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Started by winkel, August 20, 2008, 09:42:05 AM

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pls remember that I call it not a "system" but a "strategy"

the kind of counting I invented gives you the opportunity "to see what is going on"
and this gives you the opportunity to make educated decisions like to stop, to jump, to bet or bet not.
the crossings are a kind of landmarks and the numbers are heading to cross or are moving away.
While they do that and how they do that gives you the hints you need to place a "winning" bet.



Sorry,but still feels a little too much for me.I know it suits many,and many profit,but i guess as long as my method works why break it.


Sorry about Sam!  I tend to think in terms of "on-line" only!  I forget there are B & M casinos in the world!



pls remember that I call it not a "system" but a "strategy"

the kind of counting I invented gives you the opportunity "to see what is going on"
and this gives you the opportunity to make educated decisions like to stop, to jump, to bet or bet not.
the crossings are a kind of landmarks and the numbers are heading to cross or are moving away.
While they do that and how they do that gives you the hints you need to place a "winning" bet.


I'm sorry, but I don't see it that way.  



Congratulations on your own section Mr. Winkel  :thumbsup:


I don't see a long term winner here.  I see another system baseds on the law of the third.  Why should it work?


Quote from: Landis on November 14, 2009, 04:22:05 PM
I don't see a long term winner here.  I see another system baseds on the law of the third.  Why should it work?

Do you have any argument or proof, why it is so, not only because you are not able to see?
I can and have proofed that it is a long term winner:

My profit this year more than 2700 units.
Why it works? Answer is quite simple, look at my first post:
The lines have to cross! It is a must!

btw: it is not a game following the law of third it is a game following the binomial distribution.



Hi Winkel,what is the difference really.Because even if they have to cross,that apply also to law of third in a way.And 2700
units,how much is that really? SEYKID.


For starters, what you're doing is technically Multinomial, not Binomial.   Binomial is used for basically just two outcomes.  When testing for more than two it's called Multinomial.

Secondly, there's something that you are completely overlooking.  The trials are independent; that is, the outcome on one trial does not affect the outcome on other trials.   This means that what you're doing is a waste of time.  It won't work.  You need to study Multinomial and Binomial distribution.  If you look it up, you will learn how to use it CORRECTLY.

Why are you now calling it binomial distribution when you use to call it the law of the third?  You're Benno Winkel, right?

I've pasted the informaton for you to study below.


A binomial experiment (also known as a Bernoulli trial) is a statistical experiment that has the following properties:

The experiment consists of n repeated trials.
Each trial can result in just two possible outcomes. We call one of these outcomes a success and the other, a failure.
The probability of success, denoted by P, is the same on every trial.
The trials are independent; that is, the outcome on one trial does not affect the outcome on other trials.

A multinomial experiment is a statistical experiment that has the following properties:

The experiment consists of n repeated trials.
Each trial has a discrete number of possible outcomes.
On any given trial, the probability that a particular outcome will occur is constant.
The trials are independent; that is, the outcome on one trial does not affect the outcome on other trials.
Note: A binomial experiment is a special case of a multinomial experiment. Here is the main difference. With a binomial experiment, each trial can result in two - and only two - possible outcomes. With a multinomial experiment, each trial can have two or more possible outcomes.


Quote from: seykid29 on November 14, 2009, 05:02:35 PM
Hi Winkel,what is the difference really.Because even if they have to cross,that apply also to law of third in a way.And 2700
units,how much is that really? SEYKID.

Hi seykid,

law of third says that after a full rotation (37 spins with plein) the average of outcomes is 23 to 24 numbers!

binomial distributions says that after every spin x numbers appeard once, y numbers appeared twice etc.
x can be 1 spin or 500 spins

2700 units are 2700 units
add any unit-size you want.


But doesnt a number has two outcome always..hitting or not hitting.And any unit,meaning you could make thousands with your GUT,but i doubt you playing that much.Like i said before,if it works great,make the most of it.


Why on earth has this thread gone on for 75 pages?  Where's the logic?


Hi Landis,

thank you for explaining binomial and multinomial. But that doesn´t proof me being wrong with my strategy, does it?

I don´t say that the outcomes are not independend spin by spin! So there is no need to tell me this.

QuoteYou're Benno Winkel, right?
No I´m not Benno Winkel




It clearly proves you wrong.  For starters, each spin is independent.  Did you miss that part?

 Just because one number has hit once, and another has hit twice, it doesn't tell you which is more likely to hit on the next spin.  It's because there is no connection to the prior spins.

Are you saying that each spin of the wheel IS somehow connected to previous spins?  I thought you were supposedly a math guy?

