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never winter roulette

Started by gazrobbo, November 13, 2007, 04:14:39 PM

Alejo Ceballos and 23 Guests are viewing this topic.


Hi tiago,
Almost exactly it looks like that, except for the language. I have it in my own language - swedish. Could that be the problem? I can download the english version.
I haven't tried Golden Palace.
Yes, I downloaded the latest version of NWR.


Hi tiago,
The language seemed to be the problem. I downloaded the Golden Palace in fun version English and now it works good.  :)
Now I will just try to understand how to play with it.


lol, I never would have thought language would have been a problem.
Glad its sorted now. Have fun testing NWR, let me know what u think.  :)


hi can i download this and play with real money [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]


Yes it is possible to play with real money. I would advice you to use practice mode in the online casino's first until u get a feel for the program.
Btw fellow members, I got bored this afternoon and added a @ button to NWR, check it out!!!
lol, Ok ok, its not just that. I have also worked on the AutoBet feature and it is now available to the public. HURRRAY  ;D.

1 to 1 progression are Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low
2 to 1 progression are Dozens and Rows.
Hint. If u would like NWR to bet only on, for example, Donzens and Red/Black, nothing else, set the setting for everything else to something rediculousely high. e.g 200.

There are some limitations thou. Atm NWR will only let u test it out for 15 minutes. Sorry.
I have tested AutoBet for a while now. It seems to be pretty solid. Thou I have mainly been testing it in practice mode.
In real money mode the numbers don't come up right away like in practice mode. Alot of u may have already realised that. For some reason, because of that(I guess), NWR seems to,rarely, record some numbers twice. I still don't know why. Maybe my computer is strange and it wont happen with u lot. Ultimatily I want to stick the configuration settings quite high and just leave NWR on all night. Lol, can u image? :D
So hey, if u enjoy the 15 minutes of AutoBet feature (or maybe u just want to show some appriciation to Tiago2  :)) and would like to get ur hands on a No-Limitations AutoBet NWR right away, there is one thing u can do, and doing so will help me iron out the kinks in NWR AutoBet and ofcourse, bring me one step closer of achiving my dream of having £1,000,000......ya lol :D
In golden palace there is a Invite-a-friend-and-get-20%-of-there-first-deposit (nolinks://casino.football-data.co.uk/goldenpalace.php). If u aren't currently using Golden Palace casino and wouldn't mind giving it a go, PM me ur email, I'll invite u, and on ur initial deposit I will get 20 percent of that. Technically u're not losing any of ur own money, if u wanted to, I figure, u could cash it straight back out.
Anyway, once  AutoBet is completely solid and the Frequencies graphs thingys are complete, and a few more features I want to add are coded, I will be announcing version 1.0 of NWR. Untill then, this will be my last release. Unless there is an urgent bug that needs to be fixed. Pls give feedback and any ideas or feature u would like to see in version 1.0. Thanks.

Download NeverWinterRoulette ->nolinkss://sourceforge.net/projects/neverwinterroul/


Been waiting for this to test, good work m8, only problam is i cant adjust the box size so i cant input the casino im using or see half the features :(


Ignore last post ive sorted it :)


Nope i thought i had sorted it then realised it was the first version, so i still cant alter the size of the window to alter config and so on :( any ideas ?


In the new NWR its coded to disable the user from making the window any bigger than when its first run. U shouldn't have a problem to make it smaller. But it wont allow u to make it bigger past a certain point. The window should be big enough for a user to have access to all features. I don't understand why thats not the case for u. Could u upload a picture of how small NWR's window is for u? Cheers


hey tiago thanks for releasing test for autobet awsome bit of software would like to put forward an idea tho if you dont mind would be good if you could make it so u can input your startng balance and the balance you would like it to stop at as well as your bet stake and lowest balance it shud run to for the full v1.0 if it would be posible then you could let it run till youve made or lost you limit for the day. and one other thing ive noticed on this version is when you try to change progression it doesnt sem to change and t bets all way to 32 on 1/1 bets for some reason even when i change it.

thanks and carry on the good work



also my version also seems to record the same number over and over again untill you find the problem you could posibly do a small fix so it auto stops like on freakshow after 3 concecutive numbers just an idea


Haha lol. Yeah I found the mistake on the 1to1 bets. Cheers for that mate. I'll add an update soon to fix that.
And hey, about  NWR recording numbers twice... on 'Main' tab there is a 'Eye' check box that once clicked will show two windows. 'Eye' and 'Spin Ended Meter'. The latter one is used to stop NWR from recording numbers more than once. It should look something like the picture below in bet365 casino (Go in 'Click  Coordinates' tab and click 'Auto' button for NWR to align windows first)

Technically NWR roulette shouldn't record numbers twice... but yeh, it happening. I'll add a optional temporary freakshow-stop-auto-bet thingy soon.
Oh and btw, thanks for the money balance idea. I like it :D I'll be sure to add that one.


anything to help the cause mate ill keep testing and seeing if i can spot anything else  cheers


found another fault if you change from standard settings ie from 15 on dozens i lowered it to 12 to test autobet seems to keep betting after a win  :-/ i had  win on 6 and it still bet 9 and 13 strange


BUGs are FIXED  ;D and also...
Under the 'Configuration' tab there are two new features.
First one is 'Bet interval'. This is used to set how fast NWR bets in 1,000's of a second. Dont put this value lower than 100.
Computers can be faster than the eye. Slowing it down will allow u to see exactly what NWR is betting.
Second is 'OCR FreakShow caution'. Its a precaution in case for some reason NWR records a individual number spinned more than X times.
Enjoy ppl.
nolinks://rapidshare.com/files/71305486/NWR.zip.html *EDIT* <-there's a minor bug in the binary include in the zip. Check next post for fix
NOTE: both source and binary are include in the zip.
PS. For some reason, if NWR is in the middle of clicking to reach a progression amount. If u want to stop it at that point... u might aswell pull the plug out. It will only stop after its reached the progression bet amount AND spinned the roullette wheel.
 I advice u to try it. Use Play for Fun mode, make the very first progression to 20 or something and the alarms to like 1 or 2. NWR will start the bet, and while in the middle try and stop it with the hotkeys. Its a minor glitch that needs still fixing. Just letting u guys know. I know playing for real money can keep us at the edge of our seats.

Im working on a 'Panick' Hotkey. Which will shut the whole program down in an instant if, all else fails. lol  

NOTE2. NWR records every spin onto a freq.dat file (this file is cleared everytime NWR is restarted). So, if one wanted to, they could use the recently life numbers from a online casino to use to test a system on Roulette Xtreme 2.0 or something. Just change the name from freq.dat to freq.txt. And u're good to go...  if one wanted to...

