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My dealer friend's bet selection

Started by VLSroulette, February 01, 2009, 02:45:25 AM

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QuoteD1...........This is your first one.

Now, if i understand it right, you begin betting for back-to-back D1s now.

@ Sam
From what I understand this example of Yours would be right Mate.

QuoteI made an XL sheet to test this.  It can easily miss five in a row.  Usually hits on second or third.

@ Sam
I think He is only betting it for 3 more spins Mate.
No hits ...no more bets until it re-qualifies again.
(would be interesting to know what He does when it hits 10 in a row)..(stops after the 1st repeat I guess)

QuoteAgain I ask... does hedging the zero come in handy using this? or just ignore it?
@ Wiggy.

Mate everyone is different when it comes to hedging the Zero.
I think it would depend on the Bet size Cobber.(I take the Zp a lot Mate as You know,especially if the bet has risen)

Good On Ya Mates.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 04, 2009, 01:41:08 AM

Don't know about hedging zero.

I made an XL sheet to test this.  It can easily miss five in a row.  Usually hits on second or third.


You can post the XL sheet?


This sheet is manual.  It does not calculate the dozens or columns.


By the way, only print page one as it is messed up beyond that.  Lord knows what it will print.

I use a format

T.....for trigger.

I am still unclear as to whether you bet


bet and and lose.  Wait for new trigger
and so on............




Here is a scanned sheet I just did.  You will see 1 2 3 T indicate four times a dozen/column has hit as a singleton.  When they hit back-to-back, you get a new 1.

L1, L2 and so on are the numbers of losses.

Another thing I'm not clear on.......Should W (win) also be the first of your four?  Or should you wait for a new singleton?  In this trot I waited, but I feel I should use W as the the first, ie W1.

An aside:  Notice how the second dozen slept from spin 7 until 32?  25 times!  I was not looking for this, but there it is.


Quote from: ikarianman on February 03, 2009, 04:32:15 PM
but its very difficult for this to happen..i mean i spin 1 by 1 100 spins on roulette extreme waiting for 3 jumps and still didnt came... :(

PACIENCE IS THE KEY TO ALL SUCCESFULL SYSTEMS HOWEVER. if that is the case alot of the time where we do not get a TRIGGER for a while then we could just make our own extra dozens so we have 9 sets to look at e.g the 6 coulms/dozens + an extra 3 colums a-7-18, b-19-30, c-31-6.

and victor you are a LEGEND at explaing methods making it easy to understand :thumbsup:


Ah Matt, thanks for your kind words.

Today I talked to dealer friend once again.

This is why all of the freaky symbols: Each dozen and column runs on its own progressive series. Dealer friend is a freaking FOX!

So each dozen and column gets enabled and disabled in cooperative mode.

Now I understand a bit more on his money management and why this system worked to him.

It goes in two stages. After enabled dozen/column first part of money as highlighted is flat betting for 3 tries. On its own. Second stage is rising each one progresively on what I think is a part negative and part positive progresive line of bets (will get more into this next time, today I saw him in a kind of rushy fashion).

I told him about we debating his system and he said to tell you guys he's got the perfect name: "[highlight]Oballeitor"[/highlight], mixture of his last name with.. you guessed, the terminator! [smiley=cool.gif].
He said he has tested it on his sets of actuals and cooperatively it holds up for him.

We have scheduled another session for Sunday Feb. 8th. Will actually pay more attention to his notation symbols... He will totally don't matter on me peeking and asking for explanations. He seemed to enjoy knowing others are participating to his approach.

So each dozen and column gets different accounting. When one is presenting deficit, the other ones "feed" or "donate" their units to "patch"/ lower deficitary amount, this is why the recovery is so easy to him. When winning, he "patches" deficitary dozens and moves on with net wins quicker.

Always the most deficitary dozen or column is the one getting helped.

He has a global reset point when global balance is up.

There's more to this system than I though. This is more elaborated than it looked at first glance.

Kind regards.


Patience is very trying. [smiley=3D-gros-anim/36_2_49.gif]

The Spiders Kiss

Please thank your friend from me for allowing us to debate what looks like a fascinating approach Victor
The Spiders Kiss


hi victor i think lanky had a system on even chances simalar to this .where he woUld waiT for 3 lw to form .i could be wrong.cheers TINO


Sorry guys, with so many things at my "to do" list, I just skipped this thread.

- More of dealer's bet selections right now, cooperative money management deserves a thread of its own.

Okay other betting triggers are:

- 3 times dozen/column repeat, he enters TWICE they won't make it.

Okay, I'll write in spanish first:

QuoteCuando un elemento de una docena o columna repite, puede ser N veces, marco una vez, luego que se sale de esa docena o columna donde repitió, si repite N veces no importa cuántas, marco dos veces, si vuelve y repite en la docena o columna nueva por tercera vez, luego que sale allí entro con las otras dos docenas a que NO va a volver a repetir ese fenómeno en los siguientes 2 intentos.

Spanish-speaking people got that one.

In MY words: After he sees the concatenated event of a dozen (column) "jump to another and repeat there" for 3 consecutive times, he bets this "jump and repeat" event won't happens for the next 2 trials.

Betting for two dozen/column singles isn't insane, as singles are expected to happen more often, hence they are expected to "clump" more easy than concatenated series of 2 or more when betting a group of 12 numbers.

For ease of understanding, let's use singles vs repeats (of N elements, can be two or more, for tracking purposes all consecutive instances are "a repeat") using one line for each. Standard Dozens/Column notation as 1,2,3:

1111 Repeat event #1
33 Repeat event #2
111 Repeat event #3 = Trigger.
2 <- Here he bets columns 1 and 3 the repeat will NOT happen for the 4th time. If it happens he tries another time.

