva na dve mogucnosti : Na ruletu mozemo da DOBIJEMO ili da IZGUBIMO.
To su osnovne dve mogucnosti koje mogu da se dese.(Nulu cemo da zanemarimo radi lakseg objasnjenja sistema)
Mozemo igrati na boju,(crna ili crvena) ili na manje i vece brojeve (1 - 18 ili na 19 - 36) ili na (par i nepar).Razmatracemo igru na boju kao primer.
Dakle kao sto rekoh postoje samo dve mogucnosti da POGODIMO ili da PROMASIMO (boju na koju smo igrali).
Prema tome to se moze predstaviti kao (dobitak = 1)  ili  (gubitak = 0 ). Koliko ce puta izaci crna ili crvena boja,
to se prikazuje sa binarnim kombinacijama prikazanim u attachu (1,0  1,0   0,1  0,1   0,1)... Predpostavimo da se
crna boja nalazi sa leve strane a crvena sa desne na platnu, i da je recimo crna izasla 3 puta a crvena 2 puta to bi onda slikovito izgledalo ovako :

R,B           (R=REED CRVENA)   (B=BLACK  CRNA)
1,0    (spin 1) crvena izasla
1,0    (spin 2) crvena izasla
1,0    (spin 3) crvena izasla
0,1    (spin 4) crna izasla
0,1    (spin 5) crna izasla

Koliko se to puta moze desiti predstavljeno je u mogucim binarnim kombinacijama koje su date u slikama u attachu. ZMIJA predstavlja crvene tacke na slici.Crvene tacke su mesta gde smo stavili zeton za igru.(Jedan zeton
za jedan spin).Jedan spin uvek izgleda ovako : 1,0 ili 0,1.Tamo gde se nalazi broj 1 to znaci da je tu dobitak,a tamo gde je broj 0 to znaci da je to gubitak. Gore iznad imate primer jednog predstavljanja igre od 5 spinova.
(crvena je izasla 3 puta a crna 2 puta. To je prikaz jedne binarne kombinacije od 5 spinova.U atacchu su dati primeri binarnih kombinacija koje se mogu pojaviti prilikom igranja ruleta.Prikazani su u tabelama i u brojevima.
Gore na primer imamo binarnu kombinaciju : 3/2.Binarnih kombinacija naravno ima mnogo ali ja sam raznatrao samo one sa max-5 brojeva jer smatram da nema potrebe za kombinacije sa vise brojeva.
Sada cemo postaviti zmiju.Zmija izgleda ovako : 2,1,1. Sta to znaci?To znaci da cemo 2 puta postaviti zeton na
jednu boju za 2 spina,to jest da cemo 2 spina igrati na istu boju,pa sledeci spin na drugu boju pa opet na drugu boju,primer :
spin 1 = crna
spin 2 = crna
spin 3 = crvena
spin 4 = crna
Ovo je bio raspored stavljanja zetona za zmiju 2,1,1.Dalje se igra nastavlja po istom rasporedu.Sledi primer od 8 spinova :

spin 1 = crna
spin 2 = crna
spin 3 = crvena
spin 4 = crna
spin 5 = crvena
spin 6 = crvena
spin 7 = crna
spin 8 = crvena...

Kada ostvarite dobitak ponovo pratite raspored postavljanja zetona prema zmiji po semi 2,1,1. dok neostvarite sledeci dobitak.Ja obicno kada dobijem ostajem na toj boji koja je izasla dok neizgubim jer tako hvatam dobitnu seriju sto nije redak slucaj da izlazi ista boja 3,5,7,pa io vise puta za redom.
Ja sam u programu corel draw napravio tabelu binarnih kombinacija kako bih mogao da ispitam moje zmije.Sa
spustanjem zmije po tabeli i podizanjem zmije te okretanjem po horizontali pa opet setanjem gore i dole ja tako
vidim koliko je moja zmija uhvatila a koliko promasila po jednoj tabeli binarnih kombinacija.Po tim tabelama se vidi
sta moze izaci kad se igra rulet nema potrebe da se vrti beskonacno tocak ruleta ovako je moguce pregledati sve
moguce kombinacije koje mogu izaci na ruletu.Prema mom ispitivanju najvise se moze izgubiti 6 puta ali 7 put se dobija.Tako je zmija pokazala.Imamo 2 lose strane mog sistema.Prva je 0 a druga sto moze i do 6 puta da se izgubi.Kako resiti problem. Za gubitak od 6 puta ide progresija prikazana dole (mada je retko jer moze biti i -2 ili -3 -4 ) nemora uvek da se desi da se izgubi 6 puta.ali cim pocne progresija recimo predje 10 eura onda za svaki slucaj se pokriva 0 na tabli tako da se izgubi do 10 eura a ne 36 (ako uleti nula).Ako neizadje nula prilikom gubitaka 7.put dobijamo i u plusu smo za 1 jedinicu.Primeri moje progresije :
U attach -u imate primere zmija (nisu sve uspesne) morate imati corel draw da bi videli kako radi zmija i sami proverili sta je pogodila a sta nije...ja nemogu ovde da stavim u attacs fajl (cdr) ali cu vam poslati e mailom ako ste zainteresovani.Hteo bih da malo poboljsamo moj sistem ako neko ima neku primedbu bila bi mi korisna...


Izvini prijatelju ali ovu tvoju zmiju ne mogu uhvatiti ni za rep ni glavu.
Stoga odustajem.

Sorry my friend but this snake of yours can't get its head nor a tail.
Am giving up.


запамтите једну ствар, рулет мрзи исте шаре на дужи рок. Она их убија без милости.

(remember, roulette HATES consistent patterns on a long run. It kills them with no mercy.)
Рулетка ненавидит те же самые шаблоны (образцы) и убивает их безжалостно в течение
длительного промежутка времени.



Could you help here and tell klaki to just give a good set of wheel spins enough to cover all his corel red dot combinations and the bets needed. If he can keep it basic with just the wheel number bet choice and amount bet plus W or L.

Also tell him Serbian translation to English often does not have equal words and meanings in Google. Tell him to translate it then go to spell check on here before posting and it will show the unmatched serbian words. He will then have to go to a Serbian/English dictionary and find the right English words which he can then correct and then post it.

Thanks -  Cheers - Hugh.


ausguy, I don't know Serbian, I know Russian, so I can understand a little, but I did translate with google translator as well and added some Russian for more clearance.

the best thing would be to ask our Croatian guys to communicate with him, their language is almost the same. I hope there be no Croatian-Serbian problems in communications here. Their war has been over for quite some time.

I can't give the advice about covering different patterns different ways, that's too complicated.

But I would give advice about testing like that: go to RX, download 20-100 k spins for each German wheel, and start working with each of them separately. Don't try to bet for long time,
just bet one "cycle" (I mean bet once till lose or win), then skip 1000 spins and bet again once,
and so on.

try different "gaps" of spins. try 1000, 2000, 3000 spins to skip.

playing for long time and skipping too few spins won't work on a long run, that's for sure.
but if a method has some merit, there is still chance it may work on hit-n-run ONCE IN A WHILE.
Lets say u come to casino, play once, and get the hell out of there to be back after a day or two, or even a week or two.

thats how it should be checked, I guess. If a few wheels show positive results like this then it does make sense to work with it.

and i don't trust progressions.

that's my 2 cents about it.

