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Started by zenfiro, June 07, 2012, 02:04:38 AM

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Hello, I'm new here. I found this forum just yesterday and it is pretty interesting read all this roulette systems and tips.
So I try some systems by myself, but about that later. My question is: Is it difference between play for free and play for money ? Does casinos behaviour change when you choose game for real money? (talking about online casino) Let me know. Thanks.   BTW sorry for my english.


Your English is fine. The casinos don't change, it's the player that changes. Good luck.


Thanks for fast reply  :thumbsup:. I'll keep looking for some other systems. Maybe I'll find ultimate one that works for long term  :laugh:. I'll be in touch... 8)


I don't want cheat casino, just outsmart it :).

Nathan Detroit

casinos don`t like people who outsmartthem. They might " invite" you into their back room but not for dinner.


I understand you. But I still talking about online casinos, or they can "invite" me too?

Nathan Detroit

They don`t invite  you to the back room but they empty your wallet  in your back  pocket.


Zen - Online casinos. What type are you talking about. Live wheel real dealer or RNG (random no. gen.) animated roulette wheel? For live dealer example go to Smart Live Casino (UK) dealer game and the fun play is the same game as real money. Only difference 1 play is with free fun money chips and other play is real money betting.  Fun play they give you 1,000 free fun play chips. Then it is easy to test any idea or system for free with real live spins. You can also click on the bet play menu screen and see what other players are betting on, some totally crazy & so lose fast.

RNG (random number generator) animated roulette is a computer program. Evidence has been shown how a lot of casinos cheat with the free play. They make it easier for you to win and so you might think your game play is a winner? Then when you bet for real money on RNG the play pgm makes it harder to win & easier to lose.

There's THOUSANDS of posts on many subjects about all this.  On VLS front page here up top look for search window near  HOME  orange clr window. To start type in cheating RNG you need to get to post 1 page 1 VLS post on CC forum (same forum family) dated Oct 9 2010.

In search you need exact words to get the correct info. example is when you ask about online casino but as I've said there are 2 main types of online. Live & RNG.  Typing in the wrong one will probably take you in the wrong direction and not give you the info you want?

Also beware of casino bonuses for roulette as the casino makes it very difficult to win and get your money out. Carefully read the terms and conditions any of them have. They have things like high playthrough (total) bet amounts. Maybe X40 or x50 your bank. So eg 100x 50 = 5,000 in bets min. to be made. Then they usually also won't pay if you bet on red/black & other even money bets or bets that cover more than 40% of the numbers. So when you bet with all your money full table betting is ok but add some of their bonus money and your highest chances to win drops from 48.7% to 40% because only part of table cover is valid. Also many other rules like they don't have to tell you why they don't pay you? Many players have gone crazy with casino because the player not know full rules.
In short they want your money but they don't want you to take theirs with tough unfair rules.   

Nathan Detroit

Those  on line  casino operators  are LEECHES  of the WORST  KIND. They are  blood sucking bastards while  living of the wallets of unsuspecting players. Don`t play there  . Let them starve. Those  outcasts  and scum of humanity live in  castles  on  sandy tropical beaches  and enjoying  themselves on the  hard earned money of suckers .

No matter what casino ,they are all of  the same  scum breed operators.


Thank you for helpful informations. I'll be careful. Now I realize that betting in online casinos isn't smart idea as i think.


Only for suckers and all time losers.
If anybody tell you different and that
they win there don't believe.They are
casino spyes.

