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Food for Thought ...... Holy Grail ???

Started by Wally Gator, January 05, 2009, 01:16:09 PM

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Wally Gator

Yesterday I was toying with a few ideas and came up with the following:

1.  Did you know that if you started with $100 bucks and made 1% of that ($1.00) and then the next day added the 1% to your $100 bucks and then made 1% of that the next day, and so on and so forth, at the end of 1 year your $100 bucks would be $3,703.90?

2.  Did you know that if you did the same thing at the end of 2 years your $100 bucks would be worth $126,691.18?

3.  And, did you know that if you continued, at the end of 3 years your $100 bucks would be worth $5,287,635.92?

4.  Did you know that time is going to pass by regardless of whether you are making 1% of your money daily?

5.  Did you know that the ultra wealthy make the majority of their money using the power of compounded interest?  While we may be sitting in front of a roulette table, they are sitting in front of their own table figuring out how to make that 1% for the day.

6.  Did you know the ultra wealthy are mostly C students who saw opportunity and accepted that there would be risks involved and decided to take the risk?  Calculated and educated risks.  The most cautious of them work very hard to make 1% of their money on a daily basis.  They know that as that money builds it will take less and less risk to make more and they will have gained the discipline to do that because they are doing it every day.  Although the outcome is much higher, the risk has remained the same.  They are simply now using billions of dollars as opposed to hundreds of dollars.  But, it's still only a risk of working to gain 1% each and every day.

7.  Did you know that in the history of the world there have been exceptionally few 'overnight' successes, while there have been millions of 'overnight' disasters?

8.  Would you agree that it's possible, perhaps even easy, to walk into a casino or play online with $100 bucks and make $1?  If so, then you would agree that it's possible, perhaps even easy, to walk in with $100K and walk out with $1K, right?  And, it would be just as easy to walk in with $1M and gain that 1%, or $10K, get my point?

9.  Where do you want to be in 3 years with your $100 bucks?

I wish each of your the most prosperous 2009.



Wally Gator,

Truly excellent post dear friend.

Like a wise fellow said: "The difference between betting small and betting big is time". Thumbs up to you for elaborating :thumbsup:

Your friend,



Thanks for you post wally gator and thanks for sharing :)

I like it when you talk about 1% i use to say that you should only aim for +1.
When you put it like you do i think its so great because there are some that claims they have 15% andvantage and they expect you to belive that :)

I woundering what that amount would be???

Cheers mate



Great post Wally. It set me thinking. Thank you for this contribution, maybe we should try to find a (safe) bet that does make 1%.

Victor can we split this post with a link to the original? With in the new post as header ''Best bet(s) to increase your BR with 1% daily''.


Dear JHM,

Splitting makes two posts out of the same when parts of a thread are off-topic, I see them all currently within topic, so I don't think there's a need for splitting mate.

Of course, feel free to start a secondary post yourself with exactly that title your decribe and link this one. :thumbsup:

Kind regards.

Your friend,


Wally Gator,

Great thinking mate!

As someone once said: 1% is the difference between riches and poor.

The big question is HOW would you make that 1% each day over approx 1095 days (3 years) WITHOUT ever running into a bad run and losing a percentage of your bankroll that would cancel a percentage of your running profits (or all of them) in a way that would make your long term winnings equal to -2.7%.

The even bigger question is how would you minimize, or even better overcome that risk and gain the [smiley=engel017.gif]edge[smiley=engel017.gif].

Thank you for your thought-provoking post mate.



wally gator i just want to say that to break even is the same thing as if you would have won 1% because you did not lose.

When i test some thing then some times is just don't happen, you get wrong from the very start and find your self down in a deep hole.
It could be -5 units and your aim was to win 5 units.
Then you could change your target to become 0 units and the winning strike from -5 to 0 would be the same as when you start from 0 to hit +5.
Then there is no point to try to aim for +% then you should be happy if you hit 0.

And i know some members that do just that.
No names but just for illustration.
Lets assume you would won 100 sessions and break even 3 sessions and loss 2 sessions.

Then what would happen if this 3 times when you did find your self in up and downs and no strikes comes in your favor or if you down the deep hole and just keep puch it, then you would have lost or won but why take the risk.
If you know your way of play then you are a part of the game and know when things goes your way or not, if not then we have to change our goals and take reality for what it is.
And that could be to break even or take a loss.

And thanks again i like your post very much :)

Cheers LS


 ;D Also what people do not seem to realize is that if you make 1% per day you effectively are making 30% per month



and much more:

what people don´t see is that if they start with 100 units the only can make 1% on the first day.
on the second day it is impossible!
you can´t win 1.1 units



Hi wally gator and all...

Then the question comes how many days we would play in 4 weeks  ;D

Wally gator i want you to reply to this and keep this post alive...
I would like it to develop to what we aim for when we play to gain a certan amount of %.

Do we use some thing that we have test for 1 000 000 trails and know we have a shot for a life time not to lose 6 bets in a row and getting one oppertunity to bet once or twice in 8 hours of observation, or do some one just track 60 trails and know that they are going to hit 1% or above on a daily basis because some one told them so...

