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Started by klaki, March 24, 2012, 11:03:54 AM

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Quote from: mcmonaco on March 25, 2012, 07:27:04 AM
Izvini prijatelju ali ovu tvoju zmiju ne mogu uhvatiti ni za rep ni glavu.
Stoga odustajem.

Sorry my friend but this snake of yours can't get its head nor a tail.
Am giving up.

Proba igrati ovako: 2 spina levo,pa 1 desno,pa 1 levo,i to je to. Dakle: evo primer od 3 ciklusa :
levo,levo,desno,levo,desno,desno,levo,desno,levo,levo,desno,levo. toje to, za 3 ciklusa.


Quote from: klaki on March 25, 2012, 01:59:01 PM

Proba igrati ovako: 2 spina levo,pa 1 desno,pa 1 levo,I to je to. Dakle: evo primer od 3 ciklusa :
levo,levo,desno,levo,desno,desno,levo,desno,levo,levo,desno,levo. toje to, za 3 ciklusa.

This is what Klaki said;

Try to play thisway; 2 spins left then 1 spin right,then 1 spin left,and that's it.Well;here is example of 3 cycle;
left,left,right,left,right,right,left,right,left,left,right,left.That is it for 3 cycles.

Still can't grasp it....any of you can????


Quote from: iggiv on March 25, 2012, 12:54:41 PM
ausguy, I don't know Serbian, I know Russian, so I can understand a little, but I did translate with google translator as well and added some Russian for more clearance.

the best thing would be to ask our Croatian guys to communicate with him, their language is almost the same. I hope there be no Croatian-Serbian problems in communications here. Their war has been over for quite some time.

I can't give the advice about covering different patterns different ways, that's too complicated.

But I would give advice about testing like that: go to RX, download 20-100 k spins for each German wheel, and start working with each of them separately. Don't try to bet for long time,
just bet one "cycle" (I mean bet once till lose or win), then skip 1000 spins and bet again once,
and so on.

try different "gaps" of spins. try 1000, 2000, 3000 spins to skip.

playing for long time and skipping too few spins won't work on a long run, that's for sure.
but if a method has some merit, there is still chance it may work on hit-n-run ONCE IN A WHILE.
Lets say u come to casino, play once, and get the hell out of there to be back after a day or two, or even a week or two.

thats how it should be checked, I guess. If a few wheels show positive results like this then it does make sense to work with it.

and I don't trust progressions.

that's my 2 cents about it.

Hvala na komentaru. Pisacu na srpskom posto primecujem da se snalazite.Svaki sistem na duze staze ima manje sanse za uspeh,to mi je poznato.Zato se igra u toku igre moze menjati,nemora se stalno igrati na boju.Sema je ista (2,1,1,) ali moze se igrati na boju (crna,crvena) na manje vece (1-18) (19-36) i na ( par i nepar). A i kad se
igra samo na boju kod dobitka se ostaje na dobitnoj boji dok traje serija recimo dobije crvena (a tu smo stavili zeton) i sledece spinove igramo na crven dok god izlazi a to moze biti i 10 puta? Dakle uhvatili smo seriju i dobri smo 10 jedinica.A kad izgubimo (izadje crna) vracamo se na nasu semu (2,1,1,) i nastavljamo po njoj.Prosto zar ne.Jedina slaba strana je to sto se moze nonstop neprekidno ponavljati kombinacija 2,1,1, u nedogled ali to bi
vec znacilo da nas casino prati elektronskim putem i ja vise nikad nebih onda igrao u takvom casinu,jer on onda vara.A sto se tice progresije :

Plus iznad broja oznacava prelazak u profit od +1.To je neka vrsta odlozene progresije,tako da ako dobijemo na nekom stepenu pre znaka + onda smo na pozitivnoj nuli a posle znaka + onda profitiramo za +1 jedinicu. Ostaje nam samo 0 na ruletu ali i nju mozemo pokriti kaudjemo u progresiju od recimo 4 gubitka za redom,onda cemo zavrsiti seriju (kada dobijemo) sa 0 (bez +1 jedinica) zbog nule na kojoj smo stavili zeton,ali to je opet bolje nego da izadje 0 a da je nismo pokrili,a ako je pokrijemo onda moze slobodno da izadje jer onda dobijamo 36 eura ! i opet profitiramo.Jedina slaba tacka je beskonacno ponavljanje izlazne kombinacije (2,1,1,) ali to se moze spreciti recimo da cak i 7(sedmi spin) nedobijemo! onda odmah prelazimo na drugu vrstu igre ali po istoj semi :
na manje vece (1-18) (19-36) i na ( par i nepar).


