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Started by JHM, November 28, 2008, 01:47:41 PM

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.......... but then again Enrique Malou, he also says on his website that one can not win every spin.... When Twocatsam won 19 out of 20 it is almost every spin. Now, i'am not saying that Twocatsam did not win 19 out of 20.

I'am just refering too what Charly says on his website. You can not win every next spin but see how it moves and then trap the bett..... whatever that may be??

So I think he means by consistent bett something like, 2 wins out of 5.....

But perhaps you can explain more as you say it can be done??

Carlitos  8)

enrique malou

I am just thinking what he say on his site. If he is claiming to win $3 million a year or whatever figure he claims. Winning $3 million is an average $60000 a week. If I wanted to achieve that, then I would need to be hitting a good 10/15 positive progression streaks of 9/10 winning bets per week. Also he must be putting down some big money to start with. So then I ask myself bearing that in mind how does he portray himself as a loser who is only an occasional winner. He would attract my attention betting like this. You would have to be playing this style in high roller joints where you could try and fit in with the other big fish. For sure it would be just a matter of time before you were banned from every casino unless you travelled far and wide. But with technology available to the casino today, you would only get away with it for so long. I agree you can not win every bet. Many times I can lose 5 in a row but for making big winnings you also have to have a method that traps a good long 7/8 winning sequence. How you bet it and then not allow greed to takeover is the fine line between winning and losing. For me I am not sure if his claims are a big hoax or not. I really hope they are true.




.............. indeeed!! It is very diffecult to get away with these amounts......

Carlitos  8)

Wally Gator

Thanks for posting this.  I am always entrigued by these types of website.

I read the entire site and also took a look at his ACETF.org site.  It's all very interesting, but for someone with that kind of money and philanthropic endeavors one would think you'd be able to find more about him and his cause.  Private trusts established for the common good (as he indicates his is for "poor children") usually receive loads of press, good or bad.  He also says that he was raised wealthy, but even the British Collection on Ancestry.com does not provide a succession to show that.

I am not saying anything he indicates is untrue.  I'm just looking to verify a bit of it.

Another item that is subject would be that if your cause is that of educating or 'helping' children, which is truly a worldwide and worthy cause, why would you not want to maximize the number of people that can assist you with it.  Even if they didn't join you, but established their own philantropic efforts somewhere in the world it would be absolutely beneficial to society as a whole.

For those members of the ACETF, what's your legacy?  Does your "consistent winning bet" die when you die?  Why would you not want to keep your cause and efforts alive?  Why not take a leadership role within the roulette community?  Regardless of whether you share your secret, there will always be people who will follow in the footsteps of true leadership.  If what you say is true, do the honorable thing and share it.  Allow all to prosper.  Is not that your true mission?



I have tried to contact (the woman) of the ACETF.org site. The mail isn't working. Tried to mail her several months ago.

Wally Gator


Thanks for posting all this.  Very interesting, isn't it?  Would be interested to hear if you get a response.  Perhaps you can invite them to this site....


The trust "owns" the "bet" Only the website will be closed down when he dies. Also he's betting flat, so no progression. And ofcourse you have to "look" for a bet within that bet.

What kind of system was twocatsam using? With that 19/20 streak?

Also it's obvious that his name is an alias, I also looked if his was an anagram of some sort but i couldnt discover anything. And what about anonymous donations, you couldnt trace that?


19 out of 20  I am using the system I posted under "Testing".  I made the chart.  And before you say it, this really could all be luck!!

This was a no-money test and the system did win just like I said.  That was a phenomenal run of numbers in my direction.  May not see that again in a year.

Now, what I've learned from this enrique business is that the d/s will run for you and then against you.  Whether you're on RNG or live, it will do the same thing. 

With a live wheel, you can buzz off and come back when you hope the run is for you.  With RNG, I don't know.  I weathered a downturn in excess of $120 the other day and then recovered on about five bets.  If you walk away on RNG, you're still in the same spot when you come back!!  I'm thinking of playing a dummy system for fifty spins and then seeing if anything changes.

The RNG at Golden Palace does do freaky things.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 01, 2008, 12:07:06 PM
  And before you say it, this really could all be luck!!

You really starting to know me... ;D

About rng? Never ever ever consider playing it!!! Also the whole concept of "the bet" is about "lateral" thinking, think outside the box. Don't beat the odds, because that's impossible. Think about beating the game!



