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Dublinbet cheaters...

Started by thypon066, October 24, 2008, 12:25:23 AM

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They will be under the Uk Gambling Commission Spike, why not try something / anything via them???

Just a thought.....


Quote from: TwoCatSam on October 24, 2008, 06:43:35 PM
Forum Friends and Friendly Freaks

OK, this is no commercial, but if you guys are serious about your betting you should invest $30 in a screen recorder.  WM Capture is great!  You can make the video and then delete it if you have no problems.  Then you could go to Dublin and show them the video.  They may not pay, but you would have a better case.

I record every betting session. 

And that has happened to me, also, at Bet365.  With a dozen people telling them the number hit, they swore it didn't! 

As to progressions, do you wonder why this never happens on the first bet?  Always when you have the max down?  Today I bet 12 numbers and got one wrong.  Guess who hit?

It just happens!


I managed to find a free Video Recorder, Freez Screen Video Capture, download here nolinks://nolinks.smallvideosoft.com/download.php


Quote from: Spike on October 27, 2008, 02:12:00 AM
I don't trust Dublin live play. I can play in fun mode and write down the bets I'll make and do great. Then when I bet in fun mode, I'll do OK, but never great. In real money mode, I never do well, and all I do is flat bet. I know they're cheating, but damned if I can figure out how.

How are you so sure? Maybe it's just bad luck. You can see people in the casino playing. Do you really think they are monotoring you and your bets and communicate with the croupier ''Spike is on the table, hit sector 1''. Or something like that?


Quote from: Spike on October 27, 2008, 02:12:00 AM
I don't trust Dublin live play. I can play in fun mode and write down the bets I'll make and do great. Then when I bet in fun mode, I'll do OK, but never great. In real money mode, I never do well, and all I do is flat bet. I know they're cheating, but damned if I can figure out how.
Well i'm not sure about this, i had the same sensations before, i was about 4 months playing in fun mode and checking the numbers to suppose to bet, and the result was v.good, when i've started to play x real i had a loss at the 1st day...recovered and loss on the 3rd...so it was up and down like jojo, it wasn't good as the fun mode, but as JHM said it can be bad luck, to be honest in last 2 months that i'm playing there i'm winning ;) specially from when i've started to play a 12 number sistem, in the last 20 days more than 1000 euro, but i've noticed that in the last 2 weeks my progressions were more dangerous, almost every day i had a negative progressions, and sometime with luck and risk i have managed even to win that day...before the negative progression was about 1 every 5-6 days...it still can be a bad week or so, my claim was just that i've felt cheated as my winner number has came up on the last leg of the progression, but the server went wrong and they didn't put it on the marquee...it can be bad luck too, sure, i'm just worry if is going to happen again when i got high stake on there...well i'll give them another chance, and i want to recover that winner bet as well..actually i did bet on the last 2 days, just short time, enough to recover 59 euro :)
so i'll keep you update, if i smell something wrong behind the bad luck or normal lose days i'll let you know quickly :)



Have you already heard something from them concerning you 'error' bet?


Quote from: JHM on October 27, 2008, 01:38:22 PM
Have you already heard something from them concerning you 'error' bet?

Yeah i have already posted it, is the last and final reply from them

Hello Ivo,

The connection to the casino was lost, and the gamesever did not receive the result from the table. As no result was recorded, then it is impossible for the system to process the outcome until a result is received.

While you may have seen a result in the video, this is connected via a different server, and connection, and has no bearing on delivery of results to the Gameserver.

You will recall from the Terms & Condition, Section 4, Rules & Instructions:

"For live games, valid results are those results which are detected by the electronic sensor equipment installed for that purpose. If for any reason a result is not detected and registered by the electronic sensors, then that result is deemed to have not occurred, and any bets locked will remain locked until a valid result is determined."

We have no desire to cheat you. You lost no money, as your bets were not processed. The game switched to RNG mode, and you cancelled your bets.

Each and every result is independent, and is not affected by past results, and has no influence on future results.

If you were following some betting strategy, then you can simply resume that after the live feed is restored.

This connection failure was beyond our control, as we rely upon communications providers for connectivity, etc.

We apologise for any inconvenience the communication failure may have caused you.

They will not pay my winner bet, for the terms and conditions they are in the right side, for the common sense and customers service maybe less...
Well what to say, i hope that  has been just a bad luck x me on the that day..



So you lost your previous progression bets? That's bad for you.

Hope this occasion happens once in a lifetime and this was yours.


How are you so sure? Maybe it's just bad luck.>>>

I don't have 'bad luck'. I know what my hit rate is, so if its not there for a length of time, I'm being cheated. I play bac on Dublin, not roulette.