Ig & Mc, still trying to make sense of Klakis information. It doesn't help that it's spread over 3 seperate threads = 1. Klaki, 2. Snake & 3. Snake 2.

The Corel down loads, particularly Snake 2, give most of the basics of the binary bet patterns.
Due to the enlargements some of the detail is lost. There is a pattern index on the left hand image of 17 different variants. There are some errors in the index order of lines 3,4 & 5 that mismatch the binary columns. Column 7 is hidden but is probably a 2,2,1,1. pattern using the 7th line on the pattern index.

The 17 patterns vary from 10 to 16 lines.  3 Progressions are shown 1 - 48, 1- 40  &  1 - 36 ?

How all this operates is the tough question at the moment ?

Like how do the betting triggers work? When and why do the binary columns change? Does one column follow on from the other? Why 3 different progressions. How do all 3 of the outside bet sets work here? High/low, odd/even, red/black.

More information is needed and then it can be tested.

The Serbian/English language barrier may be too great here so maybe you have it right MCMonarco and giving up is the best thing to do?


honestly i don't get too much of this info. I just saw some stiff "snake" patterns, so i decided to do what i should do in this situation. To warn u guys against being carried away by short time winnings and making conclusion, that this stuff is gonna work on a long run consistently. It won't.

it is possible may be used though carefully somehow with hit-run. But very carefully. and better combine the stuff with others. Anyway dont even think going real normal money play based on some good 100 or 200 spin results


Ig - being very cautious with all this. If we/I can find out more about it I would test it with lots of real spin results. If it doesn't work in testing then I sure ain't going to spend any money on it that's for sure.

Besides as I've already said in my previous post - The Serbian/English language barrier may be too great. I may be on the nowhere with all this?


Quote from: ausguy on March 25, 2012, 04:42:46 PM
Ig & Mc, still trying to make sense of Klakis information. It doesn't help that it's spread over 3 seperate threads = 1. Klaki, 2. Snake & 3. Snake 2.

The Corel down loads, particularly Snake 2, give most of the basics of the binary bet patterns.
Due to the enlargements some of the detail is lost. There is a pattern index on the left hand image of 17 different variants. There are some errors in the index order of lines 3,4 & 5 that mismatch the binary columns. Column 7 is hidden but is probably a 2,2,1,1. pattern using the 7th line on the pattern index.

The 17 patterns vary from 10 to 16 lines.  3 Progressions are shown 1 - 48, 1- 40  &  1 - 36 ?

How all this operates is the tough question at the moment ?

Like how do the betting triggers work? When and why do the binary columns change? Does one column follow on from the other? Why 3 different progressions. How do all 3 of the outside bet sets work here? High/low, odd/even, red/black.

More information is needed and then it can be tested.

The Serbian/English language barrier may be too great here so maybe you have it right MCMonarco and giving up is the best thing to do?

The basic scheme (form) for the chosen snake is 2,1,1. I have tried to do more snakes but this proved to be my best. Table of binary combinations, I worked in corel draw and a snake because it's very convenient program which can do everything I need in order to shift the tables of various snakes examined all my snakes that I did. Opening corel draw get a screen display on the monitor and then open the program (Snagit) that would create a painting as the image in (jpg) egsistenciji of a file in corel draw (cdr) formatu.Zato I made pictures (jpg) to be could put in attach. The attach can not be explicitly set the file (cdr)
By nice when setting attach the formats can be fastened to the post. Leave me your e mail I will send you (cdr) colelov file and you will see everything if you have installed corel state program.Nista not deliberately hidden by the dropped files. As far as progression is slightly reduced so that only the number where the + sign above the cross of + 1 (profit)
One must see the whole file, but the cdr formatu.


Klaki - Can you show a full test of your SNAKE SYSTEM with your bets plus wins and losses using roulette wheel numbers?

For example - go to CHILD BOARD site on this VLS Forum. Look on page 1 - go down to 7th last thread from bottom = PATTERNS - click on that. Find post by Member BOMBUS reply# 10 - Date
December 29 - 2011.  05: 49 :29am.  BOMBUS used spin numbers from Live dealer online Roulette Dublinbet. He listed 300 spins.

This is only to help you to show us how to bet YOUR SNAKE SYSTEM.  HOW TO SET IT OUT so we can then test your system also.

The PATTERN SYSTEM has nothing to do with your SNAKE play.

It is just an easy way to explain everything as it's a betting picture. Writing an explaination with 1,000's of words is always tough.


Klaki - Correction for BOMBUS post - Go to Full Roulette Systems - Then follow the PATTERNS information.

