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Betting On Dozens

Started by jhincks, August 26, 2008, 05:13:38 AM

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Hi all,
        Just getting into roulette, had some goods up's along with some bad downs over the past couple of months starting with the martingale amazing profits over the first few hours but the now obvious reasons ended in disaster.  (16 blacks)  Another system was waiting for one of the dozens not to come up for 7 spins then start bet on that dozen. Again very good at first starting with $200 turned into $1100 on first day but soon ended in tears as it did not come for 25 spins. The 3rd system I used was waiting for one of the dozens to come for three spins in a row and then place bets on the other two, up until now I have only ever seen one of the dozens coming up for 8 spins in a row, Does anyone know more? So this system has gone ok until now, I thought of using this method but also to cover alittle on the repeating dozen. The only thing I could think of is to place one chip on every street apart from one or two on the repeating dozen. But only after a couple of bets, Leaving you with only four or seven  open numbers. obvious downfall is 50/75% less profit but alot better chance of getting the win.

Please tell me what your thoughts are make or break?

                                      thanks j >:D



Hi and welcome to the forum.

A method which is tried and true is the VLS Lw Methodology betting on two dozens or two columns sometimes and not other times.  It's an intense study but well worth it.

When you have done your reading, Lanky, Victor and I are around.



        thanks for the advice had a look into lw methodology and to me sounds abit complex probably because im new to systems and terms, how many times have you known one of the dozens to come up for?


I've seen about ten in a row, but that's small potatoes.  Victor's system is not that hard to learn and will produce profits.  You stop on a loss or two and wait for another trigger.  You don't stick around and take a whoopin'.




Always wanted to win like a monster.  Saw a monster once in Reno winning like a banshee!

When I return from vacation, I will try to solve this puzzle.



Hi Sam,

I made it a puzzle because when you see it, hopefully you will almost have a strategy to go with it. All that's left is discussing types of trends and how it tends to flow into optimal times to use it. Of course this is for players that believe in trends or patterns of swarming.



"8 spins in a row, Does anyone know more?"

Yes.  It was 4 or 5 weeks before Hurricane Katrina Hit Biloxi.

A good portion of the top dealers from many Biloxi casinos were hired away to the soon-to-open Hardrock Casino.

I was playing at Treasure Bay.

Floor supervisor came by with about a dozen teenagers in tow.  Ok, so they weren't exactly teens but all were young and pimply faced.  This was to be their debut at running a table.  Either they were fresh out of dealer school or, more likely, they were about 1/2 way through the course.

Mind you the old man sitting on the dealer's side and across from me has most of his chips on the third dozen and several scattered on the last double street in the second dozen.

The kid spins and immediately calls "no more bets."  Ball makes about 3 revolutions.  Dozen 1. 

Repeat that procedure.  Dozen 2. 

Repeat the spin cycle of "NMB" and 3-4 revolutions of the ball. Dozen 1 spins 11 more times. Old man across from me gets real b***hy after his 6th loss.  I soothingly suggest moving the bets to dozen 1.  Ignored. Old man drops over a grand and quits.  I parlayed a $5 chip on dozen 1 for 4 times before I got nervous and took it down.  Should have taken 1/2 the profits and left the balance for a few more spins.  Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda.  Got a crystal ball?

Good luck with Dozens and Columns. They are about the hardest to consistantly win on of any location on the layout.

Big Chips

Turbo had posted his results from his 1 million spin trial on vip.It showed how many repeats and sleepers for every bet location.Does anyone have it saved anywhere ,and could post it ?

Big Chips


Try the "Sledgehammer" sometime.
I think you will have more success with it than playing the dozens.

The "Sledgehammer" gives you more betting versatility.

For those who don't know what the "Sledgehammer" is...

It is a 4 double street bet covering all the numbers from 7 to 30.
And it pays 5 to 1
The distribution of the numbers 7 thru 30 on the wheel are spread out nicely.

I play it from time to time and have had real good success with it.
I remember one night I won 10 times in a row with it. :)



thanks dude sounds interesting i will try this out as it does appeal to me, wanted to start betting on streets simple enough for me.


Mr. M...can I assume you use a progression on it?

A Marty or something else?


Yes a Marty with the sledge work fine together.