You can see the dealer, the card machine and people in the casino. Live or fun is the same as both is live from the casino. Same table, cam and dealer. You can play with people who are in the casino. So you think that when you play in fun mode they let the people on the table and you win. Then you play for real and they think ''there is spike, let's make him lose and the people in the casino'. Sorry I don't see the connection. We have members winning there for real on roulette. I think you need better arguments for the cheating, than only your hunch. It's all live.


Quote from: JHM on October 28, 2008, 06:27:49 PM
You can see the dealer, the card machine and people in the casino. Live or fun is the same as both is live from the casino. Same table, cam and dealer. You can play with people who are in the casino. So you think that when you play in fun mode they let the people on the table and you win. Then you play for real and they think ''there is spike, let's make him lose and the people in the casino'. Sorry I don't see the connection. We have members winning there for real on roulette. I think you need better arguments for the cheating, than only your hunch. It's all live.

I agree, I have been winning with Dublinbet over the last 4 months & I can't fault them. It has been rare that there have been any software problems during a game & since they last updated the software I have found it more reliable to log in.

Its easy to say it must be rigged as soon as results dont go in your favour.


Quote from: switcher on October 28, 2008, 09:36:00 PM
I agree, I have been winning with Dublinbet over the last 4 months & I can't fault them.  It has been rare that there have been any software problems during a game & since they last updated the software I have found it more reliable to log in.

Its easy to say it must be rigged as soon as results dont go in your favour.

Hi Guys,

Connection Lost.
The same thing has happen to me with Dublin Bet on a live table.  This has happen 3 times.
You can be in a progression and the connection is lost, and so are you bets are lost in limbo.
When you log back in your bets have been removed and not re credited to your account.
When you look at what was the last number on the board, you will see it was the correct number
in your progression.  The loss of connection is always after no more bets.
I like playing at Dublin Bet, but there methods of fair play I am staring to doubt !!
I can understand one loss of connection, but 3 times?  ???   



Quote from: smokey22 on September 21, 2009, 06:39:11 AM

Hi Guys,

Connection Lost.
The same thing has happen to me with Dublin Bet on a live table.  This has happen 3 times.
You can be in a progression and the connection is lost, and so are you bets are lost in limbo.
When you log back in your bets have been removed and not re credited to your account.
When you look at what was the last number on the board, you will see it was the correct number
in your progression.  The loss of connection is always after no more bets.
I like playing at Dublin Bet, but there methods of fair play I am staring to doubt !!
I can understand one loss of connection, but 3 times?  ???   


I made a post about this recently and thats why I stopped playing there for the moment.
There are plenty of other reputable online casino's.



just my  opinion : i dont thing they  chaeting i play  daily on  fun  account true is  that  some week the server is horrible and  it is affect as well fun  acount  player,disconecting,not apearing numbers  on  board, not pay bet. i was in month when  didnt happened nothing and i  was  on  week  when  happend everything 4 times daily so if they  want do  do it regulary they  have to  set special premissions for software which  they use and  monitor every  single  user ....now can u tell me  if this  is  point???????? it is useless to  say  that  they  will set up  software  for example if you  win  5 bets after and after???thing is  that  all  this  is about sensors and if they  start  buggin  then  happned what usualy  happen to  some player but no often. in  fact i  know  that  they have set on some things  about game if you  catch  more  then 6 colors  they  automaticly  disconect  you ...... mean if you  left you bet on  black 6 times and  more  and you  still  winning they  disconect you can be just  false  but if is this  possible there  can be  possible  more things ,i just  dont thing this will afect players with  small bankroll under 500. i play  there realy  long  time i dont thing they  cheat exactly on  you  guys they  dont need it. if you  dont winning 5 ooo per sesion they  never will know about you.and if you  want tell me that  feed with  live wheel and accses on fun   account and real money  is  diferent then  actualy it is  not becouse  you play  the same  game  as with real money  and the same camera  and the same feed. if is here  someone who know that i  dont  have  right so please  YOU  CAN  START EXPLAIN  THINGS IM ONE EAR



Laughed like a fool over this!!  :lol:

If anyone had a winning system they wanted to discuss--hey, I'm one ear, too!!

Geez, I needed a good laugh.



what is your  problem  you  litle psycho???? you  want laugh??? i will give you laugh if you wish....what a winning system >???you know wery  well that you  can have  milions systems and if you dont  have  right condition  you are blown so ???? is it  wrong if you  bet  just if you know  you can win ??? most of systems are progression thats why all  donkeys loose especialy online becouse they  cut them  out so you  ar  old school i have respect about people but dont try  me  piss off mr.clever instead of said something what we can do  about that orr make some trick orr plan what ever .....ya  you  have  laugh ...ok you laugh  i will take my money from  account tomorow and go play diferent casino.dont need any  system orr thing about  how  they  f**k  me  yaaah ,god training for real BM  mate this is  my 12 sesion no loss for real have god laugh

