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Started by VLSroulette, March 04, 2009, 04:30:41 PM

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Hi guys, here's a thread for sharing experiences of "casino heat". Heat as in interferences put by the casinos to prevent players from continuing winning.

Latest one I've seen at local casino last sunday is this:

There was this sympathetic old supervisor guy, he goes around the tables, a bit at bac, a bit at blackjack, at studpoker and of course at roulette.

At this local casino there are only two real roulette tables, this happened at the table in front of me so I couldn't grasp all the "action" (there is not even a marquee at this casino, you have to take notes yourself and be sharp). I've heard from a guy sitting next to me earlier at the wheel in front number 3 showed three times despite dealer spinning it really fast, I just forget about this, then I listen "otra vez, sin hacer nada" = "once again, without doing anything", there was a guy raking big chips and he just won on the same number out of not taking the chips from it, as the next spin is performed, the sympathetic old supervisor guy approaches and ENTERS HIS HAND ON THE BOWL WHILE THE BALL IS SPINNING, stopping the ball. Player said: "ese tiro no vale" = "That shot isn't valid", then between smiles acknowledging it isn't a valid spin, the dealer grabs the ball and re-spin.

At our little casino regulars know each other, and some are friends with the staff, but the fact he made this when the player was raking BIG at the casino made me a little suspicious. Was this an interference to the guy in order to interrupt the game flow? More likely. At times some guys stack insane chip towers and this guy was doing it...  WINNING. This sure draws attention, and well, I think I witnessed an instance of casino heat.

Hey guys. How about documenting any interference you have witnessed or have suffered? There are plenty of stories like this at the land-based casino life!



By the way, only 2 players at the wheel, none seem to have gotten mad, big chip stacker complained like mentioned and that was it.


Have you seen the casino movie "the cooler" its about what you describe above :) and no I haven't seen that kind of action in my contry and I have seen players win hudge amount of money.

Cheers LS



Right on Lucky, the post made me think of that movie aswell.
It's a good movie by the way  ;)



It's real funny when I play online Live Wheels All Slots, All Jackpots, I can make outside bets without incident, but when I try to play inside bet numbers, I am frequently "Connection has dropped" from the casino.  I may have had a big win on the site recently ($50 for the day) after that things got strange.
One site, Player's Palace, gave me $100 worth of casino bonus only to shut down the Live Games section.  I couldn't use the bonus.


i was watching live roulette on tele some time back.

somebody had emailed in to the casino ''THERES NOTHING SWEETER THAN A REPEATER''

anyway there was no repeats on the last 13 numbers i could see at the bottom of the screen anyway- the last number was 5 when he emailed in and when the croupier span the ball and wheel next not sure of the speed however it landed on number 10 on the wheel the pocket next to number 5 - o.k mattjono whats your point my lol

wel after number 10 span in yes another 10 span again and after that it landed 2 pockets away from number 10 it landed on number 8, then back to number 5 which is 3 pockets away then repeated number 5 lol. then it stopped repeating for a while.

the history numbers looked like this. (the bold number 5 is when someone emailed in)


what im trying to say is that is this just a fluke or can the crupier's aim for particular sections of the wheel. im saying yes but only very well trained experienced crupiers can do this sucesfully.

''just my thoughts everyone''



I was at an Indian casino where they had just one wheel and it was spinning so fast the ball kept flying out every third spin or so. I kept asking them to slow it down and if anything they speeded it up. I'm sure it was to disrupt the game, they didn't have a marquee either.


Quote from: MATTJONO on March 08, 2009, 11:47:43 AM
I was watching live roulette on tele some time back.

somebody had emailed in to the casino ''THERES NOTHING SWEETER THAN A REPEATER''

anyway there was no repeats on the last 13 numbers I could see at the bottom of the screen anyway- the last number was 5 when he emailed in and when the croupier span the ball and wheel next not sure of the speed however it landed on number 10 on the wheel the pocket next to number 5 - o.k mattjono whats your point my lol

wel after number 10 span in yes another 10 span again and after that it landed 2 pockets away from number 10 it landed on number 8, then back to number 5 which is 3 pockets away then repeated number 5 lol. then it stopped repeating for a while.

the history numbers looked like this. (the bold number 5 is when someone emailed in)


what im trying to say is that is this just a fluke or can the crupier's aim for particular sections of the wheel. im saying yes but only very well trained experienced crupiers can do this sucesfully.

