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A TwoCat test of enrique's "Winning Edge"...........

Started by TwoCatSam, November 24, 2008, 03:55:08 AM

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Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 03, 2008, 10:45:00 AM
Well, I lost a ton!  No one should play this unless they are a true gambler.  (Isn't that always true?)

Now I have the old dilema:  Did I loose or did the RNG beat me?  Frankly, I think the RNG went after me.  I was rocking along there just like in the videos and WHAM!!  In one spin it all changed.  I think it was when I crossed the $800 threshold.

Anyway, I lost back $400 of my $600 winnings.  I did everything.  I made it spin 100 numbers without betting on them.  I quit for ten hours and came back; same story.  I am at a loss for what to do.

I think I'll sleep on it a few days.


Hello Sam,
I am so sorry to hear your loss.Talking about RNG gives me the creeps now to play on it now mate.



Thanks, Bro!  I still got to know about RNG some way!!



Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 03, 2008, 03:01:34 PM

Thanks, Bro!  I still got to know about RNG some way!!



So can we conclude that RNGs are designed to make you lose?



That is what I am trying to determine.  I simply don't know.  How does one ever know?  Have I gone daft, or are you winning on an RNG with the VooDoo System?



Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 03, 2008, 03:24:52 PM

That is what I am trying to determine.  I simply don't know.  How does one ever know?  Have I gone daft, or are you winning on an RNG with the VooDoo System?


Hello Sam,

I tested my system on both RNG and live.The only thing I can say is that on RNG the drawbacks are quit bad compared to live.Tests only RNG,my system does take quite a lot of beating compared with live but I am able to ride out the bad times mainly becos of my bankroll.However if I play live wheel,I seem to be very safe and drawbacks are not so damaging as RNG.

Anyone won on RNG before hugh amounts before?
I just withdraw USD900 over on 888.com last week,I deposited 200 for a start.I also wish to know the utimate truth in RNGs.I like them becos they are fast

The Spiders Kiss

Sorry to read about your drawback there mate.
RNG's.....I know of no one who has won alot from these things...like your experience they seem to let you win some then.<<<BANG>>>...it sucks you in and then spits you out.
Back to the G.U.T. then is it mate??



Aye, back to G.U.T with me!!

Made over $80 today.  Tough session; up and down!  Finally quit when I was up!



 :'( that it tanked but it sure was fun to play anyway  ;)

Take care [smiley=3/drew.gif]




I have to make a final note:

There is absolutely no difference between RNG and Live Wheel.

There is nothing that is impossible in the outcome of 37 numbers in any range of spins (not in 10 not in 50 not in 500)

Some things that happen on LiveWheels if they had happen on RNGs people would have claimed to be cheated.

The only difference: RNG is faster so you see more spins in one hour than in 5 hours in a B&M

As I proofed with the G.U.T: it is working on every kind of wheel: RNG, Touchbet, Live

and: If the Casino is cheating you, by searching for a number to make you loose, you will never be able to prove it. Even it would be 37times one single number or 37 different numbers in 37 spins. Everything in between is possible.

I tested this on Wiesbaden (first 50 spins each day) It didnĀ“t work on single day! OK, it worked so far as I came out with a "0" or a small loss. but the draw downs were ecxciting  >:D


enrique malou

Hello Sam, Sorry to hear about your loss the other day. If the G.U.T. is a more stable betting method then I would stick with that as well. When you are gambling it is very rare to find something that just slowly builds up profit and more profit. When you find it, then you have something worth holding on to.




OK, here's the deal......

(Sound like H. Ross Perot when you read that.  I'll do an imitation some day!)

Since I believe in winkel and the G.U.T. I will take the last $440.00 left in my Golden Casino account and I will test the G.U.T. just as I am playing it on the Microgaming wheel.

I am not worried about loosing the 400+.  If I lose it, I lose it.  But I may prove something about the RNG.  I will post on the thread I started under "Testing".


The Spiders Kiss

Ok mate...good luck ,good luck.
I will be following you closely.


Nice one Sam,

Looking forward to this, hope we can conclude something about the RNG from your results.

Good luck [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]


Bad news Sam. I take it the wife is pi$$@d about the new floor then?

