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I am back stronger!!!and brought u the PERFECT BALANCE SYSTEM!!!!!

Started by viper5, May 04, 2009, 07:53:57 AM

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Hey all,

I just read everything between page 7 and 9.

As for the people who saw it tank, it tanked for me to but only once. So of all the sessions i played the winnings cover the loss more than enough. The reason we posted this and we said if from the beginning is that it would open debate to tweak it. I see many of u are allready having good ideas. The balance between the 2 events is good, maybe we can figure out a way of betting that is better.

As for me i started testing this system on a live casino (i'm not going to tell the name) that gave me a 25 euro signup bonus for free ( i think we now know wich casino i'm talking about). i started playing with 0,10 chips, i was pretty lucky because that is only 250 chips.  I managed to get that 25 euro to well over 160 using 0,10 cents. Than i saw dozen 1 hit for 8 consecutive spins, i switched tables to higher limits and placed 50 euro on dozen 2 and 3 (i got lucky). So now i was at 210 units. than i kept adjusting my betsize after each session so that i would have a minimum of 500 chips. Than my bankroll started growing. I past the 1000 euro marker, the 1500, even the 2000. Than it was time to read the wagering requirements. I didn't care before because it was a free 25 euro for mee. I needed to wager 3500 euro, i thought wel that's done. But than i continued reading and i saw only bets placed on classic slots games where counted in towards the wagering. So every euro that i made over 2000 euro i putted in slots. This song could'nt last forever and eveantually i lost 500 units. I was playing 2 euro/ chips so that is a 1000 euro.

Bottem line is today i only need to wager 722 euro more and i have a 1000 euro left. I started with 25 euro, u make up you're mind. Was i lucky, i would say in the beginning YES, at the end it seemed like a mathematical system that actually works.

I hope u, me and viper can make it even better. This thread will not remain here for long. I see non members 'guests' monitoring this thread. They get the cake but don't need to give any imput. that doesn't comfort me. Everyone that wanted to read this have, and we can keep debating about it, But essential information about it will be deleted some time today.

Kind Regards,


Hi Skrizy,

I will surely miss this discussion when it is deleted, but I understand why you are doing it. I was just wondering if you will perhaps add more info in the future when you and Viper improved this method?  Thanks again for sharing. I think this can work, but MM will be extremely important


We will not delete the discussion! we will delete essential information about the system. There will be space enough for discussion on this thread. this was the idea, from the beginning. We are working on a flat method, we have been from the start. Its just not good enough yet. Babs nothing stops u from thinking on you're own and putting in some ideas. Even the most crazy idea can lead someone else to finding a good solution!!!

Kind Regards,


Why delete information about the system?  It's not like it is some top secret information or something.  Nothing new here.  I made a note file regarding the system so anyone who would like it just has to PM me.  Information must be shared and be made available.  This secrecy is nonsense.  I have all of the info for anyone who would like to know about the system.  Send me a PM and I'll send you the file.


WELL DONE ...u make us feel so bad with what u have just said....as we can see u can t respect anything!!!!!

@jihhnyg    thanks very much and u are right to what u said

@homeito   good thinking!!!!!

we must all try to find the best money management way to do safest beting in that system......


This system definitely isn't any kind of "secret". Just another system that loses big when it busts...

Shorty recommends: Only play this on fun money! :)


Quote from: viper5 on May 05, 2009, 07:31:44 AM
WELL DONE ...u make us feel so bad with what u have just said....as we can see u can t respect anything!!!!!

@jihhnyg    thanks very much and u are right to what u said

@homeito   good thinking!!!!!

we must all try to find the best money management way to do safest beting in that system......
Don't feel bad, and please don't feel disrespected.  I have the utmost respect for all forum members but I am certainly not a fan of the "give and then take away" school of thought.  If you would like to take the information away that is your right and I respect that but I will make it available to those who want it.  I won't advertise it, but if someone needs it of course I will help them.  We are here to help each other and to remove certain information from the thread will detract from the value of the thread and as such impedes our research and the spirit of giving.


Viper5 and Skrizy,

I have been reading this thread with interest, thanks for the system and all the hard work to test it.
I agree that it is not a "secret" I used a system almost the same, not exactly how you play it, and I'm
sure others have seen something very similar, so I don't think you need to erase it, it's NOT the HG !
You will find that it will have some good winning runs, so to win money with this system DO NOT go
to a progression level of betting. Set a target loss and if you hit it flat betting, STOP !
Start a new session, it should win more than it loses, so you can build your BR if your target loss is low.

Many years ago I played a system to track until you had a repeat number, then a sleeper from a street
that hit the other 2 numbers. I would flat bet ONLY those 2 numbers until they hit, surprisingly I would get
a win before 10 or 12 spins for a profit, then retrack for another session. Again, have a low stop loss level
and you can make a profit long term, but I am not saying it is the HG either   ;)

cheers !



I'm still getting good test results.  1329 spins, +1410 units (76 session, 76 winners).  There were a few tough sessions, but overall great stuff.  I like the split idea when you start losing... just aim to get half your money back.  I had one session were it would have lost more than 500 units, but when I was down -200, I split, and won, then lost a couple more, split again, won... and so forth. 

I do believe a bigger BR is required though, because you will lose 500 units on this (I like to have 5000 units as a BR).  But I'm still impressed with it so far.  Thanks guys. 

I'll keep on testing and post results.  I won't try any new system until I've tested atleast 10,000 spins, so that's my next goal.




Hello Viper5 and Skrizy,

I strongly believe this system of yours can be a winner long term. What hammy say is true, we must take care of the losses. We tend to try and win every session and this put a strong pressure on us while playing for real money. We just refuse to take losses while at the table. I have played MATTJONO's system sometime back and I noticed it hit quite often and the losses can be recovered quite easily. I was betting flat when I played at B&M casino. I have to admit I did not play long enough but I always ended positive. If we try a milder progression on your system we may come out with a long term winner. Lucky Strike use to say "when we lose try to lose less or break even", I strongly agree with him. I have numerous occasion winning day after day and one fine day the casino take everything back plus interest. I suggest we try to work on the stop loss as what hammy mentioned above and make this a long term winner. Anyway thanks for your system, my friend.




I just played this method for 50 minutes on jbet but with play money, I doubled my bank in 50 minutes.

I think this would be almost impossible to play here in the US hard to place so many bets in 60 seconds plus double zero wheels any opinions.
It does work but when it don't you in big poop lol.



Here is the system for the enjoyment of all of our wonderful forum members.  Thanks to Skrizy and Viper for breathing new life into the system and showing us how its done!  Enjoy!



U just created a pdf file, scammers will use to sell to unknowing ppl...


Hi guys,

will someone please test this twist on the perfect balance system. I played a few games and I made 51 units in 6 sessions (48 spins in total).

The system rules remain exactly the same, except instead of betting on the numbers, bet on the streets. If one number is sleeping in a street, bet the street. If a number is repeated, bet the street. I also bet on zero everytime (I won one nice bet this way  :thumbsup: ). If there is a street with one sleeper and a repeater I bet double units on that street.

When you start betting, take your bankroll and subtract 12: i.e. 100-12=88. 88-12=76.  76-12=64 etc.  This determines your progression. When you win, you win 12 units (unless you hit zero).  Just before your BR reaches these points add one unit. So just before your BR reaches 88, add one unit to your bets. If you reach 76 (or close to it) with not win, add another unit etc.

Any suggestions