''just my thoughts everyone''


Well than you should read up on the GRANDPAAAA WAY.

This is exactly what i noticed and my system follows this.

I catches all the repeats this way

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


hi victor,

i only found this topic because you re-directed my post here.   thank you for helping.   as i mentioned i am new to forums so i'm still "feeling" my way around.   if you didn't move my post i wouldn't have found this topic, because i've been wondering about this too.   i've experienced 'heat' or felt it, not in any big way, but just enough to make me feel uncomfortable.   but the reason it got my attention was because i'm not even winning big! just consistantly.   it makes me wonder how am i to make big money if just a 'style' of play and consistant winning draws attention! i sometimes get comments like "nice bet", but their attitiude towards me changes.  and if i leave because of too much 'negative vibes' sometimes there even watching me after i leave the table!

i know this is a big issue with black jack players, so i read their message boards to see how they deal with it.   but it would be nice to share this with other roulette players.

thanks for the help

good luck to all


hi all,

another note regardng heat.   if you read my post 'a personal experience' that's a perfect way to avoid heat.   place one bet, win and walk away before they know what hit them.   hit and run played to perfection.   this guy knew what he was doing.

good luck to all


Dear Thor,

While it is true there is heat, be always a gentleman and they will have a harder time kicking you out. Remember any misbehavior at the table can be used as an excuse to kick you.

If you are not an advantage player, then just play as usual, with plenty of table etiquette.

If you are an advantage player who is afraid of being banned out of winning, just remember some advantage players do cover their play by tracking outside bets, doing a martingale "here and there" and the like, always below the level of their edge (an extra price to pay in cover bets).

Ask Kelly or Herb if this is the case.

Kind regards.

Your friend,


If one is playing some sort of advantageplay and the dealer or pit is starting to get annoyed, its time to get out. I have on some occasions tried to force my game through all obstacles, but its simply not worth it. They will remember you until next time and might take up the hostility again.  If your chip is as much even looks like its touches one of sides to the next number and you try to correct it after NMB, they will pay you as a split bet even if they know you meant to play  a full number. And things like : "Sir please make sure you do not disturb the player next to you" (the player besides looks surprised...WHAT??) and "Sir your bets must be placed a little earlyer" and "Sir im sorry i didn`t manage to place your bet on the racetrack, i was simply too busy" (for the 4th time in a row i was left standing with 7 X 50 Euro chips for 7 numbers which at the time was by far the largest bets on the full numbers).

I could go on, "Sir you have to let players come in on your right side and place their bets" (Meaning i have to move away from the wheel towards the far end of the table), but when it comes to that kind of treatment, its game over for the advantage player.  The environment  gets too hostile and stressing. At the 50 Euro situation i had previously even give double tips, 100 Euro, on each hit. It didn`t help, but i was also up around 7000 Euro at the time and i think they had enough of my company.


hi victor,

first of all i would like to thank you for replying to my post.  i was beggining to think i was a curse and ended any thread i posted on.  like i make everyone suddenly lose interest.

anyway, yes i am always polite, or at least quiet.  i want the dealers on my side!  i also use tips if i think it would help or they deserve it.  some dealers don't really care and are just doing a job and appreciate tips.  but some dealers are dedicated to their casino, experienced and recognize any form of advantage play, or just have a bad day.  tips don't work on them.  like how casinos act like they are sorry that we lost and wish us 'better luck next time', i want them to feel like it was an 'accident' that i took their money so they want me to come back.

i also try to blend in as much as possible.  i want to be inconspicuous and not draw attention.  i like when someone else is being loud and draws attention, as long as they are not sitting right next to me.

i also remember the dealers and how they act.  some are really bad.  they might slam chips down when paying me off, spin the wheel drastically different (as i have mentioned before) or snicker when i lose a bet.  i really remember them!  i remember the friendly ones also.

bottom line is, i leave when i feel its time to leave.  i don't want them to remember me if possible.

good luck

