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Started by lucky_strike, January 25, 2008, 09:31:52 PM

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Biky, do you repeat the formation of 3 or bet the opposite like Lucky does? Eg. came RBB then you bet next 3 spins RBB or BRR?


I play the same so if RBB shows then that is what I play.
If BRR shows that is also what I play.
I am not sure if playing inverted  like LS is helping or hurting he desires most of the time to put a random.versus random effect on his methods.
That may or may not help but he has some great ideas.



It would be a good idea to combine both strategies. If you lose on the same say BRR apply inversion RBB. Combining a like with inversion because sometimes inversion has a big hole and sometimes the same formation has a big hole. So you would make the (cover) the holes a little bit smaller.


LS i bet your happy I dug this post out of the woodwork 77 replies, 78 now, and to think it had 0 replies when i found it. It might just be some form of grail


I don't think there is a holy grail, but we are happy to come by the casino and be there a few hours have some fun and maybe take some of there money.
I think this method can put some money in your pocket but we must pay attension so if you get a zero stop and reset wait for a RBB or a BRR and start again.The other day I was getting killed by the wheel I losing four out of five spins so I said wait a minute timing is important let me not play non stop.
So now I wait for my triggers RBB or BRR and stop reset on zero and wait a bit lol it is more prudent.




Quote from: hermes on January 29, 2010, 10:11:35 PM
Lucky is right keep it liquid/alive not static/rigid. Roulette is not rigid it is alive. You never know what comes next!

No he's not hermes. The static approach is better than the random v's random approach. The way Lucky and another system just posted Genisis are trying to predict the future pattern of B and R's. This is a futile attempt to control randomness.

The static approach deals with a constant ( RBB cycle ) that is also a variable ( RBB i.e it is not either R or B). It is the ingenious meshing of a constant pattern with a variable colour that makes it a stronger contender than Lucky's and Genisis's prediction models as my RBB static model is not a prediction based approach. You keep chasing your tails and you will eventually get a face full of your own mess  :suicide:


Lucky is waiting for spin with R and putting down 2 more spins result after that first R spin. Eg. RBR and bet inversion if it like BRB and so on. It must not be RBB or BRR. What comes after the Red is valid as trigger for triple bet.
Ulysses are you still winning with the only RBB formation?


Live is good not bad I think static pattern will work for the short term, that is what we want we play for a couple of hours and hope to leave with a few hundred dollars more in our pocket then we came with lol.
LS has the idea that random versus random is a good thing but that may be a bad thing.
If you keep seeing the wheel hitting RBB why would you invert your bet selection and lose three times go with the tide don't fight it, this a very streaky game, yes it is.
How many times have you played and you have seen 5 reds in a row so you bet the reverse and what happens you witness 10 reds in a row.
Murphys law what ever can happen will and most of the times when you expect the reverse lol.


Uly how is the method holding up are you still playing RBB.



I wanted to add why not try a positive progression with this system.  Advancing the bet 1,1,2,2.


@hermes @bikermotorman   yes I'm still playing RBB, played way over 12,000 spins, but it did fail eventually as I predicted, but also it did not fail if you know what I mean. I lost approx a 5th of profits. In one way it was my own doing as I would bet the zero normally if it showed, as a cover bet. I didn't cover it today for some reason ( over confidence ) and hit a string of 6 zeros, each time I hit one I said to myself, there won't be anymore lol but there was. This first ever loss I put down to player irresponsibility. I am still carrying on though and taking more breaks. You become almost robotic when you play too long. Can't complain though lol


Hey Uly,

Same story the day this method let me down I was not covering the zero on jebet play money of course but I knew better I got the chips beat out of me lol.
I always thought the grail would be betting on two dozens with a LW count but who knows you could play virtual with take 2 virtual losses and save your bankroll a headache.
I thought steve morgan used a method like this at one point but now only plays dozs and cols with a virtual lw count.
Just like you can't win them all.
You also can't lose em all lol.



Uly you must always cover zero when you use bigger bets remember $urphys law when you don't cover zero that is when some of the time it comes.
I was thinking your playing RBB is a good thing when you stop at a zero and wait for a RBB to show and then play.I think this can create a kind of like Bruce Lee the martial arts guy said a broken or uneven pattern which could be a good thing.
I think that is what Lucky is doing.
He does say to start a progressoin like this table minimum is 10 dollars so like so 10 10 10 20 30 50 80 130 200 300 and remember to cover zero with the higher bets.
Here in the US we would have to cover both the zero and double zero lol.

So uneven pattern is maybe a good thing lol.
How about we play ROB red odd then black who knows it could work.
So play red then odd then black one after the other one at a time lol.



I mean to say RYTHEM, we may want to use a broken or uneven RYTHEM sorry is that spelled correct I am making this post on my BLackBerry phone lol.



Quote from: bikemotorman on January 31, 2010, 08:15:15 AM
How about we play ROB red odd then black who knows it could work.
So play red then odd then black one after the other one at a time lol.

I'm superstitious, and ROB looks a bad omen to me, as in ROB me of a win lol. Seriously though, Red, Odd, Black could work, anything is worth a few tests. That's how discoveries are sometimes made. I would test OEE or LHH before I branch off on a new method as they are still 1:1 odds. Content with the hybrid I play now with the Martingale progression up to 10 steps. Might have a mess about later in fun money with that ROB idea of yours or change it to ROOB.


Hi Uly,

I did not mean to sound like a idiot but if it works it works.
My other method I have been using the last spun columns then last spun dozens method is good but miss a couple of times and you have a problem that you can't dig out of lol.
Even when playing 2 dozens you can still lose 7 times in a row and that is playing half the time in virtual mode lol.
They say roulette is one of the hardest games to master lol.
I still think RBB and using it as a uneven Rythem is a good just wait for a RBB then enter the battle and stop and wait after you get a 0 00 then restart when you get another RBB easy lol.


