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Is Cheese / Spike Smarter or Less Smart as Gizmotron

Started by gizmotron, March 30, 2011, 11:05:32 PM

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Is Cheese / Spike Smarter or Less Smart as Gizmotron

Less Smart
Cheese is not Spike
Chees is Spike but don't know
Not Interested



for u is useless

to me its my .....free ticket for holidays and shopping trips as well as donation to charity funds.

Anyway the Japan earth quake u made any donation...i

prove me wrong  my test a/c from 1k    to 100k...if u want more prove i can raise to 150k
or u think u r good i give u password  u raise it to 150k....



Quote from: win1win2 on March 31, 2011, 07:27:44 AM

prove me wrong  my test a/c from 1k    to 100k...

Naw, too complicated. Do a test here. We'll get 100 spins from an online German casino and post 20 of them and you tell us what the next bet is. After you do, we'll tell you the next number and so on. At the end of the test we'll give you the day and wheel where the numbers came from and you can verify they are legit. Very simple, very easy.  There are too many loopholes doing it your way, too many ways to fudge the results. OK?


incorrect way  of testing
dublinbets  is nearly the same as a B/M casino.

when we play trends we expect to loss a few hands....
but once the winning mode starts we will win  multiple hands....

when u  play a game  we want to win more chips

we dont care about the hand won ratio........

one question,,,,,200spin contains   how many trending patterns
what r the most active....trending pattern

in baccarat if u play 10 shoes  the most active patterns will dominate 75% or more......

Random can only have.........certain amount of pattern...fix......if u know how to recognise it..



Quote from: win1win2 on March 31, 2011, 08:16:00 AM
incorrect way  of testing

Its not the incorrect way of testing, its the only fair test there is. There are ways to cheat using DublinBet in testing, as I'm sure you're aware of. Playing from actuals from a b/m casino is every bit as legitimate, and cheating is impossible.

I'm offline now for at least 10 hours.



It's difficult for me to assess who is the smartest of the two. But I can sure tell you who is the prettiest: they both are!


dublinbets is  a very fair way to test your skill...on EC  game
i also agrees with u that u can cheats......which i did

in the early stage i use 1000 to bet on the dozen  if win i get 3000.......
i keep topping up my token  until i had 3000 not so boring to starts betting  $5.....
with 3000 i can start with $50

once  u reach 10k    there is no way u can cheat.......its all pure skill to reach 100K.......

So i name this test as.......... SYSTEMATIC TRENDS BETTING......

The more in test the more i understands RANDOM.

3;  TRENDS.....FORM...??????...
4:  ??????/.................??????...





After reading their post for years At GG...

after reading their post for days at GG...
Spikes rep at GG is well deserved but you can not be serious re Wonderman.
His contribution all over the web consist of nothing but patterns and how clever he is.
The diversity of Spikes roulette topics in the GG archive is not equalled,anywhere or by anyone.


.. conflict does have a funny side. Good to see more of a sense of humour about it. I only wish it would stay that way. some pretty funny pics here.


Quote from: win1win2 on March 31, 2011, 12:11:27 PM
dublinbets is  a very fair way to test your skill..

Nope, its not. Not only do they cheat, you can fudge the results of your playing. Dublin is worthless.


Quote from: zippyplayer on March 31, 2011, 04:28:24 PM

The diversity of Spikes roulette topics in the GG archive is not equalled,anywhere or by anyone.

I have over 16,000 posts at GG. I love to talk about roulette.


Quote from: cheese on March 31, 2011, 08:13:11 PM
I have over 16,000 posts at GG. I love to talk about roulette.

That was good for a laugh. You are not Mother Teressa of the Roulette Thinkers Union. To this date I have openly shared what I do with at least ten people. You have actually shared nothing with anyone. !6,000 posts by you proves that at least.

You actually never share anything of value with anyone. Now you want votes for clever pictures posted by you. Try to image this: There is an image of a cheese stick. It's deep fried in an pan of lard and is totally great to the taste buds. Now imagine that same cheese stick standing on a soap box proclaiming all the virtues of all the times it has stood on that same soap box before. What does that image reflect to you?


Quote from: Gizmotron on April 01, 2011, 01:33:29 AM
To this date I have openly shared what I do with at least ten people.

And 4 of them have reported that you taught them squat, it doesn't work. Its only a matter of time till we hear form others.


Quote from: cheese on April 01, 2011, 01:45:12 AM
And 4 of them have reported that you taught them squat, it doesn't work. Its only a matter of time till we hear form others. 

We will hear from others you Titanic puke. I'm about to turn the entire world on you. Your trick four will amount to your secret squad of admirers. That strikes me as incredibly funny too. You have been pretending to be these four's comfort in a storm. That's truly funny in it's own right. Thanks for tonight's laugh. You own this.