Let's say it repeats again, so retaking above's chart:

1111 Repeat event #1
33 Repeat event #2
111 Repeat event #3 = Trigger.
22 <- Dozen 2 repeats, 1st trigger bet lost. Pause until it "Jumps". It may repeat for N times, we keep in pause.
1 <- Dozen 1 is a single out of a jump to dozen 3, trigger is won. Shall it had repeat again, we leave it alone, it can deviate as wished, this selection trigger gets disabled.

Sam or anyone can test this. Natural occurrance is for singles to dominate over repeaters at dozens/columns, for trigger to fail it has to be reversed, order in chaos for prolonged times does happen at times, but natural state of the game fo roulette is unstable, not ordered.

Like I said, this man is a fox and has plenty of experience with witnessed spins under his belt. He knows his events, when to enter and when to "let go". Remember "grinder's mentality": You never try to outsmart the wheel, you do your "statistical attack zone" and let go if it go past.

Rule #1 for a grinder: Never get stuck on a certain combination thinking "it HAS to come"... because while it is true it WILL appear at a any time in the future given spins keep happening, you don't know exactly when. It isn't uncommon for stubborn people to have their backed combination/location appear... for the next player, evening out when the losing fellow is at home already. Patience, Patience, Patience. I've seen this man wait for many spins, even 20+ without laying a single bet as there are just no triggers available.

So golden grinding rule: do not serve your units on a silver plate to be eaten by a single deviation on casino's favor, rather make pauses + patience and have it make horrible concatenations of non-regular events (I.e. as in dealer's friend case doubles taking over expected singles at the dozens/columns in two batches of 5 for him to lose only 4 -recoupable- bets).

This is the grinding spirit: no conditions, no betting. Falling slow at bad times, while using (and abusing) hit rate on the good trams. Roulette is an extreme game both ways, when it is "with you" and against you. Do not try to outsmart the wheel, but do take some conscious risks on the positive trams as they may get heavily on your favor. Of course, do not count on it, always think your bets considering the next spin a miss and being prepared for it, but when "your moment" of concentration of hits happens, DO SQEEZE IT! If on the hole risk some to recoup fast, if it takes you when at bankroll balance high let part of wins ride a bit.

Remember as a grinder you are a "Roulette Sailor", you do not make the events but you can spot and use them as they happen. You can also try to syncronize with some you know might reasonably happen. Say you have been betting as usual and noticed dozen 1 hasn't appeared as expected as has a pronounced deficit of hits since you started, then when it repeats 1,1 or goes 1,X,1 (its concentration of hits) you may risk some and hold your bets until 3 loses. If evening-out happens and it becomes a hot one, you use it to "climb" nearer your recovery/win goal. If not, you lost 3 times with tester units, recoupable. That is situational play and yes, those EXTRAS do help the grind :) Grinders usually call them "my moment", the times when the tide is on your side, which is simply concentration of hits for an event which comes in a player's goal observation, cold blood and -of course- clear goals to have.

Thanks for your attention guys and hope to be able to report back more of his triggers. The man makes consistent money out of his triggers/observations, we must always stay open to learn from those who grind their profit efficiently :)

Best regards,


hello Victor!this is very nice way I am trying it and does the job very good.I have a question
in your example you have 1111 then 33 then 111 .we have an "event" that 3 times the doz or col appeard more than once.you say that he is waiting for a 3 time repeat on each doz or col,which is in total 9 spins.
in your example its 4repeats+2repeats+3repeats=9 spins.was this by luck?or 9 spins are a "must"?if for example I have
11-22-11 and then a single?is that a trigger(this is 6 spins).or if I have
11-22-3333 and then a single?(8spins)
thanks :)


Quote11-22-11 and then a single?is that a trigger(this is 6 spins).or if I have
11-22-3333 and then a single?(8spins)

Thanks for reading the post and sure: Yes and yes.

When you track Columns/Dozens you notice immediatly being 12-number groups the singles are more prone to clump than 2+ stacks, hence for dealer friend to lose an attack they have to clump for 5 consecutive times (which of course can happen, but it is a fine event for cooperative event-driven play waiting and catching events as they appear).




My Mate this is Bloody clever.

Your Friend is very good at condensing things down to simplicity.

So to sum up He is getting the best from both ways providing of course the Dispersions do not go against Him too much.

He can bet the Singles with trigger being the 4th consecutive single of any Dozen/Column.

And also that there will not be a double Dozen/Column repeated to the 4th & 5th Bet,after the event has happened 3 times in a row.

I loved the 3 stop loss on the Singles and the 2 stop loss on the Repeats.

How the hell did We (All the Dozen/Column Players)miss this in the past Cobber ??????.

I am going to throw Myself into studying this one Mate.

I think this is Taylor Made for the Divisor Betting.

This is Bloody good.

Thanks Mate.



Quote from: Lanky on March 31, 2009, 01:54:20 AM

My Mate this is Bloody clever.

Your Friend is very good at condensing things down to simplicity.

So to sum up He is getting the best from both ways providing of course the Dispersions do not go against Him too much.

He can bet the Singles with trigger being the 4th consecutive single of any Dozen/Column.

And also that there will not be a double Dozen/Column repeated to the 4th & 5th Bet,after the event has happened 3 times in a row.

I loved the 3 stop loss on the Singles and the 2 stop loss on the Repeats.

How the hell did We (All the Dozen/Column Players)miss this in the past Cobber ??????.

I am going to throw Myself into studying this one Mate.

I think this is Taylor Made for the Divisor Betting.

This is Bloody good.

Thanks Mate.


I ditto that too Lanky me mate cheers all