......... I also mailed the email address posted on the acetf.org website. Haven't heard anything so far.....

Carlitos  8)



Was your mail delivered? I got a error when I tried to mail (several months ago).

@All I do believe this is interesting, I'm planning to make summary of his site when I have the time.


.............. i have not received " postmaster failed delivery " yet.

I read the website very quickly yesterday. Only the first 3 or 4 pages are somehow intresting were he or she says something about movements etc.... But does not give too much clues or explains in detail.....

Carlitos  8)


Quote from: Ka2 on November 30, 2008, 06:24:31 AM
The only clues I could find: 

You have to place 4 bets in total.

You have to place a bet within a bet.

A guaranteed Loser is a guaranteed Winner?

You have to look on the board not the wheel.

Then he talks about the layout of the board, that there are some irregularities. Like 3th column has 8 red and 4 black, and red + odd covers 10. And last but not least that in the first dozen there is only 1 black + odd (11) so I think its got to do something with placing bets on one of the column's one on a color and one on odd or even and then a number, the total is then 4.

He also says to trap the bet?

Hi ka2,

¿Coincidences with other site - Relaxed Roulette??


This one has nothing to do with Izak Matataya or Edmund Petitjean (the original relaxed), only the name is the same.
It seems is a special type of bet that wins consistent in the long term, but I don´t know, maybe is a scam (the ebook is sell for 40 uk pounds)- there are 2 ebooks with the same price.
Maybe that bet is covering the zero.

This is what the author says :

The Relaxed Roulette 'Stay & Play All Day' System allows you to win that golden £10 per spin profit, but with far less risk to the bankroll.

It does this by only requiring small bet amounts to make comparatively high profits. The most important thing to remember is that it offers you this, while at the same time offering MORE CHANCES OF LANDING A WINNING NUMBER.

Equally important is that a winning bet WINS YOU DOUBLE than a losing bet.

So what you need to know is that a win will land you 166% of your stake, while a loss will only lose 33% of your stake.

Let's talk numbers –

Winning bets:

• If you bet £12, you win £20 = £8 profit

• If you bet £15, you win £25 = £10 profit

Losing bets:

• If you bet £12, you win £8 = £4 loss

• If you bet £15, you win £10 = £5 loss

And so on... these are just example to give you an idea of the profit margin involved.

So you can see that considering these are small, steady, flat bets, with no progression, you are achieving very healthy online profits. That is a lot more bang per buck and profit margin, given that you have a higher chance of winning each time.

Even if you have a run of lose, win, lose, win, lose; you will still remain in profit.

You can have more losses than wins and your bankroll will not go down. But remember that there are many more chances of winning than losing with this system, so that won't happen anyway.

• Long-term winning system. We've managed to develop a 0% house edge roulette system by accounting for the zero giving us even odds. You have already seen this in action in the video demonstration. The Full EBook manual covers how we have achieved this.

We feel this is actually a genuine example of how to beat online roulette. We found (by accident essentially) one small anomaly in the layout of the numbers on the table. We calculated the winnings if all numbers landed while the Relaxed Roulette System (SPAD) was in place, and subtracted the amount we would lose if we place the same amount but all numbers landed and we lost every spin. We found the answer was 0. We won't go into too much detail here, but damn it's good!

• The small stake amounts result in very large and consistent profit margins, making steady online profits for our effort – There is nothing more satisfying than watching your bankroll reliably increase with time. We find the Relaxed Roulette System (SPAD) rewards us for our time and effort.


I have done some tests using the lines with the columns and dozens to try to replicate this :

zero = 0.17u.
D1 =1u.
D2 =1u.
Line 1-6=1u.
Line 10-15=1u.
Line 19-24=1u.

Total bet = 6

What do you think mates??



Hi All,

Which type of bet gives those payouts?
Is a problem of designing the bet.
We feel this is actually a genuine example of how to beat online roulette. We found (by accident essentially) one small anomaly in the layout of the numbers on the table. We calculated the winnings if all numbers landed while the Relaxed Roulette System (SPAD) was in place, and subtracted the amount we would lose if we place the same amount but all numbers landed and we lost every spin. We found the answer was 0. We won't go into too much detail here, but damn it's good!
The only anomaly in the layout table is in the different distribution of R/B numbers in the 2nd. and 3rd. columns.