What is it we do when we aim for 1% or above???

Some one could claim that he plays Grand Super Martingale and put a % on zero for every placed bet and have no worries abot house edge or losing 6 placed bets and win 1% and above for the rest of hes life.



The 1% is more applicable on sports betting. 1 bet a day risking no more than 3%.

And hedging can be used, ie starting bank roll 1000 units only needs 30 for the first bet.

Wally Gator


Thanks for your replies.  All very interesting.  I wanted to make a few more comments as I know others will have more and more questions.  This was what I was thinking when I posted my observations:

1.  I've been playing roulette on and off since 1985.  Why have I not achieved my goals with it?  For me, it's been my psychological perspective.  These past few months is the first time that I've begun looking at playing roulette as a business.  And, since I've owned several businesses (and still own 2) why not run it as a business.

2.  This is only me (I'm sure others will differ), but, in all the years I've physically put money on the table (not play money, real money) I cannot remember a time when I was not up at some point during that particular visit to the casino.  Now, I've walked out a loser more times than I care to remember.  However, at some point I was in the plus (+).

3.  Now, since joining this forum, I've learned ways of play that I would otherwise not have known.  This makes me even stronger in my belief that 1% of session bank is easier than I even thought. 

Let's take an example.  I'll use my personal favorite.  It's something that Lanky brought to my attention (he's a clever bugger).  Did you know that on the American wheel, if you cover the 2nd dozen and the 1st and 6th lines (1st and last double streets) you have not only covered 24 numbers, but those 24 numbers just happen to be 12 consecutive numbers on both sides of the wheel!!  So, right out of the gate, I'm going for the "1 hit - 1 kill" strategy, right?  At the casino's in which I play, you can bet up to $1,500 bucks on the dozens.  If you've read my previous note, winning at this level means you are at day 737, your $100 bucks is now worth $150,040.92.  If you stopped the 1% increase from this point on and just accepted the $1,500 daily you'd be over $547K annually.   Let's say I lose it.  More than likely that's going to happen at least 1/3 of the time, right?  Well, now I've got .... let me see ..... there's the G.U.T., Ronjo's method, Victor's Lw's, Herb's VB and bias strategies, Kimo Li, The Winning Edge, Arte's Studio, Turbo, NiReaper's RNG Attack, and the list goes on and on.  My point is that with that many strategies at your disposal, failure would mean that every possible way of play that you know would have to fail in the same day or same wheel at the same casino.  Now, if you don't have faith that you can recover with a session bank that only needs a 1% profit then I would say roulette is not for you.  Even playing the way I've stated and looking for the "1 hit - 1 kill" and you lose, now you need to make 3% of your session bank to walk out the door.  If you can't effectively make $3 bucks with the $100 you walked in with than you are definitely in the wrong business (my personal opinion).

4.  So, the next stage was for me to look at the business logic of this.  Certainly, once I get past the 2nd year mark I'm making too much money to just be putting it into my personal safe.  Also, I'm probably going to be relatively tired of hitting the casino every day (go figure).  Although at this point, I'm getting to the point of having to travel to play for fear of getting banned.  But, remember the goal, it's 1% of my bank daily, right?  So, with this much money, I can use other business opportunities to gain my daily 1%, right?  I can sit at other tables, not just a roulette table.  Make sense?

5.  This was THE most important part of my thought process.  Am I going to be able to deal with going each and every day and treat this as a real business?  This was/is the MOST difficult part of the entire equation for me.  From the business perspective, the strategies used in making the money is the easy part.  Others have already done the difficult part of developing and testing the strategies.  The hard part is the discipline.  The discipline of going each and every day.  The discipline of going for the 1st year knowing it's only $100 bucks and, hell, even after a year it's only $3,700 bucks.  Give me a break!!!  But, you know what.  In my other businesses, it took way longer than a couple of years before I even turned a profit.  In some of my other business, I have failed.  I've had to let people go because I couldn't make a go of it.  Others relied on my decisions and I let them down.  Do I have the discipline to make a go of this?  That's the question that needs to be answered and it can only be answered by us, individually.  Because, individually, we each have the Holy Grail.  It's up to each of us to choose to use it.  Not an easy decision.

6.  Goals.  What do I want to do with this money?  If I don't have specific, written, attainable goals then I should not even begin.  This could be a substantial amount of money in a very short period of time (less than 5 years).  If I can get 10 others to do it with me we could build hospitals, gymnasiums, give to charities and cancer research ... there is an unlimited opportunity for good.  But, first the goals.

Those were my thoughts ....



I am one who has dug a hole and wished he had quit with a smaller hole!  LS is so right.  How many times have I've said I just wanted to get back to where i started.  It's like that mouse:  "I don't want any cheese!  I just want out of the trap!"

Good post Mr. Gator!


Little bets do seem to add up and turn into a big bet stretched over time.  Steve Morgan always maintained one should wait until the time was right and bet bet.  I think mr. j. also advises this.  And yes, I've seen my $1 bets turn into $500 loses.



The only problem are the table limits. They keep you away from building into those millions.

