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Started by MATTJONO, January 27, 2009, 10:45:30 PM

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joyland casino is a good one make sure you do not collect and bonus that the casino will offer you just deposit £17.10p and get making some money even if it is pennies its the fact that we need to cet confident and used to placing the bets.

could you please post you sessions becasue i would like to look at when we get far in our progression like the 5th and 6th bet whever or not there could be some sign of a pattern when it goes on a run then we can apply some not betting sistuations,

hope you all understand thanks mattjono



I'm playing on joyland. The bad session from my previous post was from this casino as well.
I think it's a decent system, because before having a bad trot it made 888u.
I played 2 session after bad trot and it's recovering nicely.

I'll post some of my sessions soon.



As you can see the units per spin ratio is over 2,5 in this session.



Hy Mattjono,

I like your system ! I try t read everything about it in this tread and in testing zone, but it is hard to memory all when you read  more than 10 pages at once  :D

I have question:

do you have record on relative big number of spins of how many times do you have hit and in what stage of progression it happens?

Example: if we look of that kind of record of red&black it should look something like this :

10 000 - that is number of spins
5 000 x color stays same  5 000 x color changes  so if you stay at same color you will win half of time but because of 0 - 2,7 %
2 500 x colors stays same 3 x in row again -2,7 %
1 250 x 4
625 x 5
312 x 6 always - 2,7 %
and so on continue divide it with 2

If i calculated correctly we can expect about 14 x repetitions of same color in 10 000 spins.

It is same chart for playing change of color and for following same color !

If we look at this and if we know simple math we can see why playing progression doesnt work no matter on what stage we began. Playing red should be same like playing any 18 numbers in wheel. You play 19 numbers and if you make chart it should be similar like this but if it act different than you have winning system !


this has to be played online for sure....

the only problem is....wich casino would let you win thousands every month ??

how long or how much before they pull the plug ??


this is what i am thinking maybe if you just make £12 per hour of the 10p bets and do 20 hours a week collect £240 a week with no losses. what can they do i have no idea  :-\ maybe when you reach the end two bets of you progression try to aim for the other side that you will not be betting on, or maybe stop you playing with that casino i dont know but like they say its a random game isnt it  ;D

i can look at past results spun and know within 10 seconds whever or not there is a bet on or not without recording,it will come naturally when playing this alot, i could if i had the money go casino tonight with £1710 walk casualy over to the table wait for 3 waits and bang we start progression 56%chance of winning the first bet hopefully this will win and im +£17, place around 7 chips on a totaly randon 7 numbers if win repeat if lose then just wait for the 3 waits to bet again on the system 9eva side this way with the £7 won we play a random bet if win repeat if lose we have lost we carnt win everytime... and we certanly dont want the casino to know. so play like this until around 5 wins on the system (9evaside) stop at a target of £100 then leave the table and go get a pint from the bar ? or wil i get it free. i am the guest and that who makes £100 a night 2 nights a week   >:D >:D

or is it all just
dreams  dreams dreams >:(

i do beleive this system could be a real winner alot more wins to losses    


table limit is a big issue when playing this in b&m casino....i know that i wouldnt be able to play this progression in my casino (max 10x)....the higher i can go is 25x and its a touchbet 00 wheels from 1$ to 25$ :-[

i believe you can win much than you lose with your system....i believe too that someone,somewhere will lose the 1710 units bankroll on his first attempt ....but my main problem is the reliability of online casinos....i've just read today on joyland that a girl won 4 000 000$ with slut...but in withdrawal section its clearly stated that the maximum you can withdraw is 9 000$ per month....what a scam....isnt it ??no way she's a millionaire and she will never be

if you want make a living....find something suitable for most b&m casino....you could travel the world and not beeing stuck at one monaco table till they kick your ass out



right i have though of something and have looked at the first 1000s. here goes with the expanation.
we are recording as normal when playing the 9eva sdie system

with hits (H) means did hit 9pockets eva side of the last number
misses (M) means it did not hit 9pockets eva side of last number

so as recording we look for this pattern

M after 5 misses we have a trigger to start betting now we wait for the (H) in this case it come in 2 spins later
H TRIGGER we know flat bet 9eva side of the last number 19 units every spin from now on until we are -60 units or +30 units.

IN 1,000 SPINS IT HAD 25 WINS =+750 AND 6 LOSSES-360   TOTAL PROFIT = £390

because of us only using a 60unit bank roll to win 30units when if session 1 is a -60 then in the next session use 2 units on each number and a target of +60

this could work ill do more tests


Just throwing this in as part of the discussion.

There can be streaks of Hits and Misses, just as for R/B, Hi/Lo etc. etc. If you were to flat bet following the last outcome (Hit or Miss) it seems to me that you would at least:

- break even if the outcomes were always HHMM or MMHH. The other play for a repetitive outcome like this would be to follow the pattern.
- be in front if the Hits exceeded the Misses, or viceversa.

As regards chops stop at the 3rd step of MHM or HMH and wait for it to end. This would minimise losses and protect profits. Or, play the chop, flat betting until it ends.

With regard to the 9 numbers either side for a "Miss" bet it is easy enough to put them together. I have done so, and added it to my Excel file of the one attached in an earlier post.



how can a put a graph on this forum page without having people to doanload it just to look at it

its my test of 1,000 spins its pritty impressive


it was only 2 losing sessions and 23 wins a total of +520 in 1,000spins i think it could be woth having a look how do i put the graph on this message  ??? ???


31      m   
10      h   
10      h   
0      m   
30      m   
26      m   
8      m   
1      h hit on the 5th or more then flatbet next   -60 or +25
1      h    £17.00
22      h    £17.00


it did this only once in 1000 spins.

H more than 5 miss then a hit
H more than 5 misses then hit

it only did this on one occasion had a run of 5 misses then hit then had another run of 5 misses or more not tested the rest yet


I want to write a code for this system on RX so can someone explain the system with more details and perhaps with an example?
Sorry but my english are not so good.


Just for information.

In my 10.000 spins the longest "no hitting" session was 17x.
There were also few 11x and 12x misses...

